An investigation into the original 1993 Michael Jackson allegations brought by the Chandler family.

When five lovely young girls who hate studying hire part-time tutor Futaro, he guides not only their education but also their hearts. Time spent has brought them all closer, with feelings growing within the girls and Futaro. As they finish their third year of high school and their last school festival approaches, they set their sights on what’s next. Is there a future with one of them and Futaro?

14-year-old Eun-hee moves through life like a hummingbird searching for a taste of sweetness wherever she may find it. Ignored by her parents and abused by her brother, she finds her escape by roaming the neighborhood with her best friend, going on adventures, and exploring young love.

Dilli, a convicted criminal, is out on parole to meet his daughter. However, a drug bust sets him off on a mission to save the life of police officers.

Tanoso sukeltos ir pasaulį pakeitusios katastrofos padarinius pajuto visi „Keršytojų“ komandos nariai. Tačiau bene didžiausią poveikį šie įvykiai turėjo jaunajam Piteriui Parkeriui (aktorius Tom‘as Holland‘as), patyrusiam asmeninę tragediją. Norėdamas atsigauti po sunkių išgyvenimų, Piteris labai apsidžiaugia galimybe su klasės draugais pakeliauti po Europą. Vis tik vaikinui netenka ramiai pasimėgauti Senojo žemyno teikiamais įspūdžiais ir žaviosios Mišelės (aktorė ir dainininkė Zendaya) kompanija. Žmogaus-voro pagalbos prireikia pačiam Nikui Furiui (akt. Samuel‘is L. Jackson‘as), sunerimusiam dėl naujo paslaptingo superherojaus Kventino Beko (akt. Jake‘as Gyllenhaal‘as). Kas jis – potencialus sąjungininkas ar negailestingas piktadarys? Žmogus-voras gauna pirmąją užduotį, kurią turės atlikti visiškai vienas.

An ad executive and a fashion designer-blogger don't believe in love, so they place a bet to make the other fall head over heels - with unusual tactics.

Rowena "Ro" is a high-spirited 11-year-old hoping to add more spunk to her Christmas celebrations when her parents’ divorce is going anything but smoothly.

Jūrų pėstininkų karo veteranas susiduria su psichiniais ir emociniais sunkumais, kai bando grįžti į civilinį gyvenimą.

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Julien, a young teacher, is wrongfully accused of sexual misconduct by a teenage girl from his class. As he faces mounting pressures from the girl’s older brother and her classmates, the situation spirals out of control. Allegations spread, the entire school is thrown into turmoil, and the teacher has to fight to clear his name.

Įsivaizduokite, kad vieną dieną grįžę namo, savo kambaryje randate... liūtą. Baisu, tiesa? Nors būtent taip nutinka šio filmuko pagrindinei herojei, 12-metei Inesai, mergaitė neišsigąsta. Na, teisingumo dėlei reikia pasakyti, kad tai nėra suaugęs liūtas, o dar visai mažas liūtukas. Žvėrelį, tikėdamiesi pelningai parduoti, lėktuvu gabeno brakonieriai, tačiau liūtukui pavyko pabėgti ir pasislėpti Inesos namuose. Geros širdies mergaitė, iš karto pamilsta liūtuką ir nutaria jį sugrąžinti ten, kur žvėrelis ir turėtų gyventi – namo, t.y. į Afriką. Pavadinusi jį Karaliumi, Inesa kartu su broliu ir seneliu leidžiasi į nuotykių pilną liūtuko gelbėjimo misiją.

Šis filmas, kurio veiksmas vyksta 1876 m. Amerikos Vakaruose, yra dvasinis 2013 m. „R.I.P.D“ tęsinys. Šerifas Rojus Pulsiferis ne itin sužavėtas tuo, kad po susišaudymo su garsia nusikaltėlių gauja tapo negyvas, bet jam suteikiamas antras šansas grįžti Žemėn, kai jį įdarbina R.I.P.D. („Ilsėkis ramybėje“ departamentas). Tačiau kerštą už savo paties nužudymą gali tekti atidėti, kadangi senajame Red Kriko kalnakasių miestelyje atsiveria vartai į pragarą, keliantys grėsmę ne tik vietiniams gyventojams, bet ir visai žmonijai.

Inventor Goro Ibuki creates a humanoid robot named Jet Jaguar. It is soon seized by an undersea race of people called the Seatopians. Using Jet Jaguar as a guide, the Seatopians send Megalon as vengeance for the nuclear tests that have devastated their society.

Grupė pareigūnų labirinte esančiame slaptame kalėjime turi kovoti dėl savo gyvybės su genialiu ir liūdnai pagarsėjusiu didelės vertės kaliniu Hatchet. Kai jis pabėga, jo paslaptingas ir mirtinas planas turi toli siekiančių ir skaudžių pasekmių.

Known for his unmistakable cascading strings and recordings such as Charmaine, Mantovani enthralled the world with his sublime arrangements. This is the story of the man and his music.

Forky Asks a Question: What is Money? Hamm attempts to give Forky a lesson on how the US monetary system works.

Every parent's worst nightmare is just the beginning for Rachel's ordeal as in the aftermath of a tragic accident, she and her husband Anthony decide to move to the other side of the world to focus on their surviving twin son Elliot. What begins as a time of healing and isolation in the Finnish countryside turns into a desperate battle for the very soul of their son as an entity claiming to be his dead twin brother takes over Elliot — setting Rachel on a diabolical journey to unravel the horrible truth about her twin son.

Weeks after the deadly assault on Fortress Camp, Robert makes a daring rescue to save Sasha, the widow of his old nemesis Balzary. But back in the camp's command bunker, it appears Sasha may have devious plans of her own. As a new attack breaks out, Robert is confronted with a familiar face he thought he'd never see again…

A biological experiment goes bad, this time releasing a gaggle of mutated great white sharks with a taste for human flesh. Soon enough, shark expert Nick West is on the case, leading a crew to study them and eventually bring them back into captivity. West's plans hit a snag, however, when Australian shark hunter Roy Bishop is called in to wipe out the fishy menace.

Like the original film, the sequel is set in a near future where all drinking and drugs are banned except for on one glorious day known as The Binge. This year, that day happens to miraculously land on Christmas.