Režisieriaus Christopher Nolan epinis trileris pasakoja apie amerikiečių fiziką J. Robertą Openheimerį, vadovavusį atominės bombos kūrimo programoje „Manheteno projektas“. R. Openheimeriui priklauso idėja suburti visus fizikus, dirbančius atominės bombos srityje, į vieningą mokslinį centrą Los Alamose, JAV.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

Kartmano pažįstamo ir mylimo gyvenimo pabaigą pranašauja nerimą keliantys sapnai. Dirbtinio intelekto atėjimui keičiant visuomenę, Pietų Parko suaugusieji kovoja su savo asmeniniais sprendimais.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 11–14, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro ventures to the south-southeast where he encounters a cowardly young man named Zenitsu Agatsuma. He is a fellow survivor from Final Selection and his sparrow asks Tanjiro to help keep him in line.

Lu has a perfect life. Or so she pretends to have. She meets the handsome, short-tempered Argentinian, Diego, who is on a visit to Mexico, and she is confident to get him head over heels in love with her. In order to win a wager with her friends, her life will take a turn when she does the impossible to win him over, including taking a trip to Argentina to look for him.

At Christmastime in Bikini Bottom, everyone's excited except Plankton, who always gets a lump of coal from Santa. But he vows this year he'll finally get his wish – the Krabby Patty formula! And it won't be by being good. He's gonna make everyone in Bikini Bottom bad!

Neblėstantis nuotykių ieškotojas ir žingeidus archeologas-tyrėjas vis dar yra balne. Šį kartą jam teks susidurti su sunkia užduotimi, kurią vargu ar pavyks išspręsti vieną ar du kartus. Tačiau ar tas pats Indiana Džounsas pasiduos ir atsitrauks išvydęs net beviltiškiausią situaciją? Tai mažai tikėtina! Todėl beprotiški nuotykiai ir nesibaigiančios intrigos atgimsta putojančioje visame pasaulyje žinomos sagos apie „paprastą herojų“ Indianą Džounsą tęsinyje.

In the wake of her prom scandal, Princess Margrethe longs for normalcy as she struggles to maintain her perfect facade while dealing with family drama.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?

Kuomet tuometinis Paryžiaus meras Žakas Širakas 1995-aisiais buvo išrinktas Prancūzijos prezidentu, jo žmona Bernadeta pasijuto pagaliau sulaukusi pelnyto atlygio ir savęs verto Pirmosios ponios titulo. Galų gale, ji juk buvo kilusi iš senos prancūzų aristokratų giminės ir visą santuokinį gyvenimą tyliai, kantriai ir su rūpesčiu palaikė savo vyrą viso jo svaiginančio politinio skrydžio metu. Deja, šviežiai iškepta Pirmoji ponia visuomenėje buvo užsitarnavusi senamadiškos, šaltos, reiklios, griežtos, irzlios ir įkyrokos damos reputaciją. Prezidentūros darbuotojai nebuvo išimtis. Nusprendusi, kad tai reikia pakeisti, Bernadeta ėmėsi veikti. Pirmiausia Pirmoji ponia pasikvietė Karlą Lagerfeldą, kad šis visiškai pakeistų jos aprangos stilių. Tuomet nusprendė pakeisti ir savo elgesį. Kitaip sakant – pademonstruoti charakterį.

Eddie Garrick is a good-hearted man who has lost his belief in the wonder of Christmas. While spending time with his nine-year-old daughter Charlotte on Christmas Eve, he befriends a mysterious man in a red suit named Nick.

A group of unwitting sorority sisters accidentally awaken the serial-killing Leprechaun after they build a sorority house on his hunting grounds.

Niujorko sporto žurnalistė Mak (Gina Rodriguez) kartu su geriausiu draugu Adamu (Damonas Wayansas jaunesnysis) ir savo komanda daugelį metų rengė sėkmingus „žaidimus“. Nors per daugelį metų tai leido užmegzti daugybę vienos nakties nuotykių, tačiau egzistuoja griežtos taisyklės, tarp kurių svarbiausia - negalima kurti santykių iš žaidimų. Kai Mak netikėtai įsimyli naujausią savo taikinį, žavų karo korespondentą Niką (Tom Ellis), ji pradeda iš naujo svarstyti apie žaidimą. Kai ribos tarp darbo, linksmybių, draugystės ir romantikos ima nykti, Mak turi išmokti, ko reikia, kad nuo paprasto pasiekimo būtų pereita prie žaidimo iki galo.

Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

A young woman seeks vengeance and finds love when her parents are killed in the Amazon and she is taken prisoner by an indigenous tribe of headhunters.

Diabolik narrowly escapes Inspector Ginko's latest trap, leaving his partner in crime Eva Kant behind. Furious, Eva offers Ginko her help in capturing him, but the former has to face first the return of an old flame of his, noblewoman Altea.

Omar, better known as Omar the Strawberry, is an old-fashioned bandit. Forced to flee to Algeria, he makes a living out of petty crime, accompanied by his famous sidekick Roger. After decades of ruling the French criminal underworld, they must come to terms with their new life together, which until now has been one of debauchery and violence.

Set in the 1800s, the film is about a "dacoit" tribe who take charge in fight for their rights and independence against the British.