In 1913, designer Coco Chanel opens her first boutique in the French city of Deauville.

U prekrasnom, slikovitom ljetovalištu na otoku Amity nešto strašno, neko veliko zlo nadvladalo je spokoj i uzdrmalo mir. Prvo je uzelo život mladoj djevojci, ostavljajući njezine ostatke da trunu na plaži, a odjeci njezinih krika proklinjali su noćno nebo. Potom se velika bijela psina namjerila na djecu, a mirne vode postale su crvene od krvi. A onda, baš kad su pomislili da je sigurno vratiti se u vodu, napalo je opet, nemilosrdno divljajući i napadajući molove gdje su ribiči sjedili i čekali ulov, ništa ne sluteći. Nešto se mora poduzeti prije nego što se vrati u potrazi za hranom. Turistički ured Amityja i gradonačelnik Larry Vaughn odlučni su u namjeri da plaže ostanu otvorene tijekom ljetne sezone, a na policijskom načelniku Brodyju, morskom biologu Mattu Hooperu i ribiču Quintu ostaje da ulove bijelu psinu i zaustave krvoproliće.

Emocije Sreća, Strah, Tuga, Bijes i Gadljivost imaju novog posla u Rajkinom umu. Dok su se u prvom nastavku morale nositi s privikavanjem na novu okolinu zbog selidbe u novi grad, sada dobivaju društvo novih emocija jer Rajka ipak odrasta u mladu djevojku. Tinejdžerske godine znaju biti emotivno jako zahtjevne.

Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) slučajno je poslan natrag u 1885. kada ga je pogodio grom. No, uspio je poslati Martyju (Michael J. Fox) pismo, napisavši u gdje se nalazi vremenski stroj. Napisao je kako ne dolazi po njega i da uništi stroj čim se vrati u 1985. Marty počne raditi s Docom iz 1955. i oni iskopavaju De Lorean iz rudnika. Prije nego što su napustili rudnik, otkrivaju nadgrobnu ploču na kojoj piše kako je tu 1885. pokopan Doc. Doca je u leđa upucao Biffov pradjed Buford "Ludi pas" Tannen zbog osamdeset dolara. Marty odlučuje, unatoč Docovim uputama, vratiti se u 1985. kako bi spasio prijatelja.

Dok istražuju najmračnije krajeve napuštene svemirske stanice, skupina mladih kolonizatora svemira suočava se s najstrašnijim oblikom života koji je svemir ikada vidio.

Nakon obiteljske tragedije, tri generacije obitelji Deetz vraćaju se kući u Winter River. Još uvijek proganjana Beetlejuiceom, Lydijin život se okreće naglavačke kada njezina kći tinejdžerica Astrid slučajno otvori portal u zagrobni život.

Bivši marinac bori se protiv korupcije u gradiću kad lokalna policija nepravedno zaplijeni vreću novca koja mu treba da izvuče brata iz zatvora.

Morbius Jr, now an OId Man, is nearing the end of life, when he finds the last hope for all Morbkind. However, as he fights to protect the future of Morbheads, he finds himself facing off against an unlikely of enemy... HIMSELF.

What happens when an 18-year-old babysitter finds out she's sitting for a 27-year-old slacker?

In an attempt to keep up with social pressure in a technologically advanced world, Chance starts a texting relationship with Genevieve - a girl he meets at a yogurt shop. But when Genevieve dies while texting and driving it forces Chance to realize he was never in a relationship at all.

Goku and friends must stop a band of space pirates from consuming fruit from the Tree of Might before it's destructive powers drain Earth's energy.

When troubled musical prodigy Charlotte seeks out Elizabeth, the new star pupil of her former school, the encounter sends both musicians down a sinister path with shocking consequences.

A Super Namekian named Slug comes to invade Earth. But the Z Warriors do their best to stop Slug and his gang.

At Adams College, the jocks rule the school from their house on high, the Alpha Beta fraternity. So when a group of socially-challenged misfits try to go Greek, they're instantly rejected by every house on campus. Deciding to start their own fraternity to protect their outcast brothers, the campus nerds soon find themselves in a battle royale as the Alpha Betas try to crush their new rivals.

A struggling young dancer finds herself drawn in by dark forces when a peculiar, well-connected older couple promise her a shot at fame.

Junior and his father, Ben, move from Cold River to Mortville. Junior becomes threatened by Ben's desire to date again and find a new mother for Junior, and sabotages each of his dates.

Strangers trapped at an eerie travel oasis in the desert must unravel the mystery behind their visions of dying people while they are preyed upon by a decaying creature.

Hellboy and a rookie BPRD agent get stranded in 1950s rural Appalachia. There, they discover a small community haunted by witches, led by a local devil with a troubling connection to Hellboy's past: the Crooked Man.

As fanged, furious furballs viciously invade an L.A. apartment building and sink their teeth into the low-rent tenants, Josh leads the battle to beat back the conniving critters and save the planet.