At the height of the Great Depression, the showman of a renowned circus leads his troupe through the devastated American landscape, lifting the spirits of audiences along the way. During their travels, they discover a man without limbs at a carnival sideshow. However, after an intriguing encounter with the showman, he becomes driven to hope against everything he has ever believed.

An orphaned cheetah becomes the best friend and pet of a young boy living in South Africa.

An enigmatic actress may have a hidden agenda when she auditions for a part in a misogynistic writer's play.

Ewald moved to Romania years ago. Now in his 40s, he seeks a fresh start. Leaving his girlfriend, he moves to the hinterland. With young boys from the area, he transforms a decaying school into a fortress. The children enjoy a new, carefree existence. But the distrust of the villagers is soon awoken. And Ewald is forced to confront a truth he has long suppressed. Sparta is the brother film to Rimini (2022), and the conclusion of Ulrich Seidl's diptych about the inescapability of the past and the pain of finding yourself.

Yuli is the nickname given to Carlos Acosta by his father, Pedro, who considers him the son of Ogun, an African god and a fighter. As a child Yuli avoids discipline and education, learning from the streets of an impoverished and abandoned Havana. His father, however, has other ideas, and knowing that his son has a natural talent for dance, sends him to the National Ballet School of Cuba. Despite his repeated escapes and initial poor behaviour, the boy is inevitably drawn to the world of dance, and begins to shape his legendary career from a young age, becoming the first black dancer to be cast in some of the most prestigious ballet roles, originally written for white dancers, in companies such as the Houston Ballet or the Royal Ballet in London.

Martie 1965. În timpul Războiului Rece, SUA și URSS se luptă pentru supremația în spațiu. Ceea ce urmăresc ambele superputeri în această cursă este să fie prima care are un om să meargă în spațiul cosmic. Pentru a realiza acest lucru, niciun preț nu este prea mare și niciun risc nu este prea mare. Acum depinde de improbabilul duo format dintr-un veteran de război experimentat și un pilot de testare aprins să îndeplinească această misiune. Doi bărbați într-o navă spațială minusculă, fără teste adecvate, înfruntând necunoscutul complet. Trebuiau să facă ceea ce nimeni nu a făcut până acum – și niciun om nu și-a imaginat ce se va întâmpla în continuare.

Fed up with the hectic, senseless world he lives in, Teddy decides to settle down alone in Siberia, in the midst of winter, in a hut by the shore of Lake Baikal. After an initial period of elation in front of the splendor and magic of unspoiled nature, Teddy soon finds himself confronted with the less glossy side of things : solitude, extreme cold, the necessity to find food, danger... One night Teddy gets lost in a blizzard and would be doomed to a certain death, were it not for Aleksei, a Russian convict living hidden away in the forest nearby, who rescues him in extremis. Friendship soon blossoms between the two men...

The crew of a medical helicopter suffers an accident when helping a joint force of USA and United Nations troops under Spanish command division in Afghanistan. The Spanish army has only one night to organize the rescue of the crew and injured, but what seems routine turns into hell once they receive the order to rescue the helicopter as well. Things only get worse when during the night a huge a concentration of Talibans begin surround them.

When ISIS took their homes, families and city, one group of men fought to take it all back. Based on true events, this is the story of the Nineveh SWAT team, a renegade police unit who waged a guerrilla operation against ISIS in a desperate struggle to save their home city of Mosul.

Master filmmaker Alexander Sokurov (Russian Ark) transforms a portrait of the world-renowned museum into a magisterial, centuries-spanning reflection on the relation between art, culture and power.

Kings should be treated courteously! At least, that's what famous music critic Georg thinks. But he finds himself counting pennies when his chief editor suddenly fires him from the Viennese newspaper for which he has been writing for decades. While keeping his dismissal a secret from his psychotherapist wife Johanna, whose mind is occupied solely by getting pregnant, Georg begins to plot his revenge.

Trădat de guvernul spaniol pe care l-a slujit cândva, un fost agent secret plănuiește să fure milioanele de dolari escrocate de către un oficial corupt.

You will see Travis Pastrana and the whole Nitro Circus crew perform some of the most ridiculous, awe-inspiring, and simply insane stunts ever caught on camera. Coming to you in three dimensional glory, it will feel like you are there sitting shotgun with the crew.

Paige, o studentă la medicină din Wisconsin, caută să-și atingă scopurile de-o viață. Eduard, prințul moștenitor al Danemarcei, caută o scăpare din viața pe care nu dorește să o urmeze. Dorind să evadeze din viața sa regală, pleacă la Wisconsin și se prezintă drept "Eddie", student la un colegiu.

Însoțit de sclavul său, un soldat Roman călătorește în ținuturile scoțiene pentru a recupera emblema de mult timp pierdută a Legiunii a IX-a și a reface onoarea tatălui său.

Through five stories, the movie addresses sex and love: Paco and Ana are a marriage looking for reactivate the passion of their sexual relations, long time unsatisfied; Jose Luis tries to recover the affections of his wife Paloma, sit down on a wheelchair after an accident which has limited her mobility; Mª Candelaria and Antonio are a marriage trying by all way to be parents, but she has the trouble that no get an orgasm when make love with him; Álex try to satisfy Natalia's fantasies, while she starts to doubt if he finally will ask her in marriage; and finally, Sandra is a single woman in a permanent searching for a man to fall in love. All them love, fear, live and explore their diverse sexual paraphilias and the different sides of sexuality, trying to find the road to happiness.

O analiză în prim-plan a provincialismului spaniol, reprezentat de un bărbat din Țara Bascilor care încearcă să împiedice căsătoria dintre fiica lui și un catalan.

Mikel will marry Julia, owner of a major jewelry he inherited from his parents. During the party in announcing their commitment, Mikel meets Ari, one of the waitresses catering. The attraction that arises between them will make Mikel is interested in the world of Ari: illegal motor racing. Then, the protagonist of this story decides to leave Julia without knowing the true intentions of the person who has seduced. Ari and her boyfriend, Navas, have hatched a plan to get around Mikel jewelry made ​​with his ex-girlfriend.

Când Air Force One este doborât de terorişti, iar preşedintele Statelor Unite ale Americii este forţat să rătăcească prin sălbaticie, există o singură persoană care îl poate salva - un băiat de 13 ani pe nume Oskari. Aflat în pădure la vânătoare, o misiune ce trebuie să îi dovedească maturitatea în faţa rudelor sale, Oskari este pe urmele unui cerb, însă dă în schimb peste cel mai puternic om de pe planetă, aflat într-o capsulă specială de salvare a aeronavei. Cu teroriştii pe urme, gata să pună mâna pe "marele premiu", neaşteptatul duo trebuie să îşi unească forţele pentru a scăpa. În vreme ce liderii de la Pentagon urmăresc cu nerăbdare întreaga aventură prin intermediul transmisiilor prin satelit, ţine doar de preşedinte şi de noul său ajutor să supravieţuiască celor mai grozave 24 de ore din viaţa lor.

Un șomer se angajează ca figurant la filmările pentru emisiunea specială de Revelion, pe care, însă, numeroasele situații de criză par a le prelungi la nesfârșit.