The lively João Grilo and the sly Chicó are poor guys living in the hinterland who cheat a bunch of people in a small town in Northeastern Brazil. When they die, they have to be judged by Christ, the Devil and the Virgin Mary before they are admitted to paradise.

A brilliant plastic surgeon creates a synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.

Nancy Thompson, primijeti da ona, kao i nekoliko njenih prijatelja, sve češće ima zastrašujuće noćne more u kojima je lovi nepoznati muškarac naoružan rukavicom na kojoj se nalaze oštri noževi. Kada se počnu pojavljivati prve žrtve Nancy shvati da nepoznati ubojica postaje sve moćniji, stoga ga odluči izvući iz snova kako bi ga konačno zaustavila.

Kate (Clare) tumara Londonom dok njezine cipele zvone, kao iritantna posljedica spleta nesretnih okolnosti koje je dovode do posla vilenjaka u Božićnom dućanu koji je otvoren cijele godine. Tom (Golding) ulazi u Katein život i polako ruši sve njene barijere, dok se ona polako zaljubljuje u njega. Dok se London polagano sprema za najljepše godišnje doba i Božić, za njih dvoje ništa ne izgleda lagano. No ponekad se ljudi moraju prepustiti sudbini, poslušati svoje srce, i vidjeti gdje će ih to dovesti.

Picking up after the events of Never Back Down 2, former MMA champion Case Walker is on the comeback trail to become champion once again.

Get Thrashed traces the rise, fall and impact of thrash metal; from its early years, through its influence on grunge, nu metal and today's heavy metal scene. It is the story of the heaviest, hardest music of the 80s and early 90s as told by the bands who lived it, the fans and bands that grew up on it and by the artists that carry the "thrash metal" flag today.

Edgar is a young upper-middle class man, close to completing 30 years old, he lives a full life crisis and is in a position common to the vast majority of Brazilians. On the one hand the power, represented by a corrupt state, abusive and absent in their taxes before their obligations. On the other, crime increasingly organized violence became a constant in the lives of citizens in large cities. Edgar responds to all this as a modern vigilante. With the help of ingredients such as technology, counter-information and manipulation, Edgar concocts a brilliant plan, using the greed of their opponents as the reason for its destruction. As the plot unfolds, we know more about the dark past of each character as Edgar fit the pieces together in an intriguing puzzle that makes up the film's plot.

A grieving mother transforms herself into a vigilante following the murders of her husband and daughter, eluding the authorities to deliver her own personal brand of justice.

Somewhere in the Balkans, 1995. A team of aid workers must solve an apparently simple problem in an almost completely pacified territory that has been devastated by a cruel war, but some of the local inhabitants, the retreating combatants, the UN forces, many cows and an absurd bureaucracy will not cease to put obstacles in their way.

In 1870s America, a peaceful American settler kills his family's murderer which unleashes the fury of a notorious gang leader. His cowardly fellow townspeople then betray him, forcing him to hunt down the outlaws alone.

Tati likes Marcelo who likes to date many girls. Sincere (at times even too sincere), Tati demonstrates her love, but ends up only pushing Marcelo away. After listening to a lecture by the young biology professor, Conrado, she has an idea: apply his polemic theories to her relationship. Conrado develops a technical seduction guide based on Charles Darwin?s theory, comparing the behavior of young lovers to that of animals. The beautiful guinea pig is working hard and everything seems to be going well in reconquering Marcelo. The scientific experiment becomes more complicated when romance appears in the air between the professor and student.

Radnja filma vodi nas na otok nastanjen isključivo sretnim pticama – ili barem većinom njih. U ovom raju, Red (ptica s problematičnim temperamentom), ludi Chuck i nestabilni Bomb oduvijek su bili autsajderi. Ali kada otok posjete misteriozne zelene svinje, upravo će na ovu trojicu pasti zadatak otkriti zbog čega su novopridošlice posjetile baš njihovo područje.

Godina je 117. Rimsko carstvo proteže se od Egipta do Španjolske, a na isoku skroz do Crnog mora. Za to vrijeme, u sjevernoj Britaniji vladaju nemiri - neustrašivi i divlji Picti prkose rimljanima na svakom koraku. Quintus Dias (Fassbender) zajedno s generalom Virilusom (West) koji predvodi legendarnu Devetu legiju odlazi se suočiti s Pictima, pod naredbom da ih sve pobije i istrijebi. Međutim, nakon što ih na nepoznatom tlu dočeka zasjeda, a general Virilus bude otet, Quintus će se zajedno s malom šačicom preživjelih legionara morati suočiti s opakom ratnicom Etain (Kurylenko), pokušati spasiti generala Virilusa i nekako doći do rimske granice...

Frank (Johnny Depp), muškarac slomljenog srca susreće Elisu (Angelina Jolie), nevjerojatnu ženu koja ga nije upoznala slučajno. Uz prekrasne krajolike nevjerojatno lijepe Venecije, Frank će pokušati osvojiti Elisu, ali će se uskoro pronaći u mreži pravih intriga i opasnosti...

A college student must take care of her 7-year-old half sister after the death of their parents.

Julius i Vincent Benedict rezultati su eksperimenta koji bi omogućio savršeno dijete. Julius je bio planiran i raste do atletičkih razmjera, dok Vincent nije planiran i nešto je nižeg rasta. Vincent je smješten u sirotište, dok su Juliusa odveli na otok u južnom moru gdje su ga odgojili filozofi. Vincent postaje propalica i uskoro će ga ubiti kamatari.

Kad se New York nađe u nevolji, četvorica braće ratnika koja vole pizzu moraju ga spasiti. Uz pomoć odlučne novinarke April O’Neil i mudrog majstora Splintera, ovi se nevjerojatni junaci suočavaju sa svojim najvećim neprijateljem, zlim Shredderom.

Kad motociklist kaskader ponudi svoju dušu Mefistofelesu kako bi spasio živote onih koje najviše voli, prisiljen je biti domaćin moćnom natprirodnom biću čije lice, koje izgleda kao lubanja u plamenu, ulijeva strah u kosti njegovim neprijateljima. Ova cjelovečernja filmska inačica nastala je po dugogodišnjoj seriji stripova. Danju je Johnny Blaze jedan od najboljih svjetskih kaskadera, ali kad sunce zađe i kad se nađe među zlim silama, junak koji odolijeva smrti nestaje u plamenu i postaje neuništivi antijunak na motociklu, u svijetu poznat kao Ghost Rider.

Authorized biopic of Brazilian evangelical bishop Edir Macedo, founder of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God and owner of Record TV network. Based on a book trilogy of the same name, the movie tells the story of the self-made man who faced several moments of turbulence while pursuing his conviction.

Helen, 30 years-old, decides she is going to change the rest of her life. Her biggest mistake, she asks God for some precious help.