With only a year left to live, 17-year-old Akito finds new meaning in life by bringing joy to a terminally ill girl who has just six months remaining.

Determined to ensure Superman's ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions.

Injustice and the demands of the world can cause stress for many people. Some of them, however, explode. This includes a waitress serving a grouchy loan shark, an altercation between two motorists, an ill-fated wedding reception, and a wealthy businessman who tries to buy his family out of trouble.

Remy ei ole sugugi mitte tavaline rotipoiss - nimelt on teda õnnistatud ülitundliku maitsmismeelega ja seetõttu keeldub ta kategooriliselt suhu toppimast kõiksugu prügi, mis muidu rottide söögitabelis auväärsel kohal figureerivad. Remy iseäralikud maitseeelistused tekitavad omajagu kummastust ka tema pereliikmete seast, sest rotid on harjunud endale suhu pistma enam-vähem kõike, mida nad leiavad... Seetõttu ei saa nad üldse aru ka Remy suurest unistuseks - saada ühel ilusal päeval kokaks. Teda innustavad teel oma eesmärgi poole ka meisterkokk Gusteau sõnad: kõik oskavad süüa teha.

Tegevus toimub 17. sajandi Kariibi merel, mida valitsesid mereröövlid ja koloniaalvallutajad. Seiklus algab kui vaimudest piraatide kapten Barbossa röövib kohaliku kuberneripreili Elizabeth Swanni , keda asuvad jälitama tema austaja Will Turner ja piraat Jack Sparrow . Will ega Jack ei tea, et nende vastased on surematud vaimud, kes kannatavad needuse all. Needusest aitaks vabaneda Elizabethi veri ja kaelakee.

Staaridest kubisevas märulikomöödias „Džentelmenid” üritab Suurbritannia narkoparun oma kasumlikku marihuaanaimpeeriumit Oklahoma miljardäridele maha müüa.

Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.

Complications arise in a director's attempt to film a scene in Life, and Nothing more... (1992).

César, an unhappy concierge, maintains a peculiar relationship with the very diverse inhabitants of the upper-class apartment building where he works in Barcelona.

Barbiemaal elamine tähendab, et oled täiuslikus kohas täiuslik olevus. Kui sul just täielikku eksistentsi kriisi pole. Või kui oled Ken.

Taking place after the events of Assassin's Creed: Revelations in the year 1524 in Tuscany, follow the retired Assassin Ezio Auditore as he teams up with Shao Jun during his final battles.

Jamaican singer-songwriter Bob Marley overcomes adversity to become the most famous reggae musician in the world.

Anna returns home after spending time in a psychiatric facility following her mother's tragic death and discovers that her mother's former nurse, Rachel, has moved into their house and become engaged to her father. Soon after she learns this shocking news, Anna is visited by her mother's ghost, who warns her that Rachel has evil intentions.

An extremely wealthy elderly man dying from cancer undergoes a radical medical procedure that transfers his consciousness to the body of a healthy young man but everything may not be as good as it seems when he starts to uncover the mystery of the body's origins and the secret organization that will kill to keep its secrets.

Balto and his daughter Aleu embark on a journey of adventure and self discovery.

An ex-lawyer and his team run an underworld service, they seek the most desperate and greedy to become fake criminals to take the fall for the rich and powerful's crimes in a process known as `Criminal Audition'.

Võimas kuninganna Taramis lubab Conanil oma armastatu surma kuningriigist tagasi viia, kuid seab tingimuse: ta peab talle tooma legendaarse vääriskividega kaetud sarve ja ilusa noore printsessi. Mida Conan eirab, on see, et kuninganna soovib sarve kasutada magava jumala Dagothi äratamiseks ja noore printsessi ohverdamiseks. Surmavate ja üleloomulike vaenlaste ees peab Conan kokku kutsuma Hea jõud, et lüüa Taramis ja isegi jumal Dagoth.

A ragtag group following the lead of a world-renowned astrologer attempt to thwart an impending invasion by a creature fed up with the mistreatment of their kin.

Jesse becomes reunited with Willy three years after the whale's jump to freedom as the teenager tries to rescue the killer whale and other orcas from an oil spill.