每年樱花飘飞的四月,是日本大学开学的日子。与父母家人告别后,北海道的17岁少女榆野卯月(松隆子Takako Matsu 饰)只身来到东京武藏野大学开始了新的生活。陌生的城市、崭新的环境以及新结识的同学和邻居都有点让她不知所措。班里组织新生作自我介绍,当被人问到为何选择武藏野大学时,榆野卯月突然表现得十分紧张。原来高中时代的榆野卯月一直暗恋着比自己大一届的同学山崎,正是由于山崎去年到武藏野大学上学,卯月才追随而来的。卯月经常怀着着份暗恋之情前往山崎打工的武藏野书店,最后她终于在一个雨天与山崎进行了交谈。离开书店后,卯月在雨中突然想到成绩不佳的自己竟然通过努力考到了著名的武藏野大学,这真堪称爱的奇迹


  法国新浪潮名将弗朗科依斯.特鲁芬特自导自演的代表作之一,根据十八世纪法国的一宗真人真事改编。   一名小孩子在丛林中长大,被带回文明社会。弗朗科依斯.特鲁芬特饰演的医生用耐心教导这个野孩子一点一滴地适应新的生活,又让他学习听话和说话,终于达成了两人之间的沟通。本片用最基本的电影技巧平实交代故事,将镜头焦点完全集中在医生与野孩子之间的互动过程,看来有点平淡,但流露出浓厚的文化色彩,对人类学感兴趣的观众尤其不可错过。

17 years after Regalo di Natale the same 5 players for a new challenge. Who can trust who?

When a neurotic hotel manager fires a maid for allegedly stealing a laptop, her son swears revenge and begins to expose his deepest secrets — only to regret it after falling for his daughter.

  克莱儿(阿奈丝·德穆斯捷 Anaïs Demoustier 饰)与罗拉(伊希尔·勒·贝斯柯 Isild Le Besco 饰)从7岁起就是要好朋友,这对闺蜜分享成长过程中所有的甜酸苦痛,然而罗拉在生完女 儿露西后就因病逝世,留下哀伤的丈夫戴维(罗曼·杜里斯 Romain Duris 饰)独自抚养女儿。身为教母的克莱儿决心遵守对罗拉的承诺,好好照顾戴维和露西,但自己却陷在好友离去的阴影中,难以平复。   某日她鼓起勇气去探望戴维,却惊见对方戴上假发、一身女装,浓妆艳抹的给婴儿喂奶。原来戴维一直都有变装癖好——克莱儿从开始发现时的震撼,转变为协助隐瞒,甚至鼓励对方穿上女装和她外出购物,这让她隐约找回了罗拉相处时的姐妹情谊。然而为了维持这段特殊关系,克莱儿需要对自己的丈夫吉尔(拉斐尔·佩尔索纳 Raphaël Personnaz 饰)不断撒谎,终于陷入由友情、爱情、偷情交织的欲望迷宫无法自拔…...


A causa del lavoro, Matteo, è sempre stato lontano dalla famiglia. Un giorno viene informato della morte del figlio Marco a causa di un'overdose di ecstasy. Il giornalista non demorde, e decide di unirsi ad un gruppo della Squadra di Polizia anti-droga di Milano e filmare le catture degli spacciatori e dei consumatori di droga. Il suo vero scopo è quello di scoprire tutto sulla morte del figlio.

The misadventures of Attila and his band of barbarians as they take up arms against the Roman Empire in their native Milano


Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.

Summer 1994. Berlusconi has come into power and 16-year-old Elena, listening to Nirvana and starting to develop a political consciousness, can't wait to bring him down. Unfortunately her parents have other plans and, like every year, they head to the same boring summer camp. This year however they're all in for a surprise...

In a well-known ski resort, a couple has the brilliant idea to open a "4-legged hotel" where people can stay during the Christmas holidays in the company of their beloved pets. Trouble begins when the place is invaded by dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and parrots (not to mention their owners!).

  年轻的迈克(史蒂夫·茨恩 Steve Zahn 饰)负责打理爸妈开的一家汽车旅馆,一天,他看到一个漂亮的女孩苏(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)前来住店,颇为兴奋,当晚便开了一支香槟登门拜访,在一来一往的暧昧与酒精的催化下,他们很快发生了关系。然而汽车旅馆的一夜情终究是明朝各自飞,但当苏回家之后,迈克却渐渐发现自己爱上了苏,于是他飞到苏的城市找她,两人也在交往中渐渐了解彼此,并决定一起开始一段跨越美国的远行。然而就在迈克以为自己的未来将和这位女子幸福地捆绑在一起之时,他却得知苏又回到了有钱有权的前男友身边,并已有身孕,准备结婚了。似乎瞬间失去生活重心的迈克还能否重新找回爱情? ©豆瓣

An irrepressible passion blossoms between 27 year-old aspiring writer Stefania, and Stefano, a 15 year-old high school student. Their unusual relationship obviously baffles friends and relatives of both components of the unusual couple. Can their feelings withstand their own fears and the pressure of society ? ...

A Milanese businessman is beside himself when his son tells him he's going to marry the daughter of a pizza maker from Naples.

When a girl with a promising future finds herself in financial straits, she makes an agreement with an older man and struggles to keep it secret.

Two wealthy Roman sisters, Marina and Sabrina, the first betrayed wife of a homosexual surgeon, the second left by her multi-horned husband, escape from their respective failures and take a vacation at Circeo, in a splendid villa by the sea. With them there is also Lorena, Marina's masseuse, who has also returned from a sentimental disappointment, and after a few days they are joined by Caterina, the third sister, costume designer for the cinema. She decided each of her in her own way to solve her problems with men, they will end up victims of a seducer and scoundrel writer, but they will always know how to get back on their feet.