Próbujący odciąć się od świata były bokser Cheol-Min rozpoczyna nową pracę jako ochroniarz na parkingu zastępując na stanowisku pewnego starszego pana. Pewnej nocy do budki parkingowej przychodzi niedowidząca młoda kobieta, Jung Hwa, aby wraz ze swoim dziadkiem pooglądać ulubione seriale, jednocześnie nie wiedząc o złożeniu przez niego rezygnacji. Tak rozpoczyna się pełna romantyzmu oraz ciepłego humoru historia o pogodnej, pozytywnie nastawionej do życia dziewczynie oraz tajemniczym, zamkniętym w sobie chłopaku...

Woo-jin, a furniture designer who wakes up in a different body every day, falls for Yi-soo, a woman he meets through his work.

Film opowiada o latach po wielkich walkach, czasach kiedy następujące zmiany kulturowe miały wpływ na zmieniające się podejście do stanu i roli samuraja i o tym jak w tych czasach radził sobie legendarny wojownik Ruroni Battosai Kenshin. Oparta na mandze, autorstwa Nobuhiro Watsuki, historia samuraja, który po wojnie przysiągł, że nie będzie już więcej zabijał. O jego codziennym życiu, zawieranych przyjaźniach jak i o wrogach, którzy nadal chcą pozbyć się Battosaia.

A comedy romance movie about the last generation of youths and their passionate romance based in Hongseong, Chungcheong Namdo in the 1980s.

Ashin i jej ojciec należą do wędrownego plemienia, które osiedliło się w Joseonie. Po spotkaniu z tajemniczą chorobą Ashin wkracza na ścieżkę zdrady, uprzedzeń i zemsty.

Film „DOPE” opowiada historię trzech nastolatków, którzy mają obsesję na punkcie hip-hopowej subkultury z lat 90. Razem tworzą zespół Awreeoh (wym. Oreo), którego piosenka „Don’t Get Deleted” została utworem promującym film.

Belle Duke, in order to get revenge on her former lover Philip Bang, organize his jail break. But instead of Philip is the Italian Felice Brianza, AKAS Felix, to escape. Now Felix is obliged to help Philip to escape. He will succeeded and from that moment on the two will join to defraud Belle. The swindle plot become more complicate when Felix falls in love for Philip's daughter.

A high-school teacher in 1983 and a detective in 2015 join forces through their dreams to change the perilous fate of the woman they both love—30 years apart.

Jae-hoon recently breaks up with his girlfriend and he still cannot give her up. Whenever he gets drunk, it has become a daily routine to call her and act out of drunkenness. On the other hand, Sun-young also decides to break up with his boyfriend. But she holds a grudge against him. For them, it seems that the beginning and the end of a love affair are both difficult. Can they overcome from the previous romance and start the new one?

Yujeong is suicidal, yet she reluctantly goes to prison for volunteer work. There, she meets a prisoner who is waiting for death penalty. The two quickly fall in love despite their differences, yet they do not have much time.

While desperately searching for his missing daughter, Hae-kwan comes across an AI satellite robot that remembers sounds from all over the world. Rejuvenated by the robot's abilities, Hae-kwan begins to track down his daughter's voice. As they continue their journey, they form an unforgettable bond.

While running a travel agency in Macau, Ji-yeon is ripped off by her business partner. One day, the attractive and benevolent Sung-yeol gives her an irresistible offer: $5,000 monthly salary to live on a luxurious yacht and be the personal care aide of the owner of Cenado, a prominent shipping and casino operator company. Without another option to fall back on, she complies and nurses the ailing man, who is impossible to deal with. Ji-yeon slowly gains the attention of both Sung-yeol and the magnate, and wavers between an opportunity that will secure her future and love. As tension rises among these figures on the yacht, no one can predict its outcome.

After being dumped by her boyfriend just before their 100-day anniversary, Ha-young meets a college guy named Hyung-joon when she kicks a can that accidentally hits him in the face and causes him to scratch his Lexus. He demands she pay him $3000 on the spot.

Seung-ju, robbed clean of his wallet and phone by four high schoolers! Jung-taek, swept into the chase only to have his gun snatched away by the same teens. An erratic pursuit by two men, stripped of their precious possessions and completely run down and four teenagers, running the grown-ups through a proper drill right in the middle of the night. The furious chase has begun.

An entertainment reporter hates a star after she is fired for trying to reveal secrets about him. After a series of events, she starts to fall in love with the entertainer.

Po wielu latach bezskutecznej walki z bezpłodnością, marzenie Tori Breyer (Elizabeth Banks) spełnia się. Na Ziemię przybywa tajemniczy niemowlak. Dla Tori i jej męża Kyle'a (David Denman) Brandon (Jackson A. Dunn) jest wszystkim, czego zawsze pragnęli - utalentowanym, interesującym się światem, fantastycznym dzieckiem. Wszystko zmienia się, gdy Brandon wchodzi w okres dojrzewania. W jego zachowaniu ujawniają się przedziwne czarne moce, co bardzo niepokoi Tori. A on, kiedy już odkrył w sobie odmienność, z cudownego dziecka zamienia się w drapieżnego, złego młodego człowieka, który terroryzuje miasto.

Rywalizujący ze sobą mistrzowie szkolnych debat, którzy w niczym się nie zgadzają, realizują swoje ambitne plany dostania się na wymarzone uczelnie.

Taking place 500 years after the Havoc in Heaven, the Tang Priest is appointed by Buddha to go to the West to fetch the sacred scriptures, only to accidentally free the Monkey King. With Lady White aiming to break up the team assembled to defeat her, the Monkey King must fight in order to save his world!

A high school student suffers from a strange amnesia, causing her memories to only last a week. After she befriends a new student, his kindness and persistence make her gradually open up.

Korean newlyweds are on their honeymoon in Paris. Strolling in the Pigalle area, the young bride sees in a red dress in a store window and she enters the shop. Her husband goes to buy cigarettes while he waits for her. When the man comes back his wife has disappeared. Not speaking a word of French he desperately searches for her. A search that will turn into a free fall into a world ruled by illegality, prostitution, drugs, a universe with its own codes and punishments