Short film built from photographs, sped up like a traditional stop motion and is meant to be an evocation of the English Eerie and Folk Horror.
Frank Wagner goes deeper undercover to infiltrate Europe's most dangerous Mafia, the Russian-est, consisting of ex - KGB officers.
After the death of his foster parents, a young businessman goes into a journey in search of his biological mother. During the search he faces the social and religious prejudice that surrounds the LGBTTQ Brazilian community.
Gordon Anderson (CIA. Ninja. Ninja Hunter) must face his toughest challenge yet when King Ninja steals a top secret formula known as DAK10 that can activate the desire to kill...
There are moments in our lives when our whole being is put to the test. Our ideals, our ambitions, are forgotten and we crave for escape. Escape into our world of dreams. And such is Anuradha's (Leela Naidu) story. The daughter of a rich man, she has everything she desired, yet she goes on to marry Dr. Nirmal Chowdhary (Balraj Sahni), an idealistic doctor, who wants to serve the poor in the villages of India. Later when she is shown what she is missing by living with this poor doctor, she has to make the choice. The choice of her life or her love.
Claudina je tradiční venkovská žena. Po manželově smrti se z ní stane samotářka, která upadne do rutiny. Claudina, která se záhy ocitne v tíživé ekonomické situaci, se musí přestěhovat ke svému milovanému vnukovi Cristóbalovi a dceři Alejandře, přestože je vztah mezi oběma ženami poněkud napjatý. Tam se Claudina seznámí se sousedkou Elsou, nezávislou vdanou ženou, která zpívá ve skrytém baru s názvem "Porvenir" (Budoucnost.) Claudina naváže s Elsou vztah a zamiluje se do ní. Od té chvíle se vydává na cestu za osvobozením, ačkoli ji její dcera a přátelé v nábožensky založeném a konzervativním městečku, které je posedlé pozorováním UFO, odsuzují.
A young South Seas native boy is sent to the U.S. for his education and returns to his island after his father dies to try to stop a revolution.
In a square room, two men and two women, in white body-hugging clothes, try on wrestling holds, each with a partner of the same sex.
A story about capitalistic corruption in a small village and the personal struggles of Anka (Vera Marinich) as she is pregnant and abandoned by her lover.
Suzie and Samuel have known each other since childhood. With their friend Judith, they form a friendly trio. Now in their mid-twenties, at the age when everything is possible but nothing is easy, they find themselves at a crossroads.
Young, innocent, and quirky June (Felicia Day), a violinist, spends her days working in an oddball Venice coffee shop, her nights rehearsing for a professional music career, and all-hours daydreaming about the beautiful man that's destined just for her. When she actually meets him in her own apartment building, she finds out Jack (Chris Henry Coffey) is engaged to the quintessential gorgeous bitch, Quinn (Cindy Dolenc). The conflict ensues and the romance is tested. Whether it's indulging her loony Grandma (Ellen Geer) through rehearsals of her own funeral, or dealing with the overzealous video-store manager (Ted Michaels) and his crush, June stumbles through her potential love life, her best friend Mary at her side.
A journalist desperately tries to find his missing fiancee and finally uncover the truth behind a sinister folklore, leading him down a dangerous road of discovery.
Annie falls in love with a circus clown, but her circus-hating father forbids their romance. Until a fire breaks out...
Vědci se rozhodli, že provedou experiment s názvem Den V. V tento virtuální den nechají nasimulovat výbuch 1400 sopek po celé planetě a zjistí, jaký by to mělo dopad na lidstvo a přírodu... Celovečerní snímek Planeta sopek pokládá palčivou otázku: co by se stalo, kdyby během jediného dne vybuchly všechny sopky světa? V dnešní době soptí okolo čtyřiceti vulkánů a další spící obři se mohou kdykoli probudit k životu. Připojíme se k vědcům ze všech koutů světa, kteří využívají nejmodernější technologii ve snaze pochopit a předvídat vulkanickou činnost. Díky pozoruhodným záběrům zachycujícím sopečné výbuchy minulosti i současnosti, které doplňují digitální animace založené na nejnovějších zjištěních z posledních výzkumů, pronikneme rovnou do srdce vulkánů. Odhalte planetu sopek a získejte nový, dechberoucí pohled na pozoruhodné síly, které už několik milionů let utvářejí náš svět.