Crisanto and Dolores’ marriage is going through a rough patch. Going through a marital crisis, a couple’s marriage is tested when Crisanto is diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease as Dolores sinks deeper into depression. Paglisan tells the story of how a married couple attempt to survive together through fading memories and fleeting identities.

With no clue how he came to be imprisoned, drugged and tortured for 15 years, a desperate man seeks revenge on his captors.

Артур Флек, неуспешни је стандaп комичар, који дању ради као кловн. Осећа се одбаченим од стране друштва, а своју неприлагођеност окружењу открива сваки пут када се манијакално смеје у најмање прикладним тренуцима. Његовом душевном стању не помажу ни озбиљни психички проблеми од којих пати. Артур се стара о својој мајци, али се види да му видно недостаје очинска фигура, па је принуђен да је тражи међу људима као што су телевизијски водитељ Мареј Френклин и милијардер Томас Вејн. У свом психичком расулу, њему се чини да је насиље једино решење…

Заробљена 7 година у затвореном простору, жена и њен син коначно су добили своју слободу, омогућавајући дечаку да први пут искуси спољни свет.

A group of rogues steal a scroll granting its bearer the property of the land of Aurocastro in Apulia, a province in the south of Italy. They elect a shaggy knight, Brancaleone from Norcia, as their leader, and decide to get possession of this supposedly wealthy land. Many adventures will occurr during the journey.

When French criminal Corey gets released from prison, he resolves to never return. He is quickly pulled back into the underworld, however, after a chance encounter with escaped murderer Vogel. Along with former policeman and current alcoholic Jansen, they plot an intricate jewel heist. All the while, quirky Police Commissioner Mattei, who was the one to lose custody of Vogel, is determined to find him.

Мич Бренер је судија из Сан Франциска, који живи са мајком и сестром Кети у старом стану на југу града. Мелани је девојка из високог друштва, коју случајно упознаје и која се заљубљује у њега. Своју посесивну мајку и млађу сестру Мич води на одмор, а Мелани га следи. Поклања му две птичице, након чега је напада и повређује галеб. На прослави рођендана код Кети, госте запрепашћује јато агресивних гаврана и галебова који их нападају. Ускоро се птице удружују и у јатима нападају све становнике тог места, ширећи панику и осећај немоћи.

Au revoir les enfants tells a heartbreaking story of friendship and devastating loss concerning two boys living in Nazi-occupied France. At a provincial Catholic boarding school, the precocious youths enjoy true camaraderie—until a secret is revealed. Based on events from writer-director Malle’s own childhood, the film is a subtle, precisely observed tale of courage, cowardice, and tragic awakening.

A bad day gets worse for young detective Murakami when a pickpocket steals his gun on a hot, crowded bus. Desperate to right the wrong, he goes undercover, scavenging Tokyo’s sweltering streets for the stray dog whose desperation has led him to a life of crime. With each step, cop and criminal’s lives become more intertwined and the investigation becomes an examination of Murakami’s own dark side.

Alice, the only relatively normal member of the eccentric Sycamore family, falls in love with Tony Kirby, but his wealthy banker father and snobbish mother strongly disapprove of the match. When the Kirbys are invited to dinner to become better acquainted with their future in-laws, things don't turn out the way Alice had hoped.

Expecting the usual tedium that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Frances 'Baby' Houseman is surprised to find herself stepping into the shoes of a professional hoofer—and unexpectedly falling in love.

Longing for a baby, a stripper pursues another man in order to make her boyfriend jealous.

A pastor of a small church in upstate New York starts to spiral out of control after a soul-shaking encounter with an unstable environmental activist and his pregnant wife.

A blunt, abrasive and yet oddly compassionate Jagdishwar Mishra aka Jolly, a small-time struggling lawyer who moves from Kanpur to the city of Nawabs to pursue his dream of becoming a big-time lawyer.

A group of graduate students and scientists uncover an ancient canister in an abandoned church, but when they open it, they inadvertently unleash a strange liquid and an evil force on all of humanity.

The frozen body of Paul Fournier is discovered in Greenland where he had disappeared during a scientific expedition in 1905. Perfectly conserved he is brought back to life in the 1960s. His descendants take care of him: to spare him the cultural shock they behave so to make believe it's 1905 and they are his cousins, uncle...

A chronicle of the lives of several teenagers who attend a New York high school for students gifted in the performing arts.

Главна јунакиња овог трилера је Рејчел, која свако јутро путује истим возом и пролази поред куће у којој је некада живела, присећајући се живота који је неповратно изгубила. У мноштву ушушканих приградских домова, поглед јој изнова лута до једног у ком живи срећан брачни пар, двоје младих, лепих и наизглед срећно заљубљених супружника. Међутим, стварност је далеко од те идиличне слике, а Рејчел ће убрзо сазнати шта се крије иза затворених врата савршеног дома.

The Boyle family moves into a gothic style house by a cemetery, unaware of its bloody path and guts-spraying future.

Max Salinger, writer divorced, flamboyant and self-absorbed, refuses to welcome her daughter for 15 years under its roof. In revenge, she steals his last manuscript and file class of snow. To retrieve his property, Max has then no choice but to land in the ski resort to improvising "accompanying parent. Only problem: the famous writer, who is not already an exemplary parent, is not really a qualified nor attendant! EPIC descents in infernal hiking, the life of Max in the mid-teens was not all rest Announces...