Inmitten der einsamen Wildnis liegt ein antikes Grabmal. Darin gefangen ist der Dämon Hadean, der nach der Vernichtung der Welt strebt. Runen halten ihn an seinem Platz, doch als diese von dem Archäologen Max gebrochen werden, wird das Ungeheuer freigesetzt. Max verschwindet, weswegen seine Schwester Morgan Sinclair eine Suchund- Rettungsmission initiiert. Mit einem mysteriösen Führer und einem Team von schwer bewaffneten Söldnern findet sie die die verheerte archäologische Stätte. Dort bietet sich ihr ein Bild des blutigen Grauens. Hadean ist frei – und er verlangt nach neuen Menschenopfern. Den Überlebenden bleibt keine Wahl, als sich dem Monster zu stellen. Sieg oder Vernichtung – etwas anderes gibt es nicht!

Das zeitlose Märchen "Die Schildkröte und der Hase" zeigt Max Hase und Toby Schildkröt in einem sprichwörtlichen Wettlauf gegen die Zeit. In "Toby Schildkröt schlägt sie alle" treffen Max und Toby erneut aufeinander, diesmal als Preisboxer. In "Der Rattenfänger von Hameln" fallen Ratten in das kleine Städtchen ein, und die Melodien eines begabten Pfeifers führen zu einem erstaunlichen Abenteuer... Der Wunsch des habgierigen Königs Midas, dass sich alles, was er berührt, in Gold verwandelt, wird in "Die glückliche Hand" erfüllt. Doch so verwandelt sich auch alles Essen in Gold, und Midas will diese Gabe wieder los werden... Zwei gute alte Seelen sind in "Der Märchenkönig" und "König Neptun" anzutreffen. Der Märchenkönig lädt zu einem heiteren Abend mit Musik in sein Schloss ein, und König Neptun rettet seine Untertanen von einem Schiff voller plündernder Piraten.

Using the latest advances in camera technology, NGC penetrates the nocturnal hunting behaviors of the lion. Often asleep during the day, at night these iconic cats become active predators. With thermal imaging and infrared technology, see how experienced lions use the night to their advantage while stalking their prey

The great composer Arvo Pärt at work, whilst the artists who perform his music and are inspired by it illustrate the different aspects of the phenomenon the man is.

32 renowned Brazilian screenwriters of the contemporary Brazilian cinema talk about their creative processes. From the concept of script to their agreements and disagreements, going through their experiences with filmmakers, their reaction to the finished film, critic, and even controversies on auteurism.

Vasek, ein 8-jähriger Junge, sucht verzweifelt nach einem neuen "Vater" für seine Mutter.

Ji-seok's libido wanes whenever he stands in front of a woman. One day, while sleeping alone in his friend's house, drunk Hye-eun mistook Ji-seok for Dong-cheol and then ran off. Ji-seok spent the hot night first, and Dong-cheol directed and watched it. Hye-eun later became angry after learning that she was with Ji-seok, but she happened to know his problem. In the end, she continues the relationship to help Ji-seok.

Linguist, intellectual and activist, Noam Chomsky discusses and reflects on the state of world events including the War in Iraq, September 11th, the War on Terror, Media Manipulation and Control, Social Activism, Fear, and American Foreign Policy in both large forums and in small interactive discussions with other intellectuals, activists, fans, students and critics. Interwoven, is Dr. Carol Chomsky, Noam's wife and manager who reflects on what drives Noam and what life is like with him. Other candid reflections about Noam Chomsky and his thoughts, work and influece are offerred by others throughout the film.

1900 in Paris: Am Montmartre, einem bereits damals sehr dicht besiedelten Viertel der französischen Hauptstadt, treibt schon lange eine kriminelle, extrem gewalttätige Bande ihr Unwesen. Die sich selbst den Spitznamen „Die Apachen“ gebenden Jugendlichen terrorisieren die komplette Nachbarschaft geradezu. Einige Jahre, nachdem ihr geliebter großer Bruder beim Initiationsritual der Gang ums Leben gekommen war, ist die Teenagerin Billie nun wild entschlossen, seinen Tod zu rächen. Ihr Plan ist es, die Gruppe zu infiltrieren, das Vertrauen ihrer Mitglieder zu gewinnen und sie dann einen nach dem anderen eiskalt zu ermorden. Womit Billie allerdings überhaupt nicht gerechnet hat, ist, dass sie sich in Jésus, dem charismatischen Anführer der Gruppe und Hauptverantwortlichen für den Verlust ihres Bruders, verlieben könnte …

Moving between classrooms – static interiors and roaring, raucous exteriors – Leagues explores the subject of academic exclusion in native communities. Named after an archaic unit of measurement, Martel's postcolonial film depicts how education, though a social tool, can also create division and discrimination.

Comedian Jolyon Rubinstein is on a mission. He wants to find out why the Facebook generation is so disengaged from politics. With the general election just around the corner, according to a recent survey less than a quarter of under 25s plan to vote. Is this just apathy and ignorance? Or is something else going on? The film is packed with stunts, pranks and some pretty serious interviews in which Jolyon seeks to find the answers. On the way he takes a fire engine armed with fireproof underpants to Conservative Party HQ ('liar, liar, pants on fire'); visits UKIP HQ to use his lie-detecting test to help Nigel Farage root out members hiding a BNP past; takes a union leader a statue of Ed Miliband as Wallace to thank him for getting Ed elected Labour leader - a present from the Conservatives; and tries to raise £50k to have dinner with the PM - it's the going rate for Tory Party donors, he learns.

Micky und Donald veranstalten ein Picknick für Waisenkinder. Doch die kleinen Engel klauen Donald das Essen vom Teller und bereiten für ihn ein Bienen-Sandwich.

A man discharged from the hospital after suffering a nervous breakdown is taken to a remote Italian villa by his strangely-behaving wife. But he has strong premonitions that the house is possessed by some force of witchcraft, which he has been experiencing in his recurring nightmare.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

As co-directed by brothers Swad and Imad Noury (and produced by their mother, Pilar Cazorla), The Moroccan picture Heaven's Doors (2005) employs an episodic narrative, with three related substories presented sequentially. The Nourys shoot the episodes in distinct cinematographic styles (and with distinct overtones) suited to each tale, recalling Humberto Solas's masterpiece Lucia (1969).

Malcolm, a computer programmer recently diagnosed with terminal cancer, begins to receive messages from a hacker claiming to be God. Malcolm is then given a mission and finds himself at odds with family and friends regarding his sanity.

After finding an old nautical phone washed up on the shore, Natalie begins having dreams of the device ringing, followed by the presence of a shrouded woman in black. Natalie's already fragile grip on reality begins to slip.

After America's financial collapse and its people's abandonment, a group of pioneers journey through a ravaged wasteland to return to the "New World" as a leader plans to unleash his nuclear arsenal against anyone who threatens his power.