Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.

Progonjen turbulentnom prošlošću, Maks Rokatanski u usamljeničkom lutanju vidi najbolju šansu za preživljavanjem. Ali, nakon susreta sa ljepom Furiozom i odbjeglom grupom iz Citadele, grada čije stanovnike teroriše tiranin Džo, postaće dio neizbježnog rata koji sljedi.

Jurek Kiler has become a VIP - sponsoring the Polish government, playing tennis with the President, meeting world leaders. He must oversee a transfer of a substantial amount of gold. However, in his past activities, he has made enemies. Mighty ones. And thus Jurek Kiler's next adventure begins as he has to face attempts at kidnapping, assassinations and problems in his love life...

A young boy wins a tour through the most magnificent chocolate factory in the world, led by the world's most unusual candy maker.

Pop star Christopher Wilde has fame, fortune and a big-budget Hollywood movie awaiting him. But after meeting Jessica Olson, a down-to-earth girl from the Midwest, he is faced with following his heart or doing what's best for his career.

Snimljen prema istoimenoj, vrlo popularnoj televizijskoj seriji iz 80-tih, Sonyjev film 21 Jump Street govori o posebnoj jedinici mladolikih policajaca koji odlaze na tajni zadatak: ubacivanje u srednju školu u kojoj kontroliraju kriminalne aktivnosti među mladima...

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.

Lovac na blago, Benjamin Franklin Gates istražuje ubojstvo Abrahama Lincolna pokušavajući razotkriti tajnu koja se nalazi na 18 stranica koje nedostaju iz dnevnika ubojice, Johna Wilkesa Bootha.

Based on the true story of teenager James Burns who goes from a suburban street gang to a maximum-security prison cell surrounded by hardened criminals. He turns his life around in prison thanks to the unexpected friendship he forms with a convicted murderer who becomes his mentor.

A harried prehistoric bird mother entrusts her precious, soon-to-hatch egg to Sid. When she recommends him to her neighbours, business booms at his new egg-sitting service. However, dastardly pirate bunny, Squint, who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs. Once again, with Squint’s twin brother assisting, Manny, Diego and the rest of the gang come to the rescue and take off on a daring mission that turns into the world’s first Easter egg hunt.

Priča prati pilota helikoptera i spasioca Raya koji nakon stravičnog potresa kreće iz Los Angelesa u San Francisco sa svojom suprugom, s kojom nije u najboljim odnosima, kako bi spasili kćer jedinicu. No, njihovo putovanje samo je početak užasa koji priroda sprema.

Nakon što se s obitelji vratio u svoj rodni grad, Lenny Feder i njegovi prijatelji iz djetinjstva dobiju lekcije od svojih klinaca. I nekolicine lokalaca.

Edward (Robert Pattinson) shvati da Bella (Kristen Stewart) nikada neće biti sigurna dok je on u njenoj blizini, pa ubrzo nakon njenog osamnaestog rođendana odluči napustiti grad. Njen prijatelj Jacob (Taylor Lautner) pokušava je izvući iz depresije i samodestrukcije, koja je tišti nakon Edwardovog odlaska. Ubrzo se Bella susreće sa starim neprijateljem, no u posljednji tren spašava je čopor velikih vukova. Proučavajući povijest plemena Quileute, Bella otkriva tajnu Jacobovog plemena te se raduje što će ponovno vidjeti Edwarda, no susret bi mogao imati pogubne posljedice

Nakon trijumfa na izboru za Miss SAD-a, agentica FBI-a Gracie Hart preko noći postaje senzacija - i novo "lice FBI-a". Ali vrijeme je da opet krene u akciju kada pobjednica izbora Cheryl i voditelj Stan budu oteti.

Odabravši kruzer za obiteljski odmor, Vjeverice i Vjeveričice završe kao brodolomci na napuštenom otoku... no ondje nisu sami!

Jim Terrier bivši je specijalac i agent obavještajne službe kojeg proganja prošlost. Osim što se bori s PTSP-om, Jim mora skinuti i ljagu sa svoga imena. Jedina svijetla točka u njegovom životu stara je ljubav kojoj se želi vratiti. No prije toga, Jima čeka niz obračuna diljem Europe.

Plastic surgeon Michel Saint-Josse is on his way to Spain where he hopes to spend a stress-free holiday in a luxury hotel with his teenage daughter Vanessa. When his car breaks down near a camping, Michel accepts the offer of help from an extrovert gigolo camper named Patrick Chirac. Whilst their car is being repaired, Michel and Vanessa agree to stay in Patrick’s well proportioned tent, not knowing that, thanks to a series of mishaps, it will be their home for several days...

A wannabe surfer parties on the French Riviera while awaiting the perfect wave.

Policijski policajac, koji je prebačen u policijsku postaju Marseillea, dobio je zadatak uhvatiti grupu talijanskih pljačkaša koji nakon pljačke bježe u moćnim Ferrarijima.

When Phil and Debbie Winslow relocate from their native Kansas to the sunny climes of Orange County, their big-hearted, havoc-wreaking Great Dane gets a taste of the dog's life, California-style.