Filmed in front of 76,000 fans at the ANZ Stadium in Sydney, Australia, "The 1989 World Tour Live" captures Taylor Swift's entire performance while also mixing in behind-the-scene, rehearsal, and special guest footage from her 1989 Tour.

Miso lives from day to day by housekeeping. Cigarettes and whiskey are the two things that get her through the day. As cigarette prices and rent start to rise, Miso decides to give up her house for cigarettes and whiskey, leading her to couch surf with old friends while reconsidering her place in life.

Ireland's victory over Italy at the World Cup in New Jersey in 1994, remains a source of Irish pride. But it is haunted by memories of a massacre: terrorists opened fire and killed six innocents while they watched the match in a small village pub in Northern Ireland. Remarkably, no one was ever charged for the crime. For more than twenty years the victims' families have searched for answers. Now, at last, they may have found them. But what they learn turns a murder mystery into bigger inquiry relevant for us all: what happens when governments cover up the truth?

Um detetive investiga uma série de estranhos assassinatos ocorridos em Tóquio. Quando consegue capturar um suspeito junto ao corpo da última vítima descobre que o homem exerce estranhos poderes em quem entra em contato com ele. Começa então a tentar descobrir a relação dele com os crimes.

Um relato pessoal e cativante da extraordinária vida e obra de Ingrid Bergman (1915-82), uma jovem sueca que se tornou uma das mais célebres actrizes do cinema mundial.

Controversial hedge fund titan Bill Ackman is on a crusade to expose global nutritional giant Herbalife as the largest pyramid scheme in history while Herbalife execs claim Ackman is a market manipulator out to bankrupt them and make a killing off his billion dollar short.

Bianca Del Rio, season 6 winner of Rupaul's Drag Race, is hilariously hateful in this stand-up comedy special. The self-described "clown in a gown" takes the audience on a journey through her childhood, pointing out the experiences that created the "Rolodex of Hate" in her brain. Along the way she takes a few detours to interact with the audience. No one is safe from her lightening quick lashes, but her victims hardly have time to feel the sting before she zips on to the next topic. This show is not for the faint of heart, so leave the prudes at church. Bianca is foul mouthed and unapologetic, but she points out that she's the biggest joke of all. The NY Times calls her "The Joan Rivers of the Drag World", and Joan Rivers herself called Bianca's humor "So funny! So sharp!"

In 1995 Director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) returned to rural Southern Illinois to reconnect with Stevie Fielding, a troubled young boy he had been an 'Advocate Big Brother' to ten years earlier.

A bullied schoolboy takes drastic measures against his tormenter, summoning an ancient being in the woods using a spellbound book passed down through the generations of his family.

Dois amigos, Peter Martin (Richard Benjamin) e John Blane (James Brolin), resolvem passar as férias no hipermoderno centro de diversões de Delos, que cobra US$ 1000 por pessoa ao dia. Lá foram criados os ambientes da Roma Imperial, Idade Média e do Velho Oeste, todos povoados por robôs perfeitos. Eles optam por este último "mundo", onde enfrentariam em duelos "terríveis bandidos" e seduziriam "belas mulheres". Os andróides foram programados para satisfazer os clientes e nunca os ferir, mas devido a problemas técnicos os robôs dos três "mundos" se tornam assassinos. Enquanto vários visitantes são mortos a dupla de amigos tenta fugir dos robôs, principalmente de um pistoleiro eletrônico que quer matá-los de qualquer jeito.

Duane seria um jovem normal, exceto por uma pequena coisa: ele tem um irmão siames deformado. Separados ainda quando jovens, ele carrega seu irmão em um cesto, os dois vão para New York se vingar dos médicos que realizaram a cirurgia.

Owen Lift (Danny DeVito) e Larry Donner (Billy Crystal) são dois homens que têm pelo menos uma coisa em comum: querem ser escritores, mas não conseguem. O primeiro por absoluta falta de talento e o segundo por sofrer uma espécie de bloqueio. Mas eles tem outra coisa em comum: ambos adorariam ver uma mulher morta. No caso de Owen, ele gostaria que sua mãe morresse, pois passou grande parte do seu tempo cuidando da mãe, que o atormentava o tempo todo. Já Larry sonha em ver morta sua ex-mulher, Beth (Kate Mulgrew), que abandonou-o levando seus textos e publicou tudo sobre seu nome. Os dois cada vez mais alimentam o desejo de eliminar estas mulheres de suas vidas e a melhor maneira de saírem impunes é trocando os assassinatos entre si.

Billy Lynn (Joe Alwyn) é um jovem soldado de 19 anos, que consegue sobreviver a um tiroteio no Iraque em 2005, junto com os seus camaradas do exército. Para recompensá-los, o então presidente George W. Bush, leva toda o grupo de soldados de regresso aos Estados Unidos para uma “apresentação da vitória”, no Texas Stadium e ainda a tempo de receberem uma homenagem, no intervalo de um jogo de futebol americano, na época do Dia de Ação de Graças. No entanto e logo após a festa, Billy e os outros militares são enviados de volta ao cenário de guerra iraquiano.

Ted "Black Lightning" Patrick's practice of "deprogramming," also known as "reverse brainwashing," started in the early 1970s and quickly snowballed into a vast underground movement composed of concerned parents, ex-cultists-turned-deprogrammers and some sympathetic law-enforcers whose mission was to physically and mentally remove individuals from cults.

After eight years of sharing snippets of his life online, see the intimate truth of Tyler Oakley's relationship with family, followers and fame on his sold out international tour.

A família disfuncional Burnett parece ser uma causa perdida. Quando um estranho acidente deixa Bunnie Burnett com amnésia, os Burnetts tem uma inesperada segunda chance de felicidade. Sem lembranças de seu casamento ruim, seus filhos, ou mesmo o caso amoroso que lhe causou amnésia, Bunnie tenta manter a família unida, mas isso nao será uma tarefa fácil.

Abandoned by her friends and family and with her career in jeopardy, starlet Markey Marlowe is sequestered in a duplex with a reclusive landlord who just may be more dangerous than she is.

A woman enters an underground bunker where gifted children use augmented reality technology to wreak havoc.

A mysterious shopkeeper narrates four horror tales, each set during a different holiday.

Carl J. Sukenick is the commander of a branch of the CIA, battling terrorists with martial arts, while his dad keeps watch in the security center. Neal was sent out, but is a traitor, and he was mutated by a radiation blast. He sends Sara Shell to meet her husband, Agent Mark Shell, and daughter Sheila, but the three are brutally maimed and murdered by enemy agents. One cuts off Sara's hand for no apparent reason. A radiation blast from Neal the Traitor, who is wandering around an aqueduct killing passersby, mutates Joe as well. Carl says they knew nothing of the "hideous extra-dimensional being" breaking into this dimension, but he sends Evon, Rhonda, and Hackney to fight the mutations and the agent, who giggles constantly, before learning that there is another traitor and an alien, so he decides he must kill all his friends and find and kill the "hideous extra-dimensional being."