A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer.

"Kraljev govor" veliki je filmski hit, višestruki osvajač prestižnih nagrada spomenimo samo četiri Oscara 2010. godine - za najbolji film, režiju, glavnu mušku ulogu i originalni scenarij. Film se temelji na isitnitoj priči o govornim problemima britanskog vojvode od Yorka što je, iako dugo vremena čuvana tajna, ubrzo počelo prodirati u javnost te mu donijelo velike probleme, čak dovelo u pitanje i izbora za kralja. U ovoj se zahtjevnoj ulozi odlično snašao poznati britanski glumac Colin Firth (Djevojka s bisernom naušnicom, Dnevnik Bridget Jones). Uz njega, izvrsni su glumci Helena Bonham Carter, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Rush i ostali.

Čuvari Galaksije 2 nastavlja pustolovinu ekipe koja prelazi granice svemira. Čuvari se moraju boriti da održe svoju novostečenu obitelj na okupu dok otkrivaju tajnu pravog porijekla Petera Quilla. Stari neprijatelji postaju saveznici.

Cimeri Viago, Deacon i Vladislav trojica su vampira koji samo pokušavaju preživjeti u modernom društvu; od plaćanja stanarine i pridržavanja rasporeda oko kućanskih poslova do pokušaja da budu pozvani u noćne klubove, oni su kao i svi ostali – osim što su besmrtni i moraju se hraniti ljudskom krvlju. Kad njihov 8000 godina stari cimer Petyr pretvori 20-godišnjeg hipstera Nicka u vampira, dečki ga moraju uputiti i voditi kroz novopronađenu besmrtnost. Zauzvrat, oni su prisiljeni naučiti neke stvari o suvremenom društvu, modi, tehnologiji te internetu. No dolazak Nickova ljudskog prijatelja Stua promijenit će živote vampira i njihovo shvaćanje svijeta koji se stalno mijenja oko njih. Kada se Stuov život nađe u opasnosti, vampiri nam pokažu da se za ljude možda vrijedi boriti i ako je tvoje srce hladno i mrtvo, to ne znači da je bešćutno.

A tormented jazz musician finds himself lost in an enigmatic story involving murder, surveillance, gangsters, doppelgängers, and an impossible transformation inside a prison cell.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

The life and career of an actor, artist, and icon. His own journey through his own camera.

A young French Canadian, one of five boys in a conservative family in the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to reconcile his emerging identity with his father's values.

Two lost souls visiting Tokyo -- the young, neglected wife of a photographer and a washed-up movie star shooting a TV commercial -- find an odd solace and pensive freedom to be real in each other's company, away from their lives in America.

Viktor Navorski is a man without a country; his plane took off just as a coup d'etat exploded in his homeland, leaving it in shambles, and now he's stranded at Kennedy Airport, where he's holding a passport that nobody recognizes. While quarantined in the transit lounge until authorities can figure out what to do with him, Viktor simply goes on living – and courts romance with a beautiful flight attendant.

Sally Hawkins tumači lik žene zaposlene u vladinom laboratoriju maksimalne sigurnosti, koja žudi s nekim stvoriti odnos. No, to se sve promijeni kada otkrije da se u laboratoriju čuva neobično biće, koje ima nevjerojatne ljudske karakteristike. Njih dvoje stvore neobičnu povezanost, unatoč protivljenju nemilosrdnih čuvara.

After 11-year-old Zachary Cowan strikes his classmate across the face with a stick after an argument, the victim's parents invite Zachary's parents to their Brooklyn apartment to deal with the incident in a civilized manner.

Brigsby Bear Adventures is a children's TV show produced for an audience of one: James. When the show abruptly ends, James's life changes forever, and he sets out to finish the story himself.

Suočena s neplaniranom trudnoćom, Juno i njezina prijateljica Leah (Olivia Thrilby) kuju plan kako pronaći savršene roditelje za Junino nerođeno dijete. Za oko im zapnu Mark i Vanessa Loring (Jason Bateman i Jennifer Garner), imućan par iz predgrađa koji želi usvojiti svoje prvo dijete. Srećom Juno ima podršku oca i pomajke (J.K. Simmons i Allison Janney). Nakon prvotnog šoka što im je kći seksualno aktivna i to sa smotanim Bleekerom, obitelj složno pomaže Juno. Otac Mac prati Juno pri prvom susretu sa posvajateljima kako bi se uvjerio da su ozbiljan par, a pomajka Bren pruža emocionalnu potporu dok se juno bori s predrasudama oko tinejdžerske trudnoće. Kako se Juno sve više približava porodu, uglađenost idiličnog života Marka i Vanesse počinje polako pucati.

A philistine in the art film business, Jeremy Prokosch is a producer unhappy with the work of his director. Prokosch has hired Fritz Lang to direct an adaptation of "The Odyssey," but when it seems that the legendary filmmaker is making a picture destined to bomb at the box office, he brings in a screenwriter to energize the script. The professional intersects with the personal when a rift develops between the writer and his wife.

When brash Texas border officer Mike Norton wrongfully kills and buries the friend and ranch hand of Pete Perkins, the latter is reminded of a promise he made to bury his friend, Melquiades Estrada, in his Mexican home town. He kidnaps Norton and exhumes Estrada's corpse, and the odd caravan sets out on horseback for Mexico.

Despite his dedication to the junior-high students who fill his classroom, idealistic teacher Dan Dunne leads a secret life of addiction that the majority of his students will never know. But things change when a troubled student Drey makes a startling discovery of his secret life, causing a tenuous bond between the two that could either end disastrously or provide a catalyst of hope.

A hospice nurse working at a spooky New Orleans plantation home finds herself entangled in a mystery involving the house's dark past.

Lee Gates bombastični je televizijski voditelj kojeg je njegova vlastita popularna emisija o financijama pretvorila u praktički čudotvorca Wall Streeta. Međutim nakon što svima preporuči kupnju visoko-tehnoloških dionica koje misteriozno propadnu, bijesni investitor dolazi u studio i uživo pred kamerama kao taoce uzima Gatesa i ekipu iza kamere predvođenu vrhunskom producenticom Patty Fenn. Dok se sve odvija u pravom vremenu, Gates i Fenn moraju pronaći način kako preživjeti i istovremeno razotkriti istinu iza velike laži koju krije igra novca...

A fatally ill mother with only two months to live creates a list of things she wants to do before she dies without telling her family of her illness.