"Nossa História" was the ninth tour of the Brazilian duo Sandy & Junior, held between July and November 2019. The tour marks the reunion of the duo twelve years after their last shows in 2007. The show, recorded in São Paulo, was first released exclusively for Globoplay, and later made available on DVD.

A personal and intimate look into Demi Lovato's life as not only a regular 25 year old, but also one of the biggest pop stars in the world.

Depois de sair para jantar com seus amigos héteros, Russell decide tentar a sorte numa boate gay. Ele sai de lá com Glen e os dois passam a noite juntos. Na manhã seguinte, Glen pede para gravar um depoimento de Russell sobre a noite anterior, dando início assim a uma intimidade inesperada entre os dois. Eles continuam juntos o resto do fim de semana, indo a bares, fazendo sexo, se drogando e contando histórias de suas vidas um para o outro. Mas o relacionamento entre eles está prestes a chegar ao fim: em poucos dias Glen se mudará para os Estados Unidos.

Em um subúrbio de Londres, o jovem Jamie está fugindo das horas de esporte, para evitar ser vítima de seus companheiros. O jovem Ste, seu vizinho, é espancado pelo pai e chega a dormir da noite para o dia. Eles descobrem novos sentimentos, dormindo na mesma cama.

The alienating and repetitive life of a group of heroin junkies in 1980s Rome.

Louis C.K. muses on religion, eternal love, giving dogs drugs, email fights, teachers and more in a live performance from Washington, D.C.

Quando um violinista que toca hip-hop no metrô de Nova York encontra uma bailarina do Manhattan Conservatory of the Arts um clima de romance se instaura. Com a ajuda de uma equipe de dança, eles devem encontrar um meio termo entre seus estilos para se apresentarem uma competição que pode mudar suas vidas para sempre.

Eugenio offers his childhood friend Martin a work for the summer. With a game of power and desire a relationship starts to grow that goes beyond their friendship.

"SNL" star Michael Che takes on hot-button topics like inequality, homophobia and gentrification in this stand-up set filmed live in Brooklyn.

Alex's high opinion of himself isn't backed up by reality as he is unemployed and having trouble with his girlfriend. When he finally gets a job with the local council/municipality of Hudiksvall his life is about to change. Suddenly Alex finds himself the leader of a local theatre group of people with learning difficulties. Through their work together, Alex comes to appreciate that we all have our own talents which can grow if given the opportunity and support. "The Importance of Tying Your Own Shoes" is based on the work of the Glada Hudik Theatre whose performances have met with success in Sweden and internationally since it was formed in 1996.

In 1937 Calcutta, the wife of the French ambassador takes on many lovers.

Gabe ,terminou seu relacionamento com um homem casado e encontra consolo na companhia da ex-mulher e da filha. Em outro ponto da cidade, Ernesto passa mais tempo no hospital do que em casa, acompanhando um antigo amor gravemente doente. O filme captura de forma sutil e otimista,o isolamento emocional,que os dois homens se acostumaram.

After college graduation, Grover's girlfriend Jane tells him she's moving to Prague to study writing. Grover declines to accompany her, deciding instead to move in with several friends, all of whom can't quite work up the inertia to escape their university's pull. Nobody wants to make any big decisions that would radically alter his life, yet none of them wants to end up like Chet, the professional student who tends bar and is in his tenth year of university studies.

The bitter fight for supremacy between the three most popular girls at North Gateway High takes an unexpected turn when their classmate, Tanner, is outed and becomes the school’s first openly gay student. The trio races to bag the big trend in fashion accessories, the Gay Best Friend, while Tanner must decide whether his skyrocketing popularity is more important than the friendships he is leaving behind.

Antonio is a 30 year old family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this process he discovers that it was wrong of him to give up his independence for the sake of his relationship in the past.

VINCENT, a struggling art-thief and failed artist, stole Malewitsch’s legendary abstract painting the „Black Square”. The sale and handover to a Russian Oligarch and his designated art expert MARTHA is set to take place on a cruise ship. When Vincent and his younger partner NILS realise that their principal accomplice will not show-up to provide the boarding tickets and fake ID’s, they desperately overbear two men in order to sneak their way onto the ship. To their horror they quickly learn that their victims are part of the cruise ship’s entertainment act. Desperate not to blow their cover, Vincent and Nils take on their roles as David Bowie and Elvis Presley doubles with varying degrees of success. Despite his best efforts, Vincent’s talents hardly convince the passengers and it does not take long until various crew members discover their true identities and the value of their loot. A wild goose chase for the “Black Square” breaks loose in the belly of the cruise ship…

Rapazes tranquilos de dia, reis de noite. O filme segue um grupo de jovens ciganos búlgaros que vêm a Viena em busca de liberdade e dinheiro rápido. Eles vendem seus corpos como se isso fosse tudo o que têm. O que os conforta, tão longe de casa, é a sensação de estarem juntos. Mas as noites são longas e imprevisíveis.

In the '80s, a teenage nerd notices sinister parallels between the story of his favorite comic book and the real life horrors befalling the small town where he lives. He and a few friends seek to investigate.

De Domingo a Domingo, o campo de futebol do Arcozelo sobrevive às adversidades do vento Norte. É preciso varrer o relvado gasto e lavar muita roupa. — Os meninos estão a chegar! — Os dois roupeiros, São e Cunha, sabem o nome dos pequenos jogadores. De todos se cuida e as meias que secam nas balizas também são para emprestar.

A Brooklyn guy is torn between his cynical friends and his earnest new boyfriend. Directed and written by Michael Lannan. This became the basis of the HBO series LOOKING, and stars Raúl Castillo who also appeared in the show.