Sixteen years ago, a mysterious masked ninja unleashes a powerful creature known as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox on the Hidden Leaf Village Konoha, killing many people. In response, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki, the Demon Fox's living prison or Jinchūriki, manage to seal the creature inside their newborn son Naruto Uzumaki. With the Tailed Beast sealed, things continued as normal. However, in the present day, peace ended when a group of ninja called the Akatsuki attack Konoha under the guidance of Tobi, the mysterious masked man behind Fox's rampage years ago who intends on executing his plan to rule the world by shrouding it in illusions.

Demons that once almost destroyed the world, are revived by someone. To prevent the world from being destroyed, the demon has to be sealed and the only one who can do it is the shrine maiden Shion from the country of demons, who has two powers; one is sealing demons and the other is predicting the deaths of humans. This time Naruto's mission is to guard Shion, but she predicts Naruto's death. The only way to escape it, is to get away from Shion, which would leave her unguarded, then the demon, whose only goal is to kill Shion will do so, thus meaning the end of the world. Naruto decides to challenge this "prediction of death."

Naruto and his friends must get back a jug of stolen holy water from a band of higher class ninjas.

The Joker is back with a vengeance, and Neo-Gotham's Dark Knight, Terry McGinnis, needs answers as he stands alone to face the old Gotham's most infamous Clown Prince of Crime.

Phineas and Ferb become the galaxy's unlikeliest last hope when they must return the Death Star plans to the Rebel Alliance.

Praėjo jau keleri metai nuo to laiko, kai jaunasis Sojeris Nelsonas kartu su atsidavusia Klervotero jūrų ligoninės komanda, kuria vadovauja daktaras Klėjus Hasketas išgelbėjo Vinter gyvybę. Daktarės Kameron Makarti sukurtos prostetinės uodegos dėka jie sugebėjo išgelbėti sužeistos delfinės gyvybę. Bet kova dar nebaigta. Miršta Vinter surogatinė motina - senyva delfinė Panama. Taigi Vinter lieka be vienintelės jos pažinotos baseino draugės. Negana to, Panamos mirtis grasina ir kitomis pasekmėmis. Delfinų socialinis elgesys reikalauja, kad jie gyventų su kitais delfinais. Todėl jei Klervoterio jūrų ligoninės komanda nesuras Vinter kitos kompanionės, ji turės būti išsiųsta į kitą vietą.

A vicious sniper has appeared in Tokyo, rendering the people too scared to go outside, once again it's up to Conan to figure out the meaning behind the killings and capture the mysterious sniper before more lives are lost.

As Po looks for his lost action figures, the story of how the panda inadvertently helped create the Furious Five is told.

Ash and his friends must stop a greedy media mogul from using the shape-shifting Zoroark to capture the time-travelling Celebi.

In celebration of Asian Heritage Month, HBO presents a collection of perspectives from a diverse group of Asian Americans.

Box is a story of two people who meet at a crossroad. Two different destinies, two different lives, face to face in a game of sweat, blood and tears. Rafael (19) is a young boxer who dreams to conquer the world; Cristina (33) is a single mother who lost her balance. Two lives; one running very close to the earth, the other trying to fly high up, too high.

Kapitonas Žanas Lukas Pikardas ir jo erdvėlaivio įgula susigrumia su nauju šiurpinančiu priešu, kuris visų nuostabai turi ryšių su Pikardu! Po smagių Raikerioir Trojosvestuvių Pikardas sulaukia dar vienos džiugios žinios: romulanai nori taikos, o kapitonas žada tapti federacijos pasiuntiniu. Tačiau „Enterprise” priartėjus prie romulanų imperijos, jie išvysta laukiantį priešą, slepiantį demonišką sunaikinimo planą ir neįtikimą paslaptį, kuri Pikardui bus milžiniškas iššūkis.

The evil Jafar escapes from the magic lamp as an all-powerful genie, ready to plot his revenge against Aladdin. From battling elusive villains atop winged horses, to dodging flames inside an exploding lava pit, it's up to Aladdin - with Princess Jasmine and the outrageously funny Genie by his side - to save the kingdom once and for all.

Antonio Banderas‘o vaidinamas piktasis piratas desperatiškai ieško paskutinio trūkstamo magiškos knygos puslapio. Knyga ypatinga tuo, kad joje parašius bet kokį planą ar svajonę, jie tampa realybe. Po ilgų paieškų piratas sužino, kad ant trūkstamo lapo surašytas slaptasis Krabo receptas. Vieną dieną piratui pavyksta pavogti itin saugomą Krabo vertybę. Kempiniukas ir draugai, sužinoję, kad piktasis piratas rengiasi sunaikinti jų namus, išsiruošia į gelbėjimo misiją. Įgiję superherojiškų galių, Kempiniukas ir kompanija mūsų pasaulyje stoja į žūtbūtinį mūšį su piratu ir jo šutve.

Technikos ekspertas Lukas su parneriu Megiu bando sukurti tobulesnį, stipresnį, judresnį ir protingesnį universalų karį. Visi kariai yra valdomi bendra kompiuterine sistema SETH. Kai nusprendžiama nutraukti šios programos plėtrą dėl lėšų stygiaus, sistema pradeda gintis! Ji pradeda vadovauti nepaprastiesiems kariams – įsako žudyti visus, besikėsinančius išjungti sistemą. Lukas taip pat ketina išjungti sistemą, tačiau negali to daryti drastiškais būdais, nes nepaprastieji kariai laiko įkaite jo trylikametę dukrą Hilari. Bet vienintelis Lukas tegali sutramdyti įsisiautėjusį pabaisą...

Divers go to work on a wrecked ship (the battleship Maine that was blown up in Havana harbour during the Spanish-American War), surrounded by curiously disproportionate fish.

Puppy mayhem turns the lives of newlywed Chihuahua parents Papi and Chloe upside down when their rambunctious, mischievous puppies present one challenge after another. But when their human owners end up in trouble, the tiny pups will stop at nothing to save them - because in good times and hard times, the family always sticks together. So Papi, Chloe and the puppies embark on a heroic adventure, proving once again that big heroes come in small packages.

A group of teenagers who, in an attempt to rescue their friend from an evil corporation, end up releasing a horde of blood thirsty zombies.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.