The film is set in Marais, a quiet region along the banks of Loire river in 1918. Riton is afflicted with a bad-tempered wife and three unruly children. Garris lives alone with his recollections of World War I trenches. Their daily life consists of seasonal work and visits from their two pals: Tane, the local train conductor and Amédée, a dreamer and voracious reader of classics.

מהיוצרים של ציפורים נודדות. ז'אק פרין וז'אק קלוזו שבים אל היערות המוריקים והשופעים, היכן שהקרח נסוג, ומחזור העונות נוסד והתבסס. עונות זהו סיפור מעורר השראה העוסק בהיסטוריה הארוכה והמשותפת הקושרת את המין האנושי עם שאר הבריות והטבע. מומלץ לשוחרי הטבע בחום.

מערכת יחסים מיוחדת המלווה בחום ופתיחות בין אספן פרפרים נדיריםוילדה המתגוררת בשכנות ומגלה סקרנות רבה בפרפרים.

In Paris, Ella, a.k.a. Hell, is a promiscuous and reckless teenager with absent upper class parents that does not study or work and spends her time going to night-clubs, using cocaine and drinking booze with her idle high-society friends. She has recently made an abortion without knowing who the father could be. When she meets the playboy Andrea, they have a torrid and crazy love affair with a tragic ending.

A wounded criminal and his dying partner take refuge at an old beachfront fortress. The owner of the fortress and his young wife, initially unwilling hosts, quickly experience their relationship with the criminal shift in a humorous and bizarre fashion.

מאהבה של המרקיזה דה מרטי זנח אותה כדי להינשא לבתולה צעירה. כנקמה ממוקדת היא מבקשת ממאהבה לשעבר, הרוזן דה ואלמונט, לפתות את הבחורה הצעירה והבתולה. לוואלמונט זהו אתגר נועז והמרקיזה המשועשעת מתוכניתו מבטיחה לו ליל אהבה נוסף במחיצתה אם יצליח. חולשתו הרגשית של ואלמונט ביחס למטרותיו החדשות חורצת את גורלם של כל גיבורי העלילה. סרטו של מילוש פורמן (שיער) עם אנט בנינג (נשיא מאוהב) הוא מחקר אנתרופולוגי על מוסכמות ושבירתם, לקראת התפתחותה של ציביליזציה בורגנית משועממת.

דרמה מצוינת של זבייר בובואה (Le Petit Lieutenant) על הדת כמקור להעצמה רוחנית וכהשראה לאלימות ושנאה. לאחר מתקפה של אירגון טרור איסלאמי פונדמנטליסטי במדינה צפון-אפריקאית על קבוצה של זרים קרואטים, מוצאים עצמם אנשי מנזר מקומי בבעיה. מצד אחד הם חשים שהמתיחות באוויר מסכנת את חייהם, מצד שני הם רואים בעבודתם עם האוכלוסייה המקומית (המוסלמית בעיקר) עבודת קודש שאין לנטשה. התושבים המוסלמים רודפי השלווה מוצאים עצמם בין הפטיש לסדן כשהאווירה האלימה הזו מתחממת.

Vincent Machot knows his life by heart. He shares it between his hair dressing salon, his cousin, his cat, and his too-invasive mother. But life sometimes holds surprises, even for the most prudent of people... He crosses paths with Rosalie Blum by accident. She is a mysterious and solitary woman whom he is sure he has already met. But where? Intrigued, he decides to follow her everywhere, in the hope of knowing more about her.

Alex's high opinion of himself isn't backed up by reality as he is unemployed and having trouble with his girlfriend. When he finally gets a job with the local council/municipality of Hudiksvall his life is about to change. Suddenly Alex finds himself the leader of a local theatre group of people with learning difficulties. Through their work together, Alex comes to appreciate that we all have our own talents which can grow if given the opportunity and support. "The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes" is based on the work of the Glada Hudik Theatre whose performances have met with success in Sweden and internationally since it was formed in 1996.

Selma, a psychoanalyst, deals with a cast of colorful new patients after returning home to Tunisia to open a practice.

During the Cold War, diplomatic courier Mike Kells must retrieve a dispatch containing top-secret intelligence. But when he arrives at the meeting point, a train station in Salzburg, his contact turns up dead, and the message is nowhere to be found. With no clear suspect in sight, Kells must sort through his uncertain relationships with two women, while sidestepping the pitfalls of subterfuge, sabotage and spies in his search for the documents.

Mister Sim is of no concern whatsoever. At least, this is what he thinks about himself. His wife has left him, his job has left him, and when goes to see his father in a remote part of Italy, not even Dad has the time to have lunch with him. He then receives an unexpected offer: to travel through France selling toothbrushes that will "revolutionize oral-dental hygiene." He takes advantage of the job to catch up with people from his childhood, to meet the first big love of his life, along with his daughter, and to make amazing discoveries and, in so doing, rediscover himself.

18-year-old Lina arrives in Paris for her studies. She comes to look for what she has never found in Lebanon, her country of origin: a certain form of freedom. The survival instinct as the only baggage, she sails from one Paris to another to the rhythm of her romantic encounters.

The survivors of a plane crash in a remote area are attacked by blob-like alien creatures that turn their victims into blood-thirsty vampires.

Valentine marries at the end of the 19th century, and love passes through her family from generation to generation.

Gabriell is a single mother, her 17-year-old daughter Claire is pregnant, however the child's father Simon has no desire to be involved with his future baby. When Gabrielle takes matters into her own hands and asks Simon's father Ange for help, an unexpected relationship begins.

Agathe runs an art gallery. Her husband François is a publisher. Together they have one son, and in every way seem to be the picture of normality — but emotions are stewing under the surface. All it takes is the arrival of a complete stranger for things to start unravelling. Patrick is brash, uncouth and totally unselfconscious...

A young man abandons his family for a solitary life of fly-fishing. His goal was to find his own way in the fishing world and thereby find himself and love.

Forty-year-old Paul-André is a timid, rather introverted man. Rich but alone, he is deeply bored and ends up concluding that what he needs is a family. Violette, a forty-year-old full of energy, is threatened with eviction and is afraid she'll lose custody of her two children. Paul-André then proposes a totally above the board contract to rent the family in exchange for him paying off Violette's debts. For better and for worse..

The story about a group of youths who can't face the thought of growing up because anyone who does becomes a rampaging zombie.