Avengersi su udruženi nastavili da štite svijet od zla koje niti jedan od heroja ne bi mogao sam da savlada, ali sada im prijeti nova opasnost koja dolazi iz kosmičkih sjena: Thanos.

Priča o ljubavi, boli, prihvaćanju i da, sjajnoj glazbi. Slavljenje Freddijeva talenta i legendarnog rock benda, koji je svojom glazbom i osjećajem za avanturu i specifičnim nastupima prekršio sva pravila tadašnje scene.

Tajni vojni projekt ugrožava Neo-Tokio kada člana motorističke bande pretvori u razularenog psihičkog psihopata kojeg samo dva tinejdžera i skupina vidovnjaka mogu zaustaviti.

Adaptacija istoimene autobiografije Solomona Northupa iz 1853., o otmici slobodnog Afroamerikanca u Washingtonu 1841. i prodaji u ropstvo u kojem je proveo 12 godina radeći na plantaži.

A young woman urgently seeks to navigate the maze of contemporary Taipei and find a future. She hopes that her boyfriend Lung is the key to the future, but Lung is stuck in a past that combines baseball and traditional loyalty that leads him to squander his nest egg bailing her father out of financial trouble.

An aspiring photographer tries to convince a girl to pose for his "art photos" by pretending to be a director. Ngo Dong (by Ha) dreams of becoming a famous actress. Quang Hy (by Hai) wants to take nude “artistic’ photos. They meet and Quang Hy lies that he’s a director to get Ngo Dong to participate in taking photos. Their relationship begins.

In the aftermath of the Bay of Pigs incident, Sergio chooses to stay behind in Cuba while his wife and family escape to neighboring Miami. Alone in a brave new world, Sergio observes the constant threat of foreign invasion while chasing young women all over Havana. He finally meets Elena, a young girl he seeks to mould into the image of his ex-wife, but at what cost to himself?

Patrick Bateman (C. Bale) mladi je stručnjak za financije zaposlen u uglednoj tvrtki. Poput njegovih kolega, Bateman nosi skupocjena odijela, živi u iznimno luksuznom stanu, održava tijelo u izvrsnoj kondiciji i s lakoćom zavodi žene. Bateman je zaručen za privlačnu no ispraznu Evelyn (R. Witherspoon) i često je vara sa djevojkom njegovog najboljeg prijatelja i brojnim prostitutkama. Iako ostavlja dojam normalnog poslovnog čovjeka, Bateman je zapravo teški psihopat, nasilnik koji jednom prilikom bez ikakvog razloga okrutno ubije prosjaka koji je od njega na ulici zatražio pomoć. Samouvjeren i lišen bilo kakvih osjećaja, Bateman se nakon toga upušta u seriju okrutnih ubojstava koju započinje smaknućem poslovnog suradnika Paula Allena (J. Leto). Allenov nestanak istražuje detektiv Donald Kimball (W. Dafoe), no Bateman nema namjeru prestati sa svojim nedjelima...

A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

Shallow, rich and socially successful Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hills high school's pecking scale. Seeing herself as a matchmaker, Cher first coaxes two teachers into dating each other. Emboldened by her success, she decides to give hopelessly klutzy new student Tai a makeover. When Tai becomes more popular than she is, Cher realizes that her disapproving ex-stepbrother was right about how misguided she was -- and falls for him.

Zadivljujuća istinita priča o sudbonosnom putovanju Donalda Crowhursta, amaterskog jedriličara koji ulazi u najsmjeliji nautički izazov ikada – prvu solo, neprekidnu, utrku oko svijeta.

Sally Hawkins tumači lik žene zaposlene u vladinom laboratoriju maksimalne sigurnosti, koja žudi s nekim stvoriti odnos. No, to se sve promijeni kada otkrije da se u laboratoriju čuva neobično biće, koje ima nevjerojatne ljudske karakteristike. Njih dvoje stvore neobičnu povezanost, unatoč protivljenju nemilosrdnih čuvara.

An account of the life and work of legendary Japanese actor Toshirō Mifune (1920-97), the most prominent actor of the Golden Age of Japanese cinema.

Kad mu se stariji brat, nekadašnji vođa bande, vrati u grad, problematični ga mladić pokušava oponašati.

Tehnički stručnjak Martin Bishop predvodi tim odmetnutih hakera koji se rutinski angažiraju da testiraju sigurnosne sustave, ali njegova prošlost donosi posljedice kada vladini agenti prisile tim da izvrši tajno vraćanje nedostižne crne kutije.

A gripping and chilling thriller that brings us to a hazy mountain village where an enigmatic detective is investigating the sudden disappearance of fifteen-year-old girl.

After interning her insane husband in a remote psychiatric hospital, book editor Helga Pato returns home by train, where she meets a mysterious man who identifies himself as a psychiatrist.

Mark 13 is a government-built killing machine programmed with artificial intelligence, able to repair and recharge itself from any energy source. Through a series of coincidences, the cyborg's head ends up in the home of a sculptress as a bizarre Christmas present from her boyfriend. Once inside its new home, the cyborg promptly reconstructs the rest of its body using a variety of household utensils and proceeds to go on a murderous rampage.

After standing in as best man for his longtime friend Carl Petersen, Randy Dupree loses his job, becomes a barfly and attaches himself to the newlywed couple almost permanently -- as their houseguest. But the longer Dupree camps out on their couch, the closer he gets to Carl's bride, Molly, leaving the frustrated groom wondering when his pal will be moving out.