Pärast David Kimi (16-aastase tütre kadumist alustavad kohalikud uurijad juurdlust. 37 tundi hiljem, kui pole leitud ühtki lahenduseni viivat juhtlõnga, otsustab David otsida kohast, mis pole veel kellelegi pähe tulnud, ja kus hoitakse tänapäeval kõiki oma saladusi - tütre sülearvutist. Ülimoodne triller viib meid igapäevases suhtluses kasutatavate tehnoloogiliste seadmete maailma, kus David peab jahikoerana ajama digitaalseid jalajälgi, enne kui tütar igaveseks kaob.

2016. aastal said maailma kinosõbrad tuttavaks Marveli universumi kõige omapärasema antikangelasega. Selleks on endine eriväelane ja palgasõdur Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), kellest äärmuslike ja ta välimust pöördumatult moonutanud eksperimentide tagajärjel sai surma külvav ja kontrollimatult teravmeelitsev üliinimene Deadpool. Nüüd on Deadpool tagasi! Olles hädavaevu üle elanud sõraliste eluohtliku rünnaku, asub moonutatud välimusega sööklakokk (Wade Wilson) täitma oma unistust saada Ebbingi kuumimaks baarmaniks, õppides samas elama ilma maitsmismeeleta. Selleks, et oma ellu uuesti vürtsi saada, peab Wade võitlema ninjade, yakuza kõrilõikajate ning seksuaalselt aktiivse koertekarjaga, rännates mööda maailma, avastamaks perekonna, sõpruse ja maitse tähtsus - ning teenimaks välja oma kohvitassil seisev tiitel "Maailma parim armastaja".

A young woman’s quest for revenge against the people who kidnapped and tortured her as a child leads her and her best friend, also a victim of child abuse, on a terrifying journey into a living hell of depravity.

A college student, who sees a UFO, uses his exceptional math skills to investigate the sighting with his friends while the FBI follows closely behind.

Esimene film lõppes vägeva musta võluri Gellert Grindelwaldi (Johnny Depp) vahistamisega MACUSA (Ameerika Ühendriikide võlurikongressi) poolt, tänu Newt Scamanderi (Eddy Redmayne) kaasabile. Kuid nüüd on Grindelwald viinud oma ähvarduse täide ja põgenenud vanglast, et asuda koguma endale järgijaid, kes ei aimagi ta tegelikku plaani: viia läbi puhtavereliste võlurite ülestõus ning asuda kõigi lihtsurelike üle valitsema. Selleks, et Grindelwaldi takistada, palub Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law) abi oma endiselt õpilaselt Newt Scamanderilt. Too annabki nõusoleku, aimamata, millised ohud ees varitsemas on. Üha enam lõhenevas võlurite maailmas kehtestatakse piire ning pannakse proovile ka lähimate sõprade ning pereliikmete ustavussidemed.

The famous Pink Panther jewel has once again been stolen and Inspector Clouseau is called in to catch the thief. The Inspector is convinced that 'The Phantom' has returned and utilises all of his resources – himself and his Asian manservant – to reveal the identity of 'The Phantom'.

A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.

A young woman named Izumi suffers the loss of her boyfriend Junichi, who died from a fatal motorcycle accident. The shock from her boyfriend's sudden death causes Izumi to lose her memory from the time of the accident. A lawyer named Makiko then helps Izumi to remember the final moments of her boyfriend's life.

In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

Doctor Knock is a former thug who has become a doctor and arrives in the small village of Saint-Maurice to make his fortune according to a particular method. It will make the villagers believe that they are not as healthy as they might think. It is thus that he will find in each one an imaginary symptom, or not, and thus will be able to exercise his profession lucratively. Under his seductive looks and after gaining the confidence of the village, Knock is on the verge of achieving his ends. But his past catches up with him and an old acquaintance disrupts the doctor's plans.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

A woman flees two serial killers who are hot on her heels in a forest.

Clare and Aidan, after making a pact that they would break up before college, find themselves retracing the steps of their relationship on their last evening as a couple. The epic date leads them to familiar landmarks, unexpected places, and causes them to question whether high school love is meant to last.

Lähitulevikus on Major esimene omataoline: inimene, kes päästeti kohutavast lennuõnnetusest, seejärel täiustati kübertehnoloogia abil täiuslikuks sõduriks, kes on pühendunud maailma kõige ohtlikumate kurjategijate peatamisele.

A news team is sent to Burundi to capture and bring home a legendary 25-foot crocodile. Their difficult task turns potentially deadly when a warlord targets them for death.

A ship carrying settlers to a new home on Mars after Earth is rendered uninhabitable is knocked off-course, causing the passengers to consider their place in the universe.

Tarzan, having acclimated to life in London, is called back to his former home in the jungle to investigate the activities at a mining encampment.

Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.

A kindly occupational therapist undergoes a new procedure to be shrunken to four inches tall so that he and his wife can help save the planet and afford a nice lifestyle at the same time.

After the first manned mission to Mars ends in a deadly crash, mission controller Mackenzie 'Mack' Wilson assists an artificial intelligence system, A.R.T.I. Their investigation uncovers a mysterious object under the surface of Mars that could change the future of our planet as we know it.