Giuseppe Moscati, neapolský svatý doktor, byl lékař z počátku 20. století, který pocházel ze šlechtické rodiny a svou kariéru zasvětil službě chudým. Film se zaměřuje na lidskou stránku, částečně ponechává stranou tu duchovní.

Pio Amato, a 14 year-old member of a small Romani community in southern Italian town of Gioia Tauro in Calabria, is in a hurry to grow up. Pio follows his older brother Cosimo everywhere and from him he learns how to hustle and how to navigate the streets of his hometown. One night Pio sets out to prove to his brother that he is as good or better than him but, when things go wrong, a series of events will forever change the way he sees the world.

Women in a failing silk factory, fight to find a way to keep their jobs.

Mirko and Genziano are two 35-year-old brothers who have not seen each other since their mother died in a freak accident in which they were involved—eighteen years ago. Since then, Genziano left to live in the UK and now is a stockbroker; Mirko instead remained in Rome, to stay with their father Marcello, working at the same run-down family shop. When Marcello dies, he leaves a task for the two brothers in his will: he asks them to take, on an old restored roadster, his ashes to the grave of his old mother in a village in Calabria, where the accident happened.

Enrico Olivieri, předseda nejsilnější politické strany, je na pokraji krize. Preference jeho strany stále klesají a volby se nezadržitelně blíží. Jedné noci však Olivieri zmizí. Ve společenských a stranických kruzích se rychle šíří fámy a dohady a šedá eminence, Andrea Bottini, usilovně přemýšlí, jak situaci zachránit. V jeho hlavě se tak zrodí šílený a hazardní plán – podsunout veřejnosti Olivieriho bratra – dvojče. Důvtipný filozof, který trpí bipolární depresí, je však pravým opakem svého bratra. Poetické a srozumitelné vyjadřování, žoviální přístup k lidem a rozesmátá tvář jsou klíčem ke strmému vzestupu preferencí strany. Nebývalý obdiv a popularitu politika však kdosi ze zákulisí sleduje a vyčkává...

Alessandro teaches musicology at the university of Strasbourg. He is also a volunteer reader in hospitals. He shares his apartment with his daughter, 15-year-old Irina, and his anarchist brother Luigi. Life is not always rosy at Alessandro's for three main reasons : he is a widower and has never really recovered from the death of his young wife ; his brother is some kind of parasite who refuses to sell his paintings to capitalist speculators and so to contribute to the cost of the household ; Irina, whom he has raised alone since she was five months old and always felt close to, is rapidly changing from little girl to teenager and wishes to be treated as such. One day, Florence, a beautiful young woman, gets into Alessandro's life. Will he eventually take his chances with her? And will he manage to stop stifling Irina? And will he finally get on with Luigi?

Documentary compiled from archives and accompanied by a poet's commentary, shows the sweep of modern Italian history from 1911 to 1961, centering on the conditions leading to Fascism and the post-WWII reaction to the Fascist experience.

Zdravím, dámy! je pokračováním stejnojmenného seriálu z produkce HBO, v němž se setkáváme se starými známými - podivínským web designérem Stuartem a jeho spolubydlící Jessicou, která stále ještě chodí se svým agentem a pořádně neví co chce. Bývalá Stuartova britská přítelkyně Trudy s manželem Mikem se chystají do Los Angeles. Právě s tím Mikem, který Stuartovi Trudy před lety přebral, a kvůli čemuž se Stuart v zoufalství přestěhoval do Ameriky. Stuart proto udělá cokoliv, aby na manželský pár zapůsobil a předvedl se v tom nejlepším světle. Dokonce si najme překrásnou ruskou modelku, která má hrát roli přítelkyně. Ta však na poslední chvíli odmítne a místo ní musí zaskočit Jessica. Kdo ví, co všechno se během jediné noci může stát.

Personal shopper Gwen's newest client, Charlie, is a high-rolling, workaholic, single father. When Gwen meets his 8-year-old son, Owen, during a package drop, she is saddened to see just how little time Charlie spends with him. Determined to get Charlie to appreciate his family, Gwen makes it her Christmas mission to get him into the festive spirit.

A 22 year-old Bangladeshi-Italian Muslim boy meets a beautiful, exciting Italian girl who makes him re-analyze his beliefs and culture.

On Andrea's birthday, his boss asks him to babysit his son while he's away for work: while Andrea is babysitting, his friends arrive and throw a big party.

The training trip of 4 "special" boys, one narcoleptic, one internet-dependent, one suffering from Tourette's Syndrome and one obsessed with hygiene towards self-affirmation and acceptance of one's differences.

A wealthy broker, Federico Picchioni, within two days forfeits his partner and work, finishing well to living with two children and granddaughter (abandoned by her father). He is, at this point, in the face of many difficulties of adjustment but finds comfort in the help of his neighbor.

Two temp workers, a pensioner and an old bully discover the sport of curling by chance and, convinced of their potential, plan to compete at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin.

Nicola, paralyzed after a car crash, falls in love for his physiotherapist Lucia. Franco and Manuela, a young couple unfit to have children, fly to Barcelona for a specialized treatment for fertility. Filippo and Fosco, two gay men, decide to marry. Ernesto, waiter in a chic restaurant, has a liaison with Cecilia, the new Spanish help.

Michele is a superficial man with nothing but contempt for other people and who lives only to show off his wealth on social media, until he finds himself mistaken for a North African immigrant in Eastern Europe and deported.

Když Eric Lazard (Brett Dalton), bývalý vysokoškolský fotbalista se zlomeným srdcem, navštíví v Itálii svou sestřenici Annu (Stana Katic), která zde žije a učí cizince italsky, netuší, že se zaplete nejen s místní ženou Stephanií (Alessandra Mastronardi), ale také do místního nebezpečného a rizikového florentského sportu.

Dva nemožní teenageři Limus a Leonard cestou domů doslova srazí sexy dívku a vezmou ji domů v domnění, že ji zabili. Dívka žije, ale zjistí, že jde o ženu - robota jménem Bardot, vytvořenu k jedinému účelu. Pro úplné uspokojení mužských tužeb a chutí. Bardot je tak věrnou napodobeninou krásné ženy, že se do ní Limus zamiluje. Není ale sám. Bardot byla původně určena úchylnému senátorovi, který neváhá použít své agenty, aby mu Bardot přivedli...