A woman during the Second World War opens her heart to an evacuee after initially resolving to be rid of him.

The story of a middle-aged woman with small children whose life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street.

A young autistic woman runs away from her caregiver in order to boldly go and deliver her 500-page Star Trek script to a writing competition in Hollywood. On an adventure full of laughter and tears, Wendy follows the guiding spirit of Mr. Spock on her journey into the unknown.

Because of his wavering health, Monsieur Henri can no longer live alone in his Paris appartment. Particularly grumpy, he ends up nonetheless accepting his son Paul's suggestion that he let one of his rooms out to a young female student. Far from falling for her charms, Henri uses her to orchestrate utter family chaos...

Banko plėšikui Džekui pavyksta pabėgti iš kalėjimo. Kartu su draugeliu jis bando padaryti dar vieną nusikaltimą, tačiau jų planus sutrukdo žavi policininkė.Džekas priverstas ją pasiimti įkaite. Neįtikėtina, tačiau tarp policininkės ir plėšiko įsiplieskia meilė.

Bernardas Meidofas, amerikiečių biržos makleris ir patarėjas investicijų klausimais, atsiduria nemalonumų pasaulyje, kai jo nesąžiningi būdai atsisuko prieš jį patį.

Marta niekad nepasižymėjo „normaliu“ gyvenimo būdu, tačiau kai vaikinas išdavė ją su kita, atrodo, kad stogas Martai visiškai nuvažiuos. Laimei, netikėtai ji sutinka žavų nepažįstamąjį vardu Frensis – tiesiog misterį Tobulybę, kuris, kaip netrukus paaiškėja, yra dar labiau „nučiuožęs“ nei Marta.

JAV kariai Alanas „Ize“ Izakas ir Šeinas Matjuvsas atsiliepia į nelaimės iškvietimą pokario Irako dykumoje. Staiga juos apšaudo, Šeinas smarkiai sužeistas , o Alanas su kulka kojoje. Priverstas prisidengti griūvančia akmens siena, Izakas kovoja už išlikimą prieš nematytą snaiperį, kuris turi visus privalumus prieš juos.

Nikas, gabus vyresniųjų klasių mokinys, žiauriai sumušamas. Atsidūręs tarp gyvųjų ir mirusiųjų pasaulio, paauglys tampa nematomu aplinkiniams. Dabar jis priverstas bejėgiškai stebėti, kaip jo mama, padedama policijos, ieško, kur dingo jos sūnus. Vienintelis šansas Nikui išgyventi – išsiaiškinti, kodėl kažkas bandė jam atimti gyvybę...

A cranky middle-aged dad and his two best friends find themselves out of step in a changing world of millennial CEOs and powerful preschool principals.

An extended family reunites after a long time to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their grandparents on an idyllic island. However, they remain stranded there for longer than expected, causing secrets and long-held grudges to break out.

Istorija apie porą, bandančią susigrąžinti gyvenimą ir meilę, kurią kadaise turėjo, bei surinkti nutolusios praeities gabalus.

In 1955, young photographer Dennis Stock develops a close bond with actor James Dean while shooting pictures of the rising Hollywood star.

A stubborn idealist spies a bride on her way to her wedding and immediately falls in love with her.

Nebylys barmenas stoja į akistatą prieš savo miesto gangsterius, siekdamas išsiaiškinti, kas atsitiko jo dingusiai partnerei.

In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...

Tridan Lagache has spent his whole life at Club Med, changing friends every 8 days. At 50, he resigns from the vacation spot where he was born, determined to track down his great mini-club childhood love, Violette. He shows up in Paris, naïve and lost but glad to be lodged by Louis, a half-brother he never knew he had. In order to be rid of the cumbersome Tridan, Louis passes one of his fling off as Violette, and Tridan, all emotional, thinks he recognizes her at first glance.

A modern take on the classic fairytale, Alice in Wonderland, set in South East England.An American law student in London. Knocked down by a black cab, she wakes with amnesia in a world that's a million miles from home - Wonderland. We follow her adventures as she's dragged through an underworld filled with twisted individuals and the lowest low-lifers, by the enigmatic cab driver, Whitey. She needs to find out who she is, where she's from and use what wits she has left to get back home in one piece. As her journey progresses she discovers nothing is what it seems, realizes that fate and life are terminally entwined, and finds true love lurking in the unlikeliest place.

Captain William Stanaforth is on a one-way solo mission to take the first steps in colonising Mars. Like all pioneers throughout history, Stanaforth will face insurmountable odds and life and death decisions as he rockets bravely through space.

A man attempts to make a new start in Atlantic City with the help of his daughter and a new business partner.