Mr. Kim is jobless, lost in debt and has been dumped by his girlfriend. He decides to end it all by jumping into the Han River - only to find himself washed up on a small, mid-river island. He soon abandons thoughts of suicide or rescue and begins a new life as a castaway. His antics catch the attention of a young woman whose apartment overlooks the river. Her discovery changes both their lives.

When a man is diagnosed with terminal cancer, he takes custody of his misanthropic teenage son, for whom quality time means getting high, engaging in small-time prostitution, and avoiding his father.

During a year, a very content couple approaching retirement are visited by friends and family less happy with their lives.

Inspectorul Frustalupi caută un ucigaș periculos, care a violat și omorât 18 femei. Toate bănuielile sale duc la Loris, un fel de "încurcă-lume", blajin și inofensiv, care împins de sărăcie, trăia din mărunte găinării. O polițistă sub acoperire va demonstra că Loris este de fapt un timid și habar nu are cum să se poarte cu femeile, nefiind nici pe departe monstrul căutat de poliție.

A young man from a modest family gets the chance of a lifetime to reveal his hidden talent for piano but can he find the strength and courage to live up to the challenge?

An aspiring actor discovers that his spacious new apartment comes complete with eight friendly ghosts.

A blocked screenwriter, Ezio, is trying to finish a story about two off-kilter families thrown together when their teenage children announce they’re getting married. So Ezio writes himself into the story with a romantic part—a development his characters welcome, as they’ve got some ideas of their own for bigger and better roles.

A man caught in the middle of two simultaneous robberies at a bank desperately tries to protect the teller with whom he's secretly in love.

Milan, Italy, 1967. Santo Russo, a boy of Calabrian origin, arrives north with his parents and younger brother to find better living conditions. Due to an absurd misunderstanding and his father's contempt, Santo ends up in prison, where he gets a “true education.” In 1978, he and his friends Slim and Mario embark on a 15-year criminal career, a successful and ruthless spiral of robberies, kidnappings, murders and heroin smuggling.

Un accident petrecut într-o tabără de supraviețuire izolată îi separă pe participanți în două grupuri care pornesc o luptă brutală pentru propriile vieți.

O femeie bogată rămâne subit văduvă și fără niciun ban. În încercarea de a-și păstra fiul, recurge la cea mai veche profesie din lume.

A psychoanalyst learns to have an illness and as a consequence he decides to quit his job. All his patients get together to find a way to make him feel better.

Cristina lives a peaceful life until her older brother Ciro, who has to attend a trial, asks to spend house arrests at Cristina’s home.

Ernesto and Filippo, two high school teachers, couldn’t be more different: Filippo is a cheerful liberal who is constantly online. Handsome and youthful, he is a serial seducer on the social networks. Ernesto, instead is a stern conservative, rigorously computerless. He is probably the last person around who still has a first-generation cell phone and his teaching methods are very traditional. They used to be best friends but an unresolved fight kept them far apart, until the day fate intervened and they found themselves teaching at the same school. Their opposite viewpoints will soon and inevitably lead to a new clash. The internet will force them to deal with their past, which resurfaces in the shape of Nina, a young woman who conducts an experiment on them: Filippo must try to leave the world of Internet and Ernesto must try to enter it.

A quirky couple spends their three-year dating anniversary looking back at their relationship and contemplating whether they should break up.

Drew Latham este un gestionar care duce o viață goală și superficială, doar cu bogăția de partea lui. Încercând să evite încă un Crăciun petrecut singur, Drew vrea să-și viziteze vechea sa casă din copilărie și posibil să trezească unele amintiri vechi de sărbători. Dar când sosește, el află că această casă nu mai este chiar ca înainte. Find locuită de o altă familie, Drew oferă un premiu financial frumos familiei. Dar generozitatea bănească a lui Drew este doar începutul unui vizitator enervant care e prea nerăbdător să sărbătorească Crăciunul?

Lucia and Maria are two best friends, who have known each other from the beginning of their life, but have very different tastes and behaviors. Lucia is done with men, Maria, on the contrary, cannot be without one. One night, the perfect man shows up in Maria's bed: handsome, sensible, mature and passionate.The next morning brings up misunderstandings and lies which make the two friends split up and take a break for themselves. Maybe that young man met by chance is really the one every woman is looking for, because with his simple theories he manages to paint the perfect picture of the two women's lives.

Set on the small island of Porto Buio, the traditional live Christmas Nativity scene might not go ahead because the baby who’s always played Jesus has grown up and no new babies have been born on the island in years! With this fundamental tradition on the line, newly elected Mayor Cecco (Claudio Bisio) wants to ask the local Tunisian community to “borrow” one of their children, but there’s conflict between the two communities. Cecco enlists the help of local Islam convert Bilal (Alessandro Gassman) to cross the cultural divide… but both communities are not sure what to make of a baby Jesus that may need his nationality, and even his religion changed!

Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.

Lillo (Christian De Sica) married Milena, one of the richest women in Europe. The marriage contract provides that Lillo undertakes to never cheat on her, under penalty of divorce and not even a penny of alimony. But one day he meets Barbara (Sabrina Ferilli) and it's immediately irresistible passion... Filippo Vessato (Fabio De Luigi) is a young surgeon who, to make a career, is forced to suffer the harassment of his head, Professor Benci (Claudio Bisio). Filippo is about to go to New York to get married and Benci does not miss an opportunity to further harass him by asking him to bring a gift to his son, a "model" student at Riverside College.