The story of the life and career of the baseball hall of famer, Lou Gehrig.

A meeting in a London bus with jewel thief Lady Christina takes a turn for the worse for the Doctor when the bus takes a detour to a desert-like planet, where the deadly Swarm awaits.

A writer accidentally shoots his blackmailer and tries to hide the body.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Disney's animated adaptation of Prokofiev's masterpiece, in which every character is represented musically by a different instrument. Young Peter decides to go hunting for the wolf that's been prowling around the village. Along the way, he is joined by his friends the bird, the duck and the cat. All the fun comes to end, however, when the wolf makes an appearance. Will Peter and his friends live to tell of their adventures?

This film follows the remarkable and inspirational true story of Paul Potts, a shy, bullied shop assistant by day and an amateur opera singer by night.

U žandarmeriji u Saint-Tropezu vlada opsadno stanje, jer 1. srpnja označava početak ljetnih praznika i dolazak mnogobrojnih vozača. Stoga konjički dočasnik Ludovic Cruchot, njegov vjerni pomoćnik Jérôme Gerber, te kolege Berlicot, Tricard, Merlot i Fougasseom organiziraju cjelodnevne ophodnje kako bi doskočili neodgovornim vozačima. Kad čangrizavi Cruchot napokon pomisli da je stao na kraj jednom od njih, ispostavi se da je vlasnica automobila atraktivna udovica Josépha u koju se očarani žandar zaljubi do ušiju...

This film finds Angélique in a North African Muslim kingdom where she is now part of the Sultan's harem. The first part of the film consist of her angrily refusing to be bedded as well as their trying to literally beat some sense into her. It all seems to go on too long and I was surprised that the Sultan simply didn't have her killed. Late in the film, she finally decides to escape with the help of two Christian prisoners.

Proslavljeni pripadnici žandarmerije u Saint-Tropezu tuguju. Nakon toliko godina predanog rada odlaze u mirovinu, pa konjički dočasnik Ludovic Cruchot, njegov pomoćnik Jérôme Gerber, te još četvorica žandara, Berlicot, Tricard, Merlot i Fougasse, moraju što prije smisliti kako živjeti bez uniforme. Mirovina najteže padne energičnom Cruchotu koji se dosađuje u dvorcu svoje bogate supruge Joséphe. Stvari se promijene kad Cruchotov kolega Fougasse počne patiti od gubitka pamćenja, pa se njegovi bivši kolege dosjete da ponovno obuku uniforme i krenu u ophodnju ulicama Saint-Tropeza kako bi se nesretni Fougasse na taj način prisjetio prošlosti...

Nakon što je u Saint-Tropezu postao pravi junak, konjički dočasnik u mjesnoj policiji Ludovic Cruchot (L. de Funès) dobiva novo priznanje. Sa svojim podređenima predstavljat će Francusku na Međunarodnom kongresu policije koji se uskoro održava u New Yorku. Stoga ponosni Cruchot (L. de Funès) i njegov pomoćnik Jérôme Gerber (M. Galabru) krenu sa svojim kolegama Berlicotom (Modo), Tricartom (Grosso), Merlotom (C. Marin) i Fougasseom (J. Lefebvre) na put u SAD vjerujući da će tamo dostojno predstaviti svoju domovinu. No, šestorici se policajaca nevolje počnu događati već na prekooceanskom brodu na koji se potajno ukrca i Cruchotova kći Nicole (G. Gard)...

When the Rugrats find themselves stranded on a deserted island, they meet the Thornberrys, a family who agrees to help them escape.

Littlefoot befriends with a mysterious, fun-loving dolphin-like creature named Mo, who is trapped in "new water" caused by heavy rain. The gang then goes on an adventure to the "big water" to bring Mo home.

When Littlefoot grandfather falls ill, The dinosaurs only way to cure him is a flower in the forbidding land of mist which hold unexpecting perils and danger.

When the dinosaur families get trapped in a valley by an ice storm, one family of "spike tail" dinosaurs volunteers to leave since they consume more food than the others. Meanwhile, the young dinos and a new adult dinosaur named Mr. Thicknose, head out to bring back their friend Spike, who has left his friends to be with members of his own species.

U novom su nastavku, kroz niz nesporazuma, Alvin, Simon i Theodore uvjereni kako je Dave odlučio zaprositi svoju novu djevojku u New Yorku. Tri vjeverice odlučuju krenuti na put kako bi ga u tome spriječili, no imaju samo tri dana da ga zaustave i ujedno smanje mogućnost da dobiju užasnog polubrata.

The first wedding anniversary of Princess Odette and Prince Derek is distracted by field fires set by Knuckles. His master Clavius, wants to conquer the world, and he needs to capture a giant orb to do that. Clavius kidnaps Queen Uberta and Odette with Derek have to save her.

The royal couple Odette and Derek face yet another evil magician, this time a woman named Zelda. Lusting for the treasure of the Forbidden Arts, which will give her absolute power, Zelda kidnaps Odette as ransom. Derek and several animal friends head off to rescue Odette

Matt Stifler, mlađi brat legendarnog Stevea Stiflera, koji je u međuvremenu postao cijenjeni holivudski pornografski producent, pati zbog toga što se njegovi ljubavni uspjesi nikako ne mogu mjeriti s onima njegovoga starijeg brata. Kada ga jednom prigodom uhvate u psini koja je uključivala instrumente školskog orkestra, školski ga savjetnik iskoristi kako bi izliječio svoje frustracije još iz Steveova vremena pa Matta kazni osudivši ga na ljetovanje u kampu školskih muzičara. Isprva shrvan zbog toga, Matt shvaća kako bi se uz brojne djevojke mogao i dobro zabaviti.

As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.