Eighties teenager Marty McFly is accidentally sent back in time to 1955, inadvertently disrupting his parents' first meeting and attracting his mother's romantic interest. Marty must repair the damage to history by rekindling his parents' romance and - with the help of his eccentric inventor friend Doc Brown - return to 1985.

Uma Tūrmane ir slepkava, kurai viņas kāzu dienā uzbrūk viņas priekšnieka bandas Bils (Deivids Karradīns) locekļi. Viņai izdodas izdzīvot uzbrukumā, kaut arī viņa joprojām atrodas komā. Pēc pieciem gadiem viņa pamostas ar metāla gabalu uz galvas un sirdī lielu atriebības vēlmi.

Teksasas kovboja Rona Vudrūfa dzīvi satricina pēkšņa diagnoze - HIV pozitīvs. Dzīvot viņam atlikušas 30 dienas. Tolaik, 1985.gadā tikai sāka apzināties AIDS izplatību un to, kā cīnīties ar šo vīrusu. Rons, no kura novērsās daudzi viņa kādreizējie draugi, sāk pats meklēt legālus un nelegālus ārstēšanās veidus...

Following the death of his employer and mentor, Bumpy Johnson, Frank Lucas establishes himself as the number one importer of heroin in the Harlem district of Manhattan. He does so by buying heroin directly from the source in South East Asia and he comes up with a unique way of importing the drugs into the United States. Partly based on a true story.

Viņš ir jauns un talantīgs, galvenokārt, tad, kad ātri jātiek prom no nozieguma vietas. Kad viņš satiek savu sapņu meiteni, viņš saredz iespēju aizmukt no kriminālās pasaules. Taču tas nav tik vienkārši kā šķiet - Mazais tiek iesaistīts vēl vienā noziegumā, kas apdraud viņa dzīvi, mīlestību un brīvību.

Scooby-Doo and Shaggy travel to Arabia to become the Caliph's Royal Food Tasters. But they bite off more than they can chew and are forced to run for their lives! It's a wild magic carpet ride as Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and their genie (Yogi Bear) and a jolly sailor named Sinbad (Magilla Gorilla) take you on an adventure of mistaken identities, exotic locations and fun-filled action and surprises!

Vakanda nav tikai vienkārša teritorija, dziļi noslēpta Āfrikas mežonīgajos apvidos – tās unikālie derīgie izrakteņi vienmēr piesaistījuši alkatīgus cilvēkus, kuri gatavi iznīcināt visu savā ceļā, lai tiktu pie dārgumiem. Šeit dzīvojošos cilvēkus senāk aizsargāja savannas gars – Melnā Pantera. Pēc daudziem gadiem Vakandā atkal ierodas alkatīgais ienaidnieks – šoreiz apbruņojies ar modernām tehnoloģijām. Tam pretī var stāties tikai kāds, kurš būs gatavs ļaut atdzimt Melnās Panteras leģendai.

In this sequel to Les Bronzes (1978) summer has passed, but that doesn't mean the fun has to end for Bernard, Nathalie, Gigi, Jerome, Popeye, Jean-Claude, and Christiane.

When Leela is insulted by a group of space-rednecks (like regular rednecks, but in space) she enters the Planet Express ship in a demolition derby. She emerges victorious, but when she brings the damaged ship home and the Professor sees the fuel gauge, he's enraged by the hit he's going to take at the Dark Matter pump. Now the crew have to find a way to break Mom's stranglehold on starship fuel, even if they have to wade through a Lord of the Rings-inspired fantasy-land to do it!

Two lifelong friends bond whilst vacationing in a luxury Swiss Alps lodge as they ponder retirement. While Fred has no plans to resume his musical career despite the urging of his loving daughter Lena, Mick is intent on finishing the screenplay for what may be his last important film for his muse Brenda. And where will inspiration lead their younger friend Jimmy, an actor grasping to make sense of his next performance?

Slavenai rakstniecei un vēsturniecei Deborai E. Lipštatai ir jācīnās par vēsturisko patiesību, lai pierādītu, ka holokausts tiešām notika, kad Deivids Irvings, kurš ir pazīstams tā noliedzējs, apsūdz viņu apmelošanā.

Beatrix Potter, the author of the beloved children's book "The Tale of Peter Rabbit", struggles for love, happiness and success.

When college friends reunite after 15 years over the Christmas holidays, they discover just how easy it is for long-forgotten rivalries and romances to be reignited.

Looking to mine for gold, greedy industrialist Bartholomew Bogue seizes control of the Old West town of Rose Creek. With their lives in jeopardy, Emma Cullen and other desperate residents turn to bounty hunter Sam Chisolm for help. Chisolm recruits an eclectic group of gunslingers to take on Bogue and his ruthless henchmen. With a deadly showdown on the horizon, the seven mercenaries soon find themselves fighting for more than just money once the bullets start to fly.

The Middle Eastern oil industry is the backdrop of this tense drama, which weaves together numerous story lines. Bennett Holiday is an American lawyer in charge of facilitating a dubious merger of oil companies, while Bryan Woodman, a Switzerland-based energy analyst, experiences both personal tragedy and opportunity during a visit with Arabian royalty. Meanwhile, veteran CIA agent Bob Barnes uncovers an assassination plot with unsettling origins.

Three teenage girls come of age while working at a pizza parlor in Mystic, Connecticut.

Bostona 1978. gads. Kādā pamestā noliktavā notiek divu bandu tikšanās, kas drīz vien pārvēršas apšaudē un spēlē par izdzīvošanu.

When the FBI hires her to go undercover at a college sorority, Molly Morris (Miley Cyrus) must transform herself from a tough, streetwise private investigator to a refined, sophisticated university girl to help protect the daughter of a one-time Mobster. With several suspects on her list, Molly unexpectedly discovers that not everyone is who they appear to be, including herself.

Legends claim that Saurus Rock keeps bad luck out of the Great Valley. Is it really true? Could the mysterious Longneck named Doc be the famous Lone Dinosaur, who can defeat a Sharptooth with his lasso-like tail To find out, Littlefoot and company must cross the great Valley and face a dangerous Sharptooth themselves!

Dīvaina, briesmīga un vēl nebijusi krīze sākas Ņujorkas Centrālparkā, kur cilvēki viens pēc otra izdara masveida pašnāvības. Sākotnēji tiek uzskatīts, ka tas ir bioteroristu uzbrukums. Šī uzvedība ātri vien izplatās visā Amerikas Savienoto Valstu ziemeļaustrumu pusē, pārejot no blīvi apdzīvotiem pilsētu centriem uz mazpilsētām. Vidusskolas zinātnes skolotājs, viņa sieva un jaunā meita dara it visu, lai izdzīvotu šo krīzi.