Arjun is conveniently married to his best friend Anu and their marriage turns out to be a nightmare since he is not really in love with her. When things get tough Arjun gets a second chance in life that could change his path and perspective altogether.

Krishnan, who has been living away from his family and friends in Mumbai, gets a call from his friend Ganga in Kerala, out of the blue. He senses danger, and leaves for Kammattipadam, where both of them grew up.

Dráma, za ktorú dostal Al Pacino Oscara za najlepší herecký výkon. Strata zraku zmenila plukovníka Franka Sladea na zatrpknutého a cynického samotára, ktorému sa už nechce žiť. Skôr ako sa rozhodne definitívne skoncovať so životom, chce sa ešte raz poriadne zabaviť. Spolu so študentom Charliem, ktorého mu jeho rodina najala ako opatrovateľa odchádza na výlet do New Yorku, ktorý plánuje ukončiť samovraždou.

A doctor turns into an alcoholic, and becomes an embarrassment for his brothers. What caused this descent, and can he redeem himself?

Auto rickshaw driver Manickam avoids violence at all costs. When some thugs begin to intimidate Manickam's family, it triggers the revival of Manickam's old self.

Jackie pôsobí v policajnom zbore, po dlhom prenasledovaní zatkne drogového dílera. Šéf mu pridelí svedkyňu, ktorá má na súde vypovedať proti zatknutému zločincovi. Je však unesená a na Jackieho hodia k tomu všetkému vraždu. Jackie preto musí unesenú svedkyňu nájsť a očistiť svoje meno.

Teena Brendonová trpí poruchou sexuálnej identity. Preto si zmení svoje meno na Brandon. Potom ukradne auto a uteká pred spravodlivosťou. V obrovských zmätkoch, ktoré sprevádzajú jej premenu za muža, sa zoznámi s Lanou. Táto romantická známosť však trvá iba krátko, pretože polícia Brandona zatkne. Celá pravda vyjde najavo, keď Brandona dajú do ženského väzenia. Vzťah medzi nimi dvoma naruší až Lanina rodina.

A few individuals in the medical profession are murdered or kidnapped, and the cop investigating the case suspects a doctor and arrests him. But is he the one who is behind these crimes? And why are they being committed?

Jesse Owens sa ako prvý z rodiny dostal na vysokú školu. Tam si ho čoskoro všimne atletický tréner Larry Snyder a Jesse sa stane bežeckou hviezdou. Cesta za snom stať sa najväčším atlétom v histórii ho však privedie k veľkému morálnemu dileme: Má sa zúčastniť Olympijských hier 1936 v nacistickom Nemecku, kde Hitler uskutočňuje svoju víziu nadradenosti árijskej rasy?

An army captain on holiday embarks on a mission to track down and destroy a terrorist gang and deactivate the sleeper cells under its command.

Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.

Životem rodiny Harperových otřese nevěra. Greg, hlavní vyšetřovatel únosu dítěte, který vynesl na světlo podobný případ z předchozích let, se snaží najít způsob, jak odpustit své zazobané ženě Jackie. Když pocit viny začne narušovat Jackieino duševní zdraví, v jejich domě se objeví nevysvětlitelné zlé síly a jejich synek Connor se ocitne ve smrtelném nebezpečí. Neočekávaná změna úhlu pohledu odhalí ducha z minulosti a děsivá, krutá pravda o přítomnosti zla v domě Harperových konečně vyjde najevo.

When a flyover in the city becomes the hotbed of accidents, a young reporter decides to investigate the issue. Her quest for an answer would lead her into a web of intrigue, murder and mystery.

Ram and Janani are high school sweethearts who eventually get married. However, Janani is mystified when Ram commits suicide all of a sudden and she tries to find out the truth behind his death.

Senguttuvan and Elango are hired by a jewel smuggler to find a cursed treasure responsible for the death of many. Later, with the help of a priest, they summon three spirits to locate the treasure.

A loan recovery agent takes on a corrupt head of an educational institution to save his girlfriend.​

The fate of four friends, who work at a garage, witness drastic changes after they lock horns with a dreaded gangster in town

Shankar is an orphan raised by a sincere police officer Raja Rao. In an unexpected situation, Raja Rao's son Bharath kills a kid and Shankar takes the blame, and is imprisoned while Raja Rao warns him not to meet him again.

Sri Sivasakthi Marriamman Movies announced the movie titled "Kadavulukku Nandri" who directed by Pon Magesh. Staring Magesh, Mounika, Kottachi, Sarvesh, yuva, Siva, Prakash, Pakkoda Pandi, and others. Music by maria manogar, cinematography by Chandransamy.