I was somewhere between the beggining and the end of life. After winter became spring, and summer became fall, and fall winter again. I always knew change would be constant.

WrestleMania 33 will be the thirty-third annual WrestleMania professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE for the Raw and SmackDown brands. It will take place on April 2, 2017, at Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Florida. It will be the second WrestleMania to be held at this venue, which hosted WrestleMania XXIV in 2008, and the third to be held in the state of Florida.

At the beginning of the 1913 Mexican Revolution, greedy bandit Juan Miranda and idealist John H. Mallory, an Irish Republican Army explosives expert on the lam from the British, fall in with a band of revolutionaries plotting to strike a national bank. When it turns out that the government has been using the bank as a hiding place for illegally detained political prisoners -- who are freed by the blast -- Miranda becomes a revolutionary hero against his will.

A documentary about the corrupt health care system in The United States who's main goal is to make profit even if it means losing people’s lives. "The more people you deny health insurance the more money we make" is the business model for health care providers in America.

Russia, January 25, 1725. "Give it all...". The emperor's weakening hand was able to write in his will only these two short incomprehensible words that kept Russia in a bloody struggle for the crown for a century.

În 208 AD, în ultimele zile ale dinastiei Han, prim-ministru perspicace Cao Cao l-a convins pe împăratul Han spulberand singura modalitate de a uni toate fortele din China. A fost să declare război regatele Xu din partea de vest și de Est, Wu în sud. Așa a început o campanie militară de amploare fără precedent, condusa de primul-ministru. Plecat cu nici o altă speranță pentru supraviețuire, regatele Xu și Wu de Est au format o alianță puțin probabilă. Numeroase bătălii de rezistență au urmat, atât pe uscat și pe apă, in cele din urmă culminând cu bătălia de la Red Cliff. In timpul bataliei, două mii nave au fost arse, iar cursul istoriei chineze a fost schimbat pentru totdeauna. Filmul devine captivant cand bătălia de la Red Cliff, în care o forță de cincizeci de mii de "soldati" a învins o armată de aproape un milion de oameni.

A hardened convict and a younger prisoner escape from a brutal prison in the middle of winter only to find themselves on an out-of-control train with a female railway worker while being pursued by the vengeful head of security.

Police Chief Jesse Stone, who was suspended by the Paradise, Mass. Town Council, begins moonlighting for his friend, State Homicide Commander Healy, by investigating a series of murders in Boston, leaving Rose and Suitcase to handle a crime spree in Paradise on their own. Jesse pours his energy into his work in an effort to push away his twin demons: booze and women. When his investigation leads to notorious mob boss Gino Fish, Jesse's pursuit becomes hazardous.

Three Chinese friends build a successful English language school to help Chinese teenagers fulfil their dreams.

The charismatic criminal Dobermann, who got his first gun when he was christened, leads a gang of brutal robbers. After a complex and brutal bank robbery, they are being hunted by the Paris police. The hunt is led by the sadistic cop Christini, who only has one goal: to catch Dobermann at any cost.

This latest installment of Babylon 5 is in two parts: the first, is about an entity that has possessed a worker. It wants to be exorcised but Col. Lochley prevents the priest & sends it & the host both back to Earth. The second is about Galen trying to dupe President Sheridan into assassinating the future Centauri President to stop him possibly attacking Earth in 30 years time.

After having lost his job for having saved a child accused of shop lifting, Frédéric Barbier decides to become a school teacher with some funny results.The great comedy actor Coluche is excellent as a simple school teacher.

Într-un viitor distopic în care protezele robotice redefinesc sportul, două surori concurează la săritura în lungime, dar rivalitatea lor le conduce pe o cale sinistră.

Un paznic începător al unei companii de transport de bani este forțat de colegii săi veterani să fure un camion care conține 42 de milioane de dolari. Dar o problemă în planul lor aparent perfect îi divide pe membrii grupului, conducând la o rezoluție potențial mortală.

It's the end of the century at a corner of the city in a building riddled with crime - Everyone in the building has turned into zombies. After Jenny's boyfriend is killed in a zombie attack, she faces the challenge of surviving in the face of adversity. In order to stay alive, she struggles with Andy to flee danger.

This film is the record of a traumatic reaction to the terrorist acts in the Moscow subway of March 29, 2010.