Set in the late 1920s, The Age of Shadows follows the cat-and-mouse game that unfolds between a group of resistance fighters trying to bring in explosives from Shanghai to destroy key Japanese facilities in Seoul, and Japanese agents trying to stop them.

The fates of an apparently random group of strangers who each come into contact with a mysterious figure who they believe possesses the power to grant any wish, in return for which they must carry out a task he assigns them.

Priča o skromnom londonskom poduzetniku Quanu, koji traži osvetu kada njegova jedina kći biva ubijena u terorističkom činu. U neumornoj potrazi za identitetom ubojice svoje kćeri, Quan je prisiljen na igru mačke i miša s vladinim dužnosnikom, čija bi prošlost mogla voditi do tragova identiteta ubojice.

Bivši boksač Bradley kojem trenutno baš i ne ide u životu, izgubio je posao auto mehaničara i brak mu se raspada pa više ne vidi nekog smisla u životu tako da se okreće svojem starom kolegi kako bi preprodavao drogu. Situacija se naizgled popravlja sve dok se jednog dana ne nađe u zatvoru gdje mu dojučerašnji prijatelji naređuju da čini svakakve zločine kako bi preživio.

Determined to pass down his art, the Final Master of Wing Chun is caught in a power struggle with malicious local officials and ultimately must choose between personal honor and his master’s dying wish.

When Michèle, the CEO of a gaming software company, is attacked in her home by an unknown assailant, she refuses to let it alter her precisely ordered life. She manages crises involving family, all the while becoming engaged in a game of cat and mouse with her stalker.

Although theorised, no one is really ready when a mountain pass above the scenic and narrow Geiranger fjord in Norway collapses and creates a tsunami over 300 feet high. A geologist is one of those caught in the middle of it.

A dangerous amnesiac escapes from an asylum, hides in the opera house, and is suspected of getting revenge on those who tried to murder him 13 years ago.

When 13 year old Maria Merryweather's father dies, leaving her orphaned and homeless, she is forced to leave her luxurious London life to go and live with Sir Benjamin, an eccentric uncle she didn't know she had, at the mysterious Moonacre Manor.

The life and tragic death of Whitney Houston.

Mladi Lloyd poznat i kao Zelena Ninja, će se zajedno sa svojim prijateljima, koji su svi tajni ratnici, boriti za Ninjago grad. Pod vodstvom mudrog kung fu majstora Wua, morat će pobijediti zlog Garmadona, koji je ujedno otac mladog Lloyda. U ovoj epskoj borbi oca i sina, nedisciplinirani tim suvremenih ratnika morat će naučiti surađivati zajedno kako bi oslobodili svoju pravu snagu.

Bob Muldoon and Ruth Guthrie, an impassioned young outlaw couple on an extended crime spree, are finally apprehended by lawmen after a shootout in the Texas hills. Although Ruth wounds a local officer, Bob takes the blame. But four years later, Bob escapes from prison and sets out to find Ruth and their daughter, born during his incarceration.

The world's top thieves join forces to pull off the heist of a lifetime. But when they find themselves pursued across Europe by a legendary French detective, they'll have to take their game to the next level.

India's most wanted Black Money agent, Vicky Chaddha, gets arrested in Malaysia and is kept in a safe house by the Malaysian authorities, along with his wife. A team of four is being sent to Malaysia to bring them to India. Apart from the growth of inter-personal relationships, the mission has quite a few twists and turns on its way. The story follows Karan as he uses his brain and brawn to recover all of the laundered black money.

The life of three youngsters, who go to Rangoon to strike a business deal, witnesses several twists and turns, for which they pay heavy price.

Kineski profesor arheologije Jack udružuje snage s prekrasnom indijskom profesoricom Ashmitom i njezinom asistenticom Kyrom kako bi pokušali pronaći davno izgubljeno blago Magadha. U tibetanskoj ledenoj spilji, oni pronalaze ostatke kraljevske vojske koja je netragom nestala skupa s blagom. Uskoro ih presreće Randall koji se također želi domoći izgubljenog blaga.

Ranjeni vojnik Unije tijekom Američkog građanskog rata skloni se u južnjačkoj školi za djevojke te među žene unese nemir i seksualnu napetost.

Smith, a mob informer hiding out with the Witness Protection Program, decides to make a break for it and hide out in the Arizona desert. The Feds catch up with him and rescue him just before a group of hitmen can manage to silence him for good. In the course of getting Smith away from the mafia thugs, the pair of agents assigned to protect him turn onto an abandoned stretch of highway nicknamed 'Route 666' after the mysterious death of a prison chain gang. As the three continue on their way, they soon discover just what happened to the chain gang, and how the highway earned its name.

During the Cold War, an organization called "Patriot" created a super-hero squad, which includes members of multiple soviet republics. For years, the heroes had to hide their identities, but in hard times they must show themselves again.

A gambler is targeted for murder during the wedding of his daughter to his protege.