
Quinceañeras, a magical age... except when your family wants to put you in a bulky dress and make you waltz in front of everyone, which is exactly what happens to Danae shortly after she transfers to a very proper private school. Now Danae has to manage to balance the demands of her family, those of her new friends and organize a cool, but traditional, but modern, but emotional, but aesthetic, but also grandmother-pleasing Quinceañera party... without dying in the process.


动画《鬼灭之刃》的第22话~第26话组成的“灶门炭治郎立志篇”的完结篇,它的剧情直接连接到剧场版《鬼灭之刃 无限列车篇》的故事。这次的《柱合会议·蝶屋敷篇》是为了这个广播而制作的新影像等被追加了的特别编辑版。

DCP Aditya, a celebrated cop, faces his most unsettling case yet involving a mysterious serial killer who has been brutally killing his targets and leaving behind notes challenging Aditya to nab him. Teaming with Apoorva, an aspiring crime novelist, and the police force, Aditya finds himself walking on thin ice upon discovering the killer has another challenge for him: to prevent four more murders from happening or give up his medals and resign. What he is yet to find out is the killer's past and his desperation to carry out the killing spree without fail.

从小异于常人的黑崎一护,在一次机缘巧合下遭遇女死神“朽木露琪亚”。 露琪亚是将灵魂从现实世界引领到尸魂界的收魂者之一,他们为保护人类 不被“虚” 侵害,一直在与这些怪物战斗。在与一只异常强大的“虚” 战斗时,露琪亚身负重伤,无奈只能将死神 的力量暂时转给黑崎一护,让其代为战斗。两人经过一段时间的磨合后并肩战斗,终于战胜了当年害死一护母亲的“虚”,但在这期间,露琪亚的兄长朽木白哉(石原贵雅 饰)强迫她不顾黑崎一护的生命安危收回法力。露琪亚为保护一护,拖延到与“虚”的战斗结束,并清除了一护的记忆……





Italy, after the promulgation of the racial laws (1938). Luciano, a Fascist-abiding restaurateur, nonetheless believes he can still live by his own rules inside his business. However, everything changes when Anna, a girl with a dangerous secret, starts to work at his restaurant.

Based on Jo Brand's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, The More You Ignore Me is a warm, comedy drama focusing on the life of an unconventional family in 1980s rural England. The film focuses on Gina, a young mother, whose efforts to be a loving mother and wife are undermined by her declining mental health. Things deteriorate when she develops an obsession with the local weatherman, which leads to an admission to the nearby psychiatric hospital. Over the years, as she grows up, her daughter Alice struggles to relate to her heavily medicated mum, and causes chaos when she comes up with a plan to reconnect with her, which divides the family forever and leads to a moving climax. Set to the songs of The Smiths, The More You Ignore Me provides a sometimes stark, yet comical insight into life within this quirky household, whilst addressing mental health issues and their impact on the family.



Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.


人们会经常地变动于仅有些许差别的平行世界,这点在这个世界已被证明—— 因为两亲离婚而和父亲住在一起的日高历,在父亲任职的虚质科学研究所里与名为佐籐栞相遇了。 互相抱有淡淡恋心的两人,在某天因为父母的再婚问题而大大改变。 认为已经无法和对方结婚的历和栞,决定跳跃到不会成为兄妹的世界…… 她不在的世界毫无意义。


