In 2001, Andrew Bagby, a medical resident, is murdered not long after breaking up with his girlfriend. Soon after, when she announces she's pregnant, one of Andrew's many close friends, Kurt Kuenne, begins this film, a gift to the child.
A love story between a poor man and a rich girl. The rich girl's father tries to prevent their marriage and he declares a war against the poor boy's family.
A struggling musician becomes a 12-year-old musical prodigy's guardian for a summer.
Verslininkas Ronas tarptautinėje rinkoje prekiauja meno kūriniais. Jis vedęs jau 19 metų, turi du vaikus, tačiau pastaruoju metu santykiai tarp sutuoktinių atšalę. Netikėtai jie susipažįsta su sudėtingo likimo žmogumi, neturinčiu namų, ir prasideda nuostabi kelionė, kurioje atsiskleis tikra draugystė.
The Tortoise composed a song and the Lion cub learnt it by heart and they sang it together.
A young British officer resigns his post when he learns of his regiment's plan to ship out to the Sudan for the conflict with the Mahdi. His friends and fiancée send him four white feathers as symbols of what they view as his cowardice. To redeem his honor, he disguises himself as an Arab and secretly saves their lives.
A year later the men are still talking, but this time on the 31st of December and still about the women, football, children, and, of course, about the approaching New Year’s celebration. But what can they do, if their beloved wives and girls are waiting for them at Kamil’s, busy with New Year tree decoration and cooking, and the husbands are accidentally got stuck in the advertising agency office? Will they manage to get home in time to celebrate the New Year together?
Vidutinio amžiaus knygų apžvalgininkės Wendy (Patricia Clarkson) santuoka netikėtai išyra ir dėl to jos gyvenimas apvirsta aukštyn kojomis. Kadangi vyras ją visur nuveždavo, Wendy nusprendžia išmokti vairuoti, kad galėtų aplankyti savo dukterį. Jos vairavimo instruktorius indas Darwan (Ben Kingsley) svarsto galimybę vesti moterį, kurios gyvenime nėra nė karto sutikęs. Per šias pamokas Wendy ir Darwan gyvenimai susipina ir pasikeičia taip, kaip jie net neįsivaizdavo.
When a U.S. Marine returns home from Afghanistan, he finds that the place he once called home is no better than the battlefields he fought on overseas. Accompanied by his best friend, he searches desperately for the whereabouts of his estranged son and wife. In their search, the two intercept a man carrying vital information about his family.
Mathieu owes everything to his friend Vincent : his house, his job, and even his life, ten years ago. With their wives, they are an inseparable quartet, and live the easy life on the French Riviera. But Mathieu discovers Vincent is cheating on his wife.
An actor's career takes a "Tootsie"-like turn when he lets himself be cast as a woman in a movie.
Ryan Banks's manager and old friend, Todd, comes up with the idea to have Ryan be the bachelor on a reality dating show in order to clean up his image. The only problem is, Todd falls in love with Charlie, the girl Ryan has chosen to propose to.
A writer of BAD detective novels is in full writers' block. He pretends to be the alibi of a beautiful woman who was arrested for murder at first thinking her innocent, but as she shows more and more interesting abilities (such as knife throwing) he begins to doubt his first assessment.
When the number one junior player in the country is injured, she begins to discover the teenage life she never got to live... and find the love she never thought she'd have.
Andy Goddardo režisuotas psichologinis paslapčių trileris. Istorija nukelia žiūrovus į 7-ojo dešimtmečio Niujorką, kur įvykių epicentre atsiduria Volteris (akt. Patrickas Wilsonas) ir Klara (akt. Jessica Biel). Jis yra sėkmingas architektas, ji – klestinti prekybos agentė ir puiki namų šeimininkė. Ir nors išoriškai jų santuoka atrodo ideali, Volteris svajoja atsikratyti žmona, kuri kankina savo reikalavimais, isterijomis ir pavydo priepuoliais. Šis siaubingas jo noras pastūmėjo perdėtai domėtis neišspręsta Kimelio, vyro, įtariamo brutaliai nužudžiusio savo žmoną, byla. Todėl, kai Klara įtartinomis aplinkybėmis randama negyva, Volteris tampa pagrindiniu įtariamuoju. Ar bylą tiriantis detektyvas sugebės išaiškinti šį sudėtingą nusikaltimą?
The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster.
Five young Amish girls accused of being Satan's children must fight for their lives when their devout community elders insist they be "cleansed" before turning 18.
After a breakup with her boyfriend, a young woman moves in with her older brother, his wife, and their 2-year-old son.
Left broke and homeless by his wealthy parents' divorce, a young man moves in with an old friend and finally meets the woman of his dreams -- only to discover she's already dating his friend.
Grupė biuro darbuotojų nusiunčiama į apmokymus tolimoje saloje, kur jiems vadovauja nuotykių ieškotojas Storm (Jean-Claude Van Damme). Dar jiems nespėjus prisitaikyti prie gyvenimo saloje, jų pilotas nužudomas nelaimingo atsitikimo metu, todėl jie lieka likimo valiai. Po to seka pragariškų ir juokingų nutikimų virtinė, ir kelionė tampa dar labiau nenuspėjama. Chris (Adam Brody) yra vienintelis, kuris vietoj chaoso ir vėl gali grąžinti ramybę.