Scooby-Doo and friends are off on another adventure in this collection of 3 episodes from the various eras of Scooby-Doo TV shows.

The scares start in Hawaii, where Scooby-Doo and Shaggy are scarfing down the surf-and-turf menu until a giant serpent tries to swallow them faster than you can say She Sees Sea Monsters by the Seashore. In Uncle Scooby and Antarctica, a friendly penguin invites the Mystery, Inc. crew to visit his polar home, which happens to be haunted by an ice ghost! Then, the gang meets music group Smash Mouth while visiting Australia's Great Barrier Reef to watch Shaggy and Scooby compete in a sand castle contest in Reef Grief! Just when they think it's safe to go back in the water... it isn't.

BTS 2021 Muster "Sowoozoo" was held on June 13-14, 2021 in South Korea and broadcasted live for fans.

STOP + Cop = "Stop" or "Slow down" ? Make the right choice. An interactice movie by Ken Arsyn.

Scooby-Doo and his pals win an all-expense paid vacation and embark on a trip of a lifetime to a tropical paradise. Their destination however, turns out to be Zombie Island. As soon as they arrive, they realize the place looks strangely familiar and is reminiscent of a trip they took years ago, in which they became wrapped up in a mystery involving zombies. The gang soon learns that their trip to paradise comes with a price when the zombies re-emerge and attack their hotel. Will Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. gang finally solve the mystery behind Zombie Island?

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

A day in the life of John Lennon, alive and well in modern-day New York City. The former Beatle squabbles with a security guard, commiserates with his best friend over lunch, and upsets a bully.

This documentary looks at the Danish resistance movement's execution of 400 informers during the Nazi occupation and the ensuing cover-up.

Court huntsman, Søtoft, is courting his daughter Else’s lady-in-waiting, Miss Engelke. That’s why it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach when, late one evening, he discovers his son Ove in close contact with her. Chamberlain von Plessen, who had been gossiping to Søtoft and is himself spying on the young couple, is going to set fire to the room they’re in. The hurt Søtoft wants to leave the young couple to their cruel fate – that is until he discovers that it’s not Engelke, but his daughter Else, who is trapped in the flames with her brother. (

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

UFC 21: Return of the Champions was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship on July 16, 1999 at the Five Seasons Events Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The event was seen live on pay per view in the United States, and later released on home video.

A NASA és a SpaceX izgalmas története, amiben a filmkészítők betekintést biztosítottak a kulisszák mögé. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi és Jimmy Chin közel 20 éves utazása, amelynek célja, hogy amerikai űrhajósokat küldjenek vissza az űrbe amerikai rakéták fedélzetén.

Seven years ago, Zaid went to war against the Copenhagen underworld to avenge his dead brother. His identity as a respected doctor of cardiology and life as a family man is but a fading dream, and in prison Zaid suffers the loss of his son Noah, whom he barely knows. When a police agent approaches Zaid and offers him a deal to be released in exchange for infiltrating the Copenhagen underworld, he sees his chance to reclaim the remnants of the family life he left behind. But everything has a price, and Zaid realizes that he has now seriously endangered his son's life. After all, once you become part of the underworld, is there any way out?

11 hosszú év után Son Goku és társai visszatérnek egy 35 perces Special erejéig. Majin Buu legyőzése után a Földre ismét béke köszönt. Nem is sejtvén, ki az igazi hős, a világ Mr. Satant ünnepli, aki mint mindig, úszik a dicsőségben. Gokuék élik mindennapjaikat, Mr. Satan pedig szállodaláncot épít, aminek megnyitója alkalmából meghívja hőseinket ebédre. Mint ahogy azt tudjuk, ha kajáról van szó, a Saiya-jineknek nem kell kétszer mondani. Ebéd közben azonban nem várt látogatók érkeznek. Egyikük egy Saiya-jin, Tarble, és mint kiderül, ő Vegita öccse, aki nem éppen jó harci készségei miatt száműzve lett, ezért átlagos, boldog életet próbál élni feleségével, a fura kinézetű Guréval. Azonban a bolygót, ahol élnek, terrorizálják Freeza volt katonái, ezért most segítséget kérni jöttek Vegitától. Nem is kell messze menni, ugyanis a gonosz házhoz jön.

Sabata, aki pisztolytrükkökkel keres pénzt egy texasi cirkuszban, megismerkedik egy alattomos kocsmatulajdonossal, hogy véres átverések közepette együtt induljanak egy farmon elrejtett aranykincs után.

A világjáró Gulliver váratlanul meghívást kap, hogy térjen vissza Liliputba, amelyet egykor megmentett a szomszédos Blefuscu ellenséges hajóhadaitól. Mikor visszatér, nem talál mást, csak reménytelen tömegeket és felháborodást, mivel Liliput uralkodója hosszú ideig tartotta abban a hitben alattvalóit, hogy Gulliver csakugyan visszatér. A zűrzavar egyre csak nő, elrendelik Gulliver kivégzését, Blefuscu hadserege pedig már a város kapuit ostromolják.

When a singer goes missing amid a serial killing spree, a cabbie and a businessman's son cross paths in a twisted tale where good and evil is blurred.