Dom Cobb on kurjategija, kes varastab teiste saladusi alateadvusest nende magamise ajal. Cobb on spetsialist kaasaegse tööstusspionaaži vallas. Samas on see teinud temast põgeniku. Nüüd pakutakse mehele võimalust lunastuseks. Viimane töö võib anda talle tagasi elu, kuid selle saavutamiseks peab ta tegema võimatut. Uue röövi asemel peab Cobb tegema vastupidist. Tema ülesandeks on uue idee istutamine. Kui neid saadab edu, on see ideaalne kuritegu.

Brooklyni sõbralik kangelane Ämblikmees saab taas kokku Gwen Stacyga ning ta paisatakse läbi multiversumi, kus ta kohtub Ämblikinimeste meeskonnaga, kelle ülesandeks on kaitsta oma rahva püsimajäämist. Kangelaste vahel tekib konflikt, kui nad ei suuda leida üksmeelt uue ohuga tegelemise suhtes. Miles, sattunud vastuseisu teiste Ämblikega, peab ümber mõtestama, mida tähendab olla kangelane, et päästa endale kõige armsam rahvas.

Aasta on 2700 ning maakera on pilgeni täidetud igasuguse rämpsu ja prahiga. Et emake Maa jälle elamiskõlblikuks muuta, lahkus inimkond planeedilt ning jättis koristama miljoneid väikeseid roboteid. Koristusprogramm aga luhtus ning alles jäi ainult üks pisike robot, WALL·E. WALL·E veedabki oma päevi tehes seda, milleks ta loodi. Kuid kui Maale saadetakse progressi uurimiseks sond veel ühe väikse robotiga, leiab WALL·E oma elu armastuse.

Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.

Jackie Brown is a flight attendant who gets caught in the middle of smuggling cash into the country for her gunrunner boss. When the cops try to use Jackie to get to her boss, she hatches a plan — with help from a bail bondsman — to keep the money for herself.

Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God - a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.

Politsei eriagent Brian (Paul Walker) siseneb Tänava sõitjate maailma, et välja selgitada, kes röövib tehnikat vedavaid kaubaautosid. Seal sõbruneb ta juhuse tahtel kohaliku "valitseja" Dominic Toretto ga (Vin Diesel). Enda tööd peab ta tegema ülima ettevaatlikusega, et keegi ei paljastaks, kes ta tegelikult on.

Max is assigned to the White House while Butch, the secret service dog, is on maternity leave. He meets TJ, a 12 year old boy, who is the President's son. Due to his father's high profile, he is trying hard to fit in and lead a normal life. During a state visit by the Russian President and his daughter, Alexandra (Alex), TJ is asked to accompany her, during their stay. TJ befriends Alex, but when they get into trouble, Max comes to the rescue!

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.

A highly experimental film presenting a story out of chronological order taking place 15 years after a near-apocalyptic catastrophe, about four traumatized 14 year olds who are tasked with piloting massive humanoid decisive weapons called Evangelion, the psychologically maladjusted adults who handle and command them, and the events and forces that affect them or which they take part in as they engage massive hostile invaders known as "Angels."

In this fifth installment, Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and is unleashed after one man’s premonition saves a group of coworkers from a terrifying suspension bridge collapse. But this group of unsuspecting souls was never supposed to survive, and, in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group frantically tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

Brad has committed murder and barricaded himself inside his house. With the help of his friends and neighbours, the cops piece together the strange tale of how this nice young man arrived at such a dark place.

Tien is captured and almost beaten to death before he is saved and brought back to the Kana Khone villagers. There he is taught meditation and how to deal with his Karma, but very soon his arch rival returns challenging Tien for a final duel.

A look at the lives of Carlo, Giulia, and their friends some 10 years after the events of L'Ultimo bacio.

A gang of thieves calling themselves the Santa Claus Gang are wreaking havoc, and the police can't keep up. Police Captain Gilbert is distracted by a Chinese reporter writing a story on his squad, and taxi driver Daniel is in the midst of a relationship crisis. After a string of mistakes in which the thieves outsmart the police time and time again, Daniel and his super-taxi pitch in.

With a fulfilling career and a loving relationship, lobbyist Leah Vaughn seems to have it all. Things come crashing down when Dave, her long-term boyfriend, disagrees with her future plans for marriage and a family. The resulting painful breakup leaves Leah heartbroken, until she meets the charming and handsome Carter Duncan. Soon, the budding romance turns dangerous as Carter reveals his volatile nature, forcing Leah to break up with the man she thought was Mr. Right. She soon realizes that Carter doesn't want to let her go.

Ángela Vidal, the young television reporter who entered the building with the firemen, manages to make it out alive. But what the soldiers don't know is that she carries the seed of the strange infection. She is to be taken to a provisional quarantine facility, a high-security installation where she will have to stay in isolation for several days. An old oil tanker, miles off shore and surrounded by water on all sides, has been especially equipped for the quarantine.

While video chatting one night, six high school friends receive a Skype message from a classmate who killed herself exactly one year ago. At first they think it's a prank, but when the girl starts revealing the friends' darkest secrets, they realize they are dealing with something out of this world, something that wants them dead.

Emma, a radio host, is about to be married to Richard, her perfect match. But right before her wedding, she learns she's already married to Patrick, a charming but irresponsible fireman. Furthermore, Patrick has a secret: he has arranged this little trick because Emma advised Patrick's ex-fiancée to end their relationship. However, Patrick may find that the trick is on him, for he soon begins to fall in love with his uptight adversary.

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.