A young girl gets so scared by the horror movie her older brother watches that she can’t sleep at night. Worse, the creatures from the film torment her, and she has to find a way to get through the night in this dialogue-free stop-motion film

Пронзительная история, которая всплывает в воспоминаниях зрелого писателя. Темой своего первого романа он выбирает свои детские впечатления, в которых самым близким человеком остается его заботливая работящая мать. Фигура отца, напротив, вызывает непонимание и раздражение. За несколько беззаботных довоенных лет семья переживает расцвет, разорение и, наконец, смерть.

A short animation by Blu from 2006

UFC 204: Bisping vs. Henderson 2 was a mixed martial arts event produced by the Ultimate Fighting Championship held on October 8, 2016 at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, England. The event was headlined by a UFC Middleweight Championship bout between current champion Michael Bisping and the former Pride Welterweight, Pride Middleweight and former Strikeforce Light Heavyweight Champion Dan Henderson. The pairing met previously in July 2009 at UFC 100 with Henderson taking the victory via second round highlight reel knockout.

In a secret battle that cost thousands of lives but was never revealed to the American public, the Japanese army invaded Alaska in June 1942. Sixty years later, two veterans embark on an intense and emotional journey, returning to their former battlefield.

"A film after film". A director goes to Sabinov, where the Oscar-winning film The Shop on Main Street was shot almost fifty years ago. He meets people connected to the film as well as others who remind him of various characters. A tribute to a particular film as well as to film as such.

Collage of dramatic scenes, some exaggerated to comic effect, with asynchronous sound from well known classic, operatic, and rock and roll music – with different approaches to love, suffering, and death.

The movie takes place again in the fictional Wangan Station of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department the once empty space within Wangan's jurisdiction has become a popular tourist attraction. When a string of murders of company execs begins taking place, Aoshima jumps at the opportunity to pursue something other than his current case, which he finds less than inspiring. However the powers that be have other ideas, and Wangan again plays host to a special investigation team from headquarters. Aoshima's friend Superintendent Shinji Muroi, assigned by headquarters to assist Okita, is again powerless to help the local officers as decisions are made by the higher ups.

Herculane Baths, one of the oldest resorts in Europe, the place where, a few centuries ago, kings and queens were diving in the healing waters, became a maze where people get lost while looking for something better. Relu, Mitica and Gelu, three masseurs, are tour guides through the maze of an Eastern Europe garden of Eden.

Марко Макако работает пляжным охранником на тропическом острове. Он верой и правдой служит своему боссу, мечтая лишь об одном — раскрыть серьезное преступление. Марко проводит собственные расследования по любому поводу и поднимает шумиху по пустякам. Однако вскоре ему по-настоящему повезет: завоевывая расположение красавицы Лулу, Марко раскроет коварный заговор богача Карло, вознамерившегося стать боссом.

Doug is an American mining engineer. Pres. Valdez of Paragonia wants him to reopen the country's mines. Doug is not interested ... until he sees the President's beautiful daughter, Juana. Valdez returns to Paragonia, but is deposed by Generals Sanchez and Garcia and locked in San Mateo Prison. The Americano arrives...

A firefighter is sent to Venezuela to battle a blazing oil well but still finds time for romance.

The famous author Mark Storm's publisher is unhappy with his books and asks him to write books in a more popular genre, crime for example. When Mark Storm comes to his apartment, he finds a burglar, Kurre. He notices that they have a physical similarity and they change identity, which makes it possible for Storm to make empirical studies in the world of crime.

Here we go again - another mixture of oldies, mostly from “Wake Up Jeff” with some new introductions and arrangements. The songs are the same, but the accompanying video has been updated, and some are now in cartoon format. On the positive side, at least The Wiggles showed up this time. Song list: 1. We Like to Say Hello 2. Henry’s Underwater Big Band 3. Having Fun at the Beach 4. Bing Bang Bong (That’s a Pirate Song) 5. Wake Up Jeff 6. Bucket of Dew/Paddy Condon From Cobar 7. Romp Bomp a Stomp 8. A Frog Went a Walking 9. Take a Trip Out on the Sea 10. Dorothy (Would You Like to Dance?) 11. We’re Playing a Trick on the Captain 12. Have a Happy Birthday Captain 13. I Can Do So Many Things 14. Guess What? 15. Wave to Wags 16. Havenu Shalom Alachem 17. Walking on the Moon 18. Piper’s Waltz

A New York City bank teller becomes a media celebrity when he refuses to comply with his employer's demands that he shave his beard.

После окончания школы прошло, может быть, всего три года. Еще совсем недавно они были обыкновенные «одноклассники»: Она и двое приятелей — Федор и Степан (Батон и Бульди). Когда-то еще совсем недавно, школьниками, да вообще-то еще и сейчас, и до сих пор, Она и Федор были самой красивой парой в школе. Так и повелось в их сознании, в сознании их друзей и родителей. И вот школа закончилась, а инерция осталась, а чувства, видимо, стали уже другими, взрослыми, то ли переменились, то ли просто ушли. И нужно немалое мужество и настоящая взрослость, чтобы понять эту драму, не продлевать фальшь, сказать себе и другим правду. Это трудно, иногда даже до отчаяния трудно, потому что все вокруг свыклись, что они, всего лишь «красивая пара» и на всю жизнь.

A human market makes a man plunges into an abyss of no return. With no one to trust his grief, the man collapses in his pain.