Džango ir vergs, kas ne īpaši labi satiek ar saviem saimniekiem. Liktenis viņu nejauši saved kopā ar vācieti - doktoru Šulcu, kas ir pasūtījuma slepkava. Šulcam ir uzdots darbiņš, taču viņam vajag kādu, kas viņam palīdz.

Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Frank, a single man raising his child prodigy niece Mary, is drawn into a custody battle with his mother.

In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

The true story of Dr. Hunter "Patch" Adams, who in the 1970s found that humor is the best medicine, and was willing to do just anything to make his patients laugh—even if it meant risking his own career.

England, 15th century. Hal, a capricious prince who lives among the populace far from court, is forced by circumstances to reluctantly accept the throne and become Henry V.

Dracula, Mavis, Johnny and the rest of the Drac Pack take a vacation on a luxury Monster Cruise Ship, where Dracula falls in love with the ship’s captain, Ericka, who’s secretly a descendant of Abraham Van Helsing, the notorious monster slayer.

Kenijs Velss (Metjū Makonahijs) ir mantojis ģeoloģiskās izpētes uzņēmumu, taču tā resursi sāk izsīkt. Aizrautīgais ģeologs Maikls Akosta viņu pārliecina meklēt zeltu Indonēzijas džungļos. Viņš iegulda visus sev pieejamos resursus, lai beidzot atrastu sen kāroto zelta rūdu. Tomēr džungļi ir nežēlīgi - Kenijs saslimst ar malāriju un nespēj dienām piecelties no gultas. Kad viņš atkopjas, Maikls pastāsta, ka viņi ir atraduši zeltu. Pēc zelta iegulu ievešanas Amerikā Kenija uzņēmums „Washoe Mining” kļūst par Volstrītas nežēlīgo tirgotāju mērķi, kuri ir apņēmušies no viņa peļņas izmānīt sev ieguvumu. Ar savas ilglaicīgās draudzenes Kejas iedrošinājumu un atbalstu Kenijs ir apņēmies aizsargāt savu zeltu.

An experimental retelling of the story of Adam and Eve which then progresses into an allegorical depiction of the loss of innocence.

When rancher and single mother of two Maggie Gilkeson sees her teenage daughter, Lily, kidnapped by Apache rebels, she reluctantly accepts the help of her estranged father, Samuel, in tracking down the kidnappers. Along the way, the two must learn to reconcile the past and work together if they are going to have any hope of getting Lily back before she is taken over the border and forced to become a prostitute.

Meitene vārdā Sofija satiek Lielo Draudzīgo Milzi, kurš, neskatoties uz biedējošo ārieni, izrādās labsirdīgs. Viņš citu milžu vidū ir izstumtais, jo atšķirībā no pārējiem atsakās ēst bērnus.

The Shadow Mountains, 1983. Red and Mandy lead a loving and peaceful existence; but when their pine-scented haven is savagely destroyed, Red is catapulted into a phantasmagoric journey filled with bloody vengeance and laced with fire.

In the year 1215, the rebel barons of England have forced their despised King John to put his royal seal on the Magna Carta, a seminal document that upheld the rights of free men. Yet within months of pledging himself to the great charter, the King reneged on his word and assembled a mercenary army on the south coast of England with the intention of bringing the barons and the country back under his tyrannical rule. Barring his way stood the mighty Rochester castle, a place that would become the symbol of the rebel's momentous struggle for justice and freedom.

Kādas tālas galaktikas citā malā esošas planētas izpētes laikā kosmiskā kuģa "Covenant" ekipāža sastopas ar nepatīkamu atklājumu - vieta, ko sākotnēji uzskatīja par neatklātu paradīzi, realitātē ir bīstama un slēptiem draudiem pilna pasaule, kurā mīt prātam neaptveramais. Vienīgā iespēja izdzīvot - mēģināt aizbēgt no šīs vietas.

After moving into a new neighbourhood, brothers Dane & Lucas and their neighbour Julie discover a bottomless hole in the basement of their home. They find that once the hole is exposed, evil is unleashed. With strange shadows lurking around every corner and nightmares coming to life, they are forced to come face to face with their darkest fears to put an end to the mystery of THE HOLE.

Divi korumpēti Ņūmeksikas policisti apņēmusies šantažēt un iegāzt pilnīgi visus noziedzniekus, kuri gadās viņu ceļā. Taču situācija piedzīvo negaidītu pavērsienu, kad viņi mēģina iebiedēt kādu, kurš ir daudz bīstamāks par viņiem pašiem. Bet vai tā tiešām ir?

The year is 1949. A young Texan named John Grady finds himself without a home after his mother sells the ranch where he has spent his entire life. Lured south of the border by the romance of cowboy life and the promise of a fresh start, Cole and his pal embark on an adventure that will test their resilience, define their maturity, and change their lives forever.

Kādas slepenas operācijas laikā tiek uzietas Ēģiptes faraona meitas Amanetas kapenes, un operācijas dalībnieki tā atbrīvo vēl nepieredzētu spēku un ļaunumu. Pēc gadu tūkstoša Amaneta atkal atgriežas pasaulē, lai beidzot atgūtu to, kas pieder viņai…

Part crime caper gone awry, part survival horror film, this 1970s set thriller depicts a harrowing fight for survival after a pair of wannabe crooks botch a bank heist and flee into the desert, where they inexplicably stumble upon Carnage Park, a remote stretch of wilderness occupied by a psychotic ex-military sniper.

Adapted from prolific western novelist Dusty Richard’s “Mustanger and the Lady,” 'Painted Woman' is the story of Julie Richards Julie is a woman of her time, passed from hand to hand in a web of abuse and prostitution, landing her at the feet of Kyle Allison. Allison, a wealthy powerbroker of the old west town of Goldfield, took young Julie into his home and made her his trophy. This life came with the gift of being taken care of and the cost of more abuse. As Julie’s time with Allison is coming to a dangerous close, Julie is given two chances of escape, with two very different men… The story of PAINTED WOMAN is two distinct chapters in Julie's life, with each chapter mirroring the other. Chapter one follows Julie meeting Frank. It is told mostly at night in the town of Goldfield. Chapter two follows the Mustanger. It takes place in the wilderness and is told mostly during the day.