Sergio driving a taxi in a white Naples overflowing sadness and garbage. Pouring rain leads her clients through the city trying to process the death of his brother, who started ten years earlier for Tibet and never returned. A pop singer, a recycler of fragments of life, a radio announcer, an old uncle, alternate seats on its bearing, each in its own way, a trace of his brother loved. Stubborn not to go over and get lost in an endless race, Sergio is overwhelmed by memories and the music produced in pairs with Alfredo, which in Buddhism and in its foundations had found the strength to cope with the disease. Those notes that he believed buried and laid to always return overbearing and demanding a soundboard that resonate and express his being sound. Putting his hand on the piano, Sergio Alfredo feel again, giving the past with the present and realizing itself in the feeling.

Палермо, Сицилија, 1980. Члан мафије Томазо Бушета одлучује да се пресели у Бразил са породицом која бежи у сталном рату између различитих кланова криминалне организације. Али када је, након што је преживео неколико несрећа, присиљен да се врати у Италију, доноси смелу одлуку која ће му заувек променити живот и судбину Коза Ностре.

The destinies of two families are irrevocably tied together after a cyclist is hit off the road by a jeep in the night before Christmas Eve.

Vincent, a wealthy real estate agent, is invited to dinner by his sister Elizabeth and her husband Peter, both professors in Paris. Claude, a childhood friend and trombonist in a symphony orchestra, is also present. Vincent brings news from the prenatal examination of his and his wife Anna's unborn son. The name chosen by the soon-to-be parents strongly offends the others for many reasons. The dispute between the guests quickly escalates and before long the resurgence of old grudges and hidden secrets is unavoidable ...

Paul, a young idealist trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life, takes a job interviewing people for a marketing research firm. He moves in with aspiring pop singer Madeleine. Paul, however, is disillusioned by the growing commercialism in society, while Madeleine just wants to be successful. The story is told in a series of 15 unrelated vignettes.

Патерсон је вредан возач аутобуса и има своју дневну рутину. Он посматра град и слуша делиће разговора док довози и одвози путнике. Патерсон такође пише песме, води пса у шетњу и попије по једно пиво у бару након смене на послу. Лаура, његова вољена супруга, која верује у његов таленат за писање, чека га код куће, са свим њеним новим идејама.

Three families end up in the same rented house. Throughout the summer, they become friends and rediscover how to enjoy life.

Born of a chance meeting in Venice, Silvestro and Camilla's rocky romance unfolds over 10 winters as new lovers come and go but they are eternally thrust back into one another's arms.

Luciana is a factory worker married to the love of her life. She is living the simple and quiet life she’s always desired: she works and she is deeply in love with her husband Stefano, even if he doesn’t always have a job and they both need to struggle to keep on going. They are happy and always on each other’s side, but shortly after she finds out she’s pregnant, she gets fired and her world starts falling apart. After having tried to have a baby for years, the joy of impending motherhood lasts only a few months. Begging for help but with no one ready to listen to her, completely desperate and shattered, Luciana decides to kidnap the managing director of her former company, asking for the justice she deserves.

Filippo is a star on the Italian TV. He works for a documentary series about wild animals and nature. He is sent to Tenerife (Spain) to shot an issue about the local stork. It is the 13th of August. After he did his job is time to leave, but the ferry couldn't operate. He has to spend the night in the island. The day after is again the 13th of August, and Filippo live again the same day for different times. Something has to change to exit the paranoid and unrealistic situation.

On a small town college campus, a philosophy professor in existential crisis gives his life new purpose when he enters into a relationship with his student.

A high school senior drives cross-country with his best friends to hook up with a babe he met online.

Мајкл има 13 година и живи у мирном поморском градићу. Нико га не сматра популарним у школи, нити да је добар ученик или спретан спортиста. Ипак, дубоко у себи он не мари за то. Мајкл само жели да привуче пажњу Стеле, девојке у коју не може да престане да гледа током часова. Осећа да је она потпуно несвесна његовог присуства. Једног дана монотонију нормалног живота разбија невероватно откриће. Мајкл се погледа у одгледало и схвата да је невидљив. Најузбудљивија авантура његовог живота може да почне.

In a Naples suspended between magic and superstition, madness and rationality, a mystery envelops the existence of Adriana, overwhelmed by a sudden love and a violent crime.

A young insurance salesman takes advantage of the fact that a beautiful young woman he is attracted to is under house arrest, so cannot go anywhere to escape him.

A divorced couple fights for the custody of their three children: neither of them wants it. Mom wants to leave them to dad, and vice versa.

A white-collar worker finds himself in the crosshairs of his attractive female boss.

The story concerns the difficulties and reactions of Maddalena (Sophia Loren), an Italian visitor to New York City. She has come to the country carrying a huge mortadella sausage which she intends as a gift for her fiancé. But Customs do not allow processed meat to enter the U.S., so she is held at JFK airport...

Giovanna, Carla, Francesca, Chiara. What these women have in common so different from each other? Which will never be the not insignificant detail that makes their lives secretly imperfect? And what mystery female is so intimate and private, that more private you can not? Whatever it is, all they want. A food designer, her first love and one sciampista for dogs are the stars of this comedy merrily shameless telling women what no one had ever dared to tell.

Ray Breslin manages an elite team of security specialists trained in the art of breaking people out of the world's most impenetrable prisons. When his most trusted operative, Shu Ren, is kidnapped and disappears inside the most elaborate prison ever built, Ray must track him down with the help of some of his former friends.