April works at a prestigious hospital in New York and has recently met a handsome veterinarian named Jesse. Jesse receives an invitation to his brother's wedding, so he and April travel to Amish Country to meet with those Jesse left behind years ago.
On a snowy night, little Seon-mi is diagnosed with hemopoietic dysplasia. Years pass and Seon-mi, who has now become an adult, has overcome her pain and is adjusting to the adult world. Having decided to use her talent to become a perfumer, she travels to many different places to collect various scents and spices to help people with their inner pains. She meets Sang-woo at an aquarium and is strongly drawn to his scent which reminds her of her father.
An experienced commercial pilot is forced to collaborate with his country's intelligence services to avoid being punished for a serious fault he committed on the job. He is quickly plunged into an underworld of intrigue and extortion that will put his life at risk and he will pay a very high price to escape from it.
Signe și Thomas au o relație nesănătoasă, sunt permanent în competiție, iar momentul decisiv este cel în care Thomas devine brusc un nume atractiv în arta contemporană. Signe încearcă să-și recapete statutul, modelând un nou eu, care să atragă compasiunea celor din jur.
2112; the summer before Akane Tsunemori was assigned to Division One of the Public Safety Bureau's Criminal Investigation Department. Teppei Sugo, an accomplished pilot of the Defense Army's 15th Integrated Task Force, joins the military operation in Okinawa. Three months later, an unmanned combat drone opens fire on the Ministry of Defense in Tokyo. Enforcer Tomomi Masaoka of CID Division One is dispatched to Sugo's military base to investigate the truth behind this case.
Following a dispute with his father, a young man falls prey to cryptocurrency's allure and an entrepreneur's audacious promises of financial freedom.
Când un justițiar mascat începe să ucidă în stânga și-n dreapta, un polițist renegat și partenerul său novice sunt singurii care pot pune capăt haosului.
When their best friend dies, Tara and Noah find out that Louis is not the person they used to know..
Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
The Berger and Böttcher families come to Dorothea's finca on Lanzarote for a weekend trip. The mood is tense and escalates as various mysteries are revealed.
După ce un cutremur devastator lovește Ciudad de Mexico, supraviețuitori de tot felul încearcă disperați să rămână în viață cât așteaptă să fie salvați.
Chrissa Maxwell și familia ei tocmai s-au mutat în Minnesota, în mijlocul anului școlar. Se va adapta Chrissa noilor colegi? Își va face ea prieteni? În prima zi, Chrissa e așezată în bancă cu trei fete care o iau peste picior. „Albinele răutăcioase” știu să înțepe – ele râd de Chrissa și de ceilalți copii din clasă, în autobuz, online, și chiar și la bazin. Chrissa pare incapabilă să-și facă prieteni – nici măcar dintre cei care par să aibă nevoie de prieteni. Când cea mai mare inamică a sa îi devine rivală la înot, Chrissa realizează că lucrurile au mers prea departe. Va găsi Chrissa forța de a ține piept celor care îi fac probleme?
The children are invited by a Brazilian music star to one of his shows. But the trip turns into a nightmare when the villains Gonzales and Gonzalito, recently released from prison, decide to kidnap Maria Joaquina.
On their way to the supermarket, Penny and James meet again for the first time.
The Puppetman, a convicted killer on death row always maintained his innocence saying that it was an evil force controlling his body as he slaughtered his victims. Now Michal, the killer's daughter, begins to suspect that there may be some truth to her father's claim when those around her begin to die in brutal ways. She must try and break the curse of The Puppetman before all her loved ones are killed.
Un grup de prieteni pleacă cu snowmobilul într-o excursie în vacanța de iarnă. Fac greșeala de a o lua pe un drum ocolitor și de aici încep problemele. Se rătăcesc și ajung într-un spital abandonat unde pacienții încep să-i vâneze.
The journey of a professional wrestler who becomes a small town pastor and moonlights as a masked vigilante fighting injustice. While facing crises at home and at the church, the Pastor must evade the police and somehow reconcile his violent secret identity with his calling as a pastor.
An archaeological team attempt to unlock the secrets of a lost pyramid only to find themselves hunted by an insidious creature.
A day in the lives of a hit-and-run driver and her victim, and the bizarre things that happen to them before and after they collide (sexual assault by a crazed foot-fetishist, visions of the Virgin Mary, strange chicken-foot grafting operations).
Dziga Vertov-directed Soviet newsreel covering: Against war / Against Gods / Education / Agitation / Sports and gymnastics / Danger of war.