May, 1980. Man-seob is a taxi driver in Seoul who lives from hand to mouth, raising his young daughter alone. One day, he hears that there is a foreigner who will pay big money for a drive down to Gwangju city. Not knowing that he’s a German journalist with a hidden agenda, Man-seob takes the job.

13. октобра 1972. године, лет 571 Уругвајског ваздухопловства, који је изнајмио рагби тим у Чиле, срушио се у глечер у срцу Анда.

Story of two young people who belong to different worlds. It is the chronicle of a love improbable, almost impossible but inevitable dragging in a frantic journey they discover the first great love. Babi is a girl from upper-middle class that is educated in goodness and innocence . Hache is a rebellious boy, impulsive, unconscious, has a appetite for risk and danger embodied in endless fights and illegal motorbike races, the limit of common sense

Ово је потресна истинита прича о шест бивших припадника елитне војне јединице који су штитили ЦИА, која се мимо свих изгледа пожртовано борила кад су терористи напали америчку амбасаду 11. септембра, 2012. године. Кад је све пошло по злу, шест људи је имало храбрости да поступи исправно. Филм је заснован на књизи „13 сати: Увид у оно што се стварно десило у Бенгазију“ коју су написали најпродаванији писац Њујорк тајмса Мичел Зукоф и чланови јединице.

Заснована на најпознатијем класичном фантазијском роману Кине, трилогија је величанствени источњачки високофантастични еп који реконструише дуготрајне митске ратове између људи, бесмртника и чудовишта, који су се десили пре више од три хиљаде година.

Following the roguish terrorist attacks at Uri Army Base camp in Kashmir, India takes the fight to the enemy, in its most successful covert operation till date with one and only one objective of avenging their fallen heroes.

Када Џејсен „Два Џеј Ес“ Џенингс, офуцана бивша професионална фудбалска звезда дотакне дно, осуђен је друштвено користан рад да тренира необуздани фудбалски тим у свом родном граду, и он једноставно може преокренути свој живот и вратити своју љубав према игри…

Група највећих криминалаца и тирана окупља се како би испланирала рат у циљу уништења милиона људи. Један човек мораће да се утркује с временом како би их зауставио.

Међународна посада за пљачку, предвођена Сајрусом Витакером, трчи се да подигне 500 милиона долара у злату из путничког авиона на 40.000 стопа.

Лични поглед на порекло француског војсковође и брз, немилосрдан успон до цара, посматран кроз призму Наполеонове зависничке, нестабилне везе са његовом женом и једном истинском љубављу, Жозефином.

Аша, оштроумна идеалисткиња, пожели толико моћну жељу да јој одговори космичка сила — мала лопта безграничне енергије која се зове Звезда. Заједно, Аша и Звезда се суочавају са најстрашнијим непријатељем — владаром Росаса, краљем Мањификом — да спасу своју заједницу и докажу да када се воља једне храбре особе повеже са магијом звезда, могу се десити чудесне ствари.

An attorney with a military past hunts down the gang who killed his wife and took his daughter.

When an explosion at an oil well threatens hundreds of lives, a crack team is called upon to make a deadly desert crossing with nitroglycerine in tow.

Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.

Amy begins her first night shift in a hotel with a murderous past. Witnessing terrifying events and trapped within a loop, Amy must find a way to escape the flesh obsessed murderer and save residents of the hotel.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

My name's Arthur, a huge Internet star who's just hit 3 million subs. While in the midst of throwing an epic party to celebrate, the universe had the balls to bring on the effing apocalypse and cut my night short. What was supposed to be a perfect hangover, has turned into an epic fight for survival.

Adapted from the same infamous ancient text as the popular 1992 opus Sex and Zen, this film. Mei Yeung-sun is a man of letters who is less than thrilled with his sex life with his comely young wife Ti Yuk-xiang. Yet when Mei uncovers the family sex manual, their physical relationship improves considerably. So successful is the transformation that the two spend all of their time in the sack, much to the consternation of the girl's father. Later, Mei leaves home supposedly to become an official in the big city. In fact, Mei really plans to troll around the countryside and have sex with as many women as possible. Thanks to the advice of master thief Tsoi Kwun-lung, Mei visits a noted doctor and leaves the place with a massive newly installed penis. Brimming with cocksure confidence, he soon seduces lonely housewife Yim-fong. Her thuggish husband Kuan Low-si soon gets his revenge.

Elaine and Ed Kendall have more than their share of grief and suffering. Once a young couple in love they now struggle for a sense of stability in their Staten Island home. Their eldest son is suffering from the physical and psychological effects of war; his younger brother takes it upon himself to bring him peace and relief. Meanwhile, their special needs daughter brings another kind of chaos to the family. Even though Ed and Elaine explore options for her care, they’re really just hanging on to hope that things improve somehow.

Temüjin and Börte are childhood lovers who are deeply in love; but news of Temüjin's father's death swiftly disrupted their relationship. Temüjin heads back to his hometown, but was faced with a sudden attack from his father's former comrades, causing his whole tribe to be destroyed.