مقتبس من كتاب "نيويورك تايمز" الأكثر مبيعاً، الأحمر والأبيض والأزرق الملكي. تتمحور القصة حول "ألكس"، ابن رئيسة الجمهورية، وأمير "بريطانيا"، "هنري"، والعداء طويل الأمد بينهما الذي يهدّد العلاقات بين "الولايات المتحدة" و"بريطانيا". لكن عندما يتمّ إرغامهما على إبرام هدنة منظّمة، يبدأ ينكسر الجمود بينهما... وسرعان ما تشتعل العلاقة لتصبح أعمق مما كانا يتصوّران.
A middle aged carpenter, who requires state welfare after injuring himself, is joined by a single mother in a similar scenario.
A school teacher discusses types of government with his class. His students find it too boring to repeatedly go over national socialism and believe that dictatorship cannot be established in modern Germany. He starts an experiment to show how easily the masses can become manipulated.
A romantic drama set in 1961 that follows a young studio extra's ambitious efforts to reunite with the French girl he loves after being separated by the construction of the Berlin Wall.
يتتبع مراسل تلفزيوني ومصور عمال الطوارئ في مبنى سكني مظلم وسرعان ما يتم حبسهم في الداخل بشيء مرعب.
الجميع يعلم أن النضوج صعب بما يصحبه من تغيرات تطرأ على شخصية المرء، والحياة لم تكن أسهل بالنسبة لطالبة المدرسة الثانوية جونيور نادين (هالي ستانفيلد)، والتي أمست بالفعل في ذروة حماقتها حينما بدأ شقيقها الأكبر داريان (بليك جينر) مواعدة صديقتها المفضلة كريستا (هالي لو ريتشاردسون).
امرأتان ، واحدة من الولايات المتحدة والأخرى من المملكة المتحدة ، تتبادلان المنازل في Christmastime بعد انفصال سيئ عن أصدقائهما. تجد كل امرأة علاقة عاطفية مع رجل محلي ، لكنها تدرك أن العودة الوشيكة إلى المنزل قد تنهي العلاقة.
(هانك) رجل يائس تقطعت به السُبُل في البرية ويسعى بجدية لقتل نفسه، فيُصادق جثة هامدة مُلقاة على شاطئ البحر، ويُسمِّي صاحب الجثة (ماني)، ثم ينطلقا سويًا في رحلة سريـالية بهدف الوصول إلى المنزل، ليتعرضا للعديد من المواقف المتباينة خلال رحلتهما العجيبة خاصة مع اكتشاف (هانك) لقدرات (ماني) الخارقة.
The history of cinematic sound, told by legendary sound designers and visionary filmmakers.
سعيًا خلف الثراء والشهرة، يتعاون منقِّب طموح سيّئ الحظ مع عالم جيولوجيا غامض للبحث عن الذهب في "إندونيسيا".
Best friends Toni and Paul decide to relinquish all of their belongings for 100 days, whereby they receive one of their items back on each day. During this challenge the two realize, that the only thing they cannot be without is their friendship. A story about contemporary materialism and the quest for the truly important things in life.
تمت دعوة Will وصديقته الجديدة كيرا لتناول العشاء مع الأصدقاء القدامى في منزل Will’s السابق Eden وشريكها الجديد David. على الرغم من أن المساء يبدو هادئًا ، إلا أن ويل سرعان ما يشك في أن مضيفهم الساحر ديفيد يخطط لشيء ما.
Expert conman Joe Thanks teams up with half-breed Bill and naive Lucy to steal $300,000 from the Indian-hating Major Cabot. Their elaborate plan is full of disguises, double-crosses, and chases, but Joe always seems to know what he's doing.
High school student Kyosuke Shikijo is the most talented member of the school's martial arts of the fist club. His late father was detective and Kyosuke share his father's strong sense of justice. Kyosuke also has a secret. Kyosuke likes to wear female underwear and transforms himself into the alter ego "Hentai Kamen," wearing female underwear and gaining superhuman powers. This unusual interest also comes from his parents, with his father a masochist and his mother a sadist. By chance, Kyosuke gets the underwear of female high school student Aiko Himeno. With her underwear, he gains various pervert techniques and attempts to protect Aiko from a dirty and heinous teacher.
In the near future, due to a breakthrough scientific discovery by Dr. Thomas Harbor, there is now definitive proof of an afterlife. While countless people have chosen suicide to reset their existence, others try to decide what it all means. Among them is Dr. Harbor's son Will, who has arrived at his father's isolated compound with a mysterious young woman named Isla. There, they discover the strange acolytes who help Dr. Harbor with his experiments.
Michael Jennings is a genius who's hired – and paid handsomely – by high-tech firms to work on highly sensitive projects, after which his short-term memory is erased so he's incapable of breaching security. But at the end of a three-year job, he's told he isn't getting a paycheck and instead receives a mysterious envelope. In it are clues he must piece together to find out why he wasn't paid – and why he's now in hot water.
يلتقي السائح الأمريكي فرانك بالمرأة البريطانية الغامضة إلسي في القطار المتجه إلى البندقية. يبدو أن الرومانسية تتبرعم ، ولكن هناك ما هو أكثر مما تراه العين. طبعة جديدة من الفيلم الفرنسي "أنتوني زيمر" لعام 2005 .
A family's road trip takes a dangerous turn when they arrive at a secluded mobile home park to stay with some relatives and find it mysteriously deserted. Under the cover of darkness, three masked killers pay them a visit to test the family's every limit as they struggle to survive.
In a basement, somewhere in war torn Baghdad, hostage Adam Smith is waiting to die. With no time, no chance, and no hope, he must look into the abyss of his own personal hell and it is here, 'in the valley of the shadow of death' that something divine is awaiting him.
A group of friends are going on a camping trip to celebrate graduating college. But once they enter the woods, the proverbial shit starts to hit the fan.