The film tells the story of Zihao living in a seaside town returning to Hong Kong and living a life by the sea. One day, he met the mysterious girl Xiaoyi and began to take care of Xiaoyi's life. The ocean boat where Zihao's father was, the fishing boat returned, but the crew were all missing. Zihao, who experienced the pain of losing his father, walked out of the haze under the care of Xiaoyi, and the two were together. But the good times didn't last long. A mysterious middle-aged man named Lao Jin came to Hong Kong and revealed Xiaoyi's true identity

A fashion reporter stumbles on a murder investigation in the Nation's Capitol, only to be thrown for a loop when her police detective former lover is assigned to the case.

The dramatic fate of heroes of different eras is associated with wolf and spherical stone. The fate pursues those stone-owners.

The Wu-Tang Clan reunites with all 9 original members to perform and headline Chapter 11 of the Rock The Bells Festival in San Bernardino, CA on July 17, 2004, which featured Redman, Dilated Peoples, and more on the same bill.

At the Battle of Triangle Hill in October 1952, Huang's unit was tasked with destroying an enemy blockhouse.

Human clones are beginning to take over the globe after the election of the first clone president.

Príbeh z obdobia Slovenského národného povstania. Dvaja partizáni sa po bojovej akcii vracajú k skupine a vedú so sebou mladého nemeckého vojaka. Uprostred beznádejne pustých hôr sa ocitnú ľudia z dvoch nepriateľských táborov. Kým partizáni strácajú kontakt s jednotkou, Nemec stráca nádej, že sa mu podarí vyviaznuť z tejto zložitej situácie. Predstavitelia znepriatelených vojsk nadväzujú v neľudských časoch 2. svetovej vojny ľudský kontakt...

The middle of the 1970s. A photographer encounters an emaciated and brooding man with a hawk-like face. The man is called Viktor Atemian and this film is his story. He's a man who tries his hand at writing, meets with success, then falls upon hard times and ends up in the street.

A capricious "new rich" makes her employees suffer with her moods, until she hires a butler who will change her life.

Mini-series set in times of WW II about Soviet underground fighters led by brave Anna Morozova. They are establishing connection with Polish people who work on German airfield. And even small victories cost a lot sometimes.

Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.

In 'Ladybird', sperm donations are gratefully received by eager recipients.

Diana Mariscal reached a moment of fame in the sixties, when at just 18 years of age she was the lead actress of the movie Fando and Lis by Alejandro Jodorowsky. The moment seemed to trigger a promising career, but her public image faded little by little until disappearing. Forty years later the traces of her existence have not been entirely erased.

Set in a future in which robots have eliminated humans, when a 12-year-old robot discovers and befriends a human girl, then sets off on a journey toward a mysterious point on a map.