Motivirana sjećanjima na majku, snalažljiva Fei Fei napravi raketu za put na Mjesec kako bi dokazala da legendarna Mjesečeva božica doista postoji.

The overambitious pianist Andi and the more laid back Benno have one thing in common: They will both die soon. So the two of them decide to have the most awesome day before its too late.

Mary and Joseph make the hard journey to Bethlehem for a blessed event in this retelling of the Nativity story. This meticulously researched and visually lush adaptation of the biblical tale follows the pair on their arduous path to their arrival in a small village, where they find shelter in a quiet manger and Jesus is born.

Richard, a sparrow adopted by a stork family, is wintering at the Great Lake in Northern Africa. When he realises that he won’t be the one to lead his flock back North, Richard decides to travel on his own and crosses paths with Samia and her sparrow flock, who are being held captive by evil marabous under the control of greedy peacock Zamano. The only chance of freedom for the sparrows is to solve a riddle and find the Great Jewel, which will call upon teamwork, trust and most of all- spork (sparrow + stork) skills.

On a flight from Los Angeles to New York, Oliver and Emily make a connection, only to decide that they are poorly suited to be together. Over the next seven years, however, they are reunited time and time again, they go from being acquaintances to close friends to ... lovers?

Animacija za sve uzraste, o mladom jetiju koji pronađe nešto za što je mislio da ne postoji - čovjeka! Ono što se do sada smatralo mitom, postaje stvarnost kada jeti Migo doživi susret s čovjekom. Migovo otkriće donosi mu slavu i djevojku iz snova, ali baca svoj svijet u kaos.

The imperial guard and his three traitorous childhood friends ordered to hunt him down get accidentally buried and kept frozen in time. 400 years later pass and they are defrosted continuing the battle they left behind.

When a San Francisco exec wins a New Zealand inn, she ditches city life to remodel and flip the rustic property with help from a handsome contractor.

Priča prati mladog 16-godišnjeg Johna Paula Gettyja III (Charlie Plummer) koji je otet, a njegova majka Gail (Michelle Williams) pokušava uvjeriti njegovog djeda, milijardera Gettyja (Christopher Plummer), ujedno najbogatijeg čovjeka na svijetu, da plati otkupninu. Kad stari Getty odbije, otmičari postanu brutalni. U utrci između života i smrti, pitanje je hoće li prevladati ljubav prema unuku ili prema novcu?

Maurice možda izgleda kao pingvin, ali on je pravi tigar iznutra! Odgojen od strane tigrova, on je najsmotaniji Kung fu majstor ikada. Zajedno sa svojim prijateljima, namjerava održati red i pravdu u džungli, kao što je njegova majka održavala prije njega. Ali, to će biti teško, jer zla koala želi uništiti džunglu jednom zauvijek uz pomoć svoje vojske babuna.

Franck and his girlfriend Sonya, plus some of their friends go on holiday in Brazil. Franck, his friends, two girls and Sonya's grandmother leave to visit a cave, but everything goes wrong and their crazy adventures begin.

Čarolija Diznijevog animiranog oskarovca “Ljepotica i Zvijer” nastavlja se kroz novu neodoljivu avanturu. Ova čarobna priča smještena je u vrijeme Božića, ali prije nego što je Bel skinula čini sa začaranog zamka i njegovih stanovnika. Pokušavajući da stvori toplu, prazničnu atmosferu, Bel je sve svoje začarane prijatelje zamolila da učestvuju u pripremama slavlja uprkos protivljenju Zvijeri, koji mrzi Božićne proslave. Da li će Božićna zabava proteći baš onako kako su Bel i njeni prijatelji zamislili ili će možda neki zlikovac pokušati da pokvari slavlje?

The crew of a West of Ireland trawler—marooned at sea—struggle for their lives against a growing parasite in their water supply.

A half-striped zebra is blamed for the drought and leaves his herd in search of his missing stripes. He is joined on his quest by an overprotective wildebeest and a flamboyant ostrich; they defeat the tyrannical leopard and save his herd.

Nakon što su otac i sin tokom lova vidjeli kako jedan pljačkaš banke puca u drugog, pljačkaš otme dječaka kao taoca, kako bi došao do ključa za ormarić u kojem je plijen iz pljačke banke. Šef policije Howell nastoji riješiti slučaj no vremena je sve manje. istovremeno i otac kidnapovanog djeteta biva prisiljen staviti sve na kocku kako bi spasio svog sina.

After a quick courtship, two lovers hastily decide to tie the knot. As their first year of marriage unfolds, temptation and incompatibility put their relationship in jeopardy.

Mladi lovac D'Leh (Steven Strait), pripadnik plemena koje živi u zabačenome planinskom području, pronašao je ljubav svoga života, prelijepu Evolet (Camilla Belle), pa kad je otme banda tajnovitih ratnika kamp plemena Yaghal, D'Leh predvodi malu skupinu lovaca do kraja svijeta kako bi je spasio. Morat će se boriti protiv prapovijesnih grabežljivaca, preživjeti surove klimatske uvjete te shvatiti da sudbina njegova plemena leži u carstvu o kojem nisu ni sanjali, gdje se piramide uzdižu do neba i gdje se moraju suočiti s okrutnim bogom. D'Leh napokon shvaća da njegova uloga nije samo da spasi Evolet, nego i cijelu civilizaciju. Ime glavnog junaka D'Leh je obrnuto od 'Held' što je njemačka riječ za junaka. Redatelj Roland Emmerich je sam izabrao ime glavnog lika.

After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.

Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.

A teen must resort to extreme measures to protect her family from a supernatural entity.