Na pozadí monotónneho deja (Profesor a Spisovateľ putujú v sprievode jurodivého Stalkera zakázanou, magickou Zónou, kde sa po páde vesmírneho telesa odohrávajú anomálne javy, do tajomnej miestnosti v strede Zóny, ktorá môže každému splniť jeho najúprimnejšie, najtajnejšie želania) a s využitím pomerne asketických výrazových prostriedkov film otvára bytostne dôležité filozofické problémy o podstate človeka, o zmysle ľudskej existencie, technického pokroku, umenia, viery.

Seoul, South Korea, 1997. When the young but extremely anxious student Jin-seok, his parents and his successful older brother Yoo-seok move to a new home, mysterious and frightening events begin to happen around them, unexplained events that threaten to ruin their seemingly happy lives. Unable to understand what is happening, Jin-seok wonders if he is losing his mind.

Late in the 1500s, an aging tea master teaches the way of tea to a headstrong Shogun. Through force of will and courageous fighting, Hideyoshi becomes Japan’s most powerful warlord, unifying the country.

Na Zem spadne vesmírna sonda a prinesie so sebou nebezpečný mikroorganizmus, ktorý počas pár hodín vyhladí obyvateľov malého mestečka. V sonde je objavený neznámy mikroorganizmus, vedci ho nazvú Andromeda. Po nejakej dobe zistia, že Andromeda rozkladá zdravú krv čo vysvetľuje ako zomreli ľudia v onej malej dedine a tiež aj ako mohli niektorí prežiť. Tiež, ale zistia, že pomerne rýchlo mutuje a behom pár dní je pre človeka neškodný, avšak začne rozkladať všetky plastické hmoty, z ktorých sa tiež skladá časť laboratória. Po narušení izolácie počítač spustí autodeštrukciu, aby zabránil úniku látky mimo laboratória. Vedci musia autodeštrukciu vypnúť ak chcú prežiť, ale počítač je dobre chránený ...

He promised supermodels and yachts, but delivered tents and cheese sandwiches. How one man engineered a music festival disaster.

Nicknamed after a human-devouring spirit, the ruthless leader of an overseas black ops team takes up a dangerous mission in a city riddled with spies.

The story of the discovery of the AIDS epidemic and the political infighting of the scientific community hampering the early fight with it.

Tridsaťdvaročná účtovníčka Mollie, ktorú očaril a opustil jej ženatý priateľ Albert, hľadá správneho otca pre svojho syna Mikeyho. Bábätko Mikey cynicky a sarkasticky komentuje nový svet, kam sa dostalo ako produkt mimomanželského vzťahu. Mikey si obľúbi taxikára Jamesa Ubriacca, ktorý bol už pri jeho narodení, keď odviezol Mollie v pôrodných bolestiach do nemocnice. A teraz ho často pomáha strážiť, keď Mollie musí pracovať. Vie tancovať, pilotovať lietadlo a rozosmiať mamičku. Podľa Mikeyho je práve on tým pravým a správnym otcom! Keby len Mollie mohla počuť, čo jej chce Mikey povedať. Mamička však jeho komentárom nerozumie a zdá sa, že opäť Albertovi, ktorý sa znovu objavil na scéne, podľahne. A Albert, hoci je Mikeov fyzický otec, sa drobcovi vonkoncom nepáči. Po mnohých peripetiách si Mikey napokon toho správneho otca vybojuje.

Two escaped cons' only prayer to escape is to pass themselves off as priests and pass by the police blockade at the border into the safety of Canada.

Jack Deth, the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth's most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock, has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and won't rest until she's exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena. Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth's problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time.

Underwater deep-sea miners encounter a Soviet wreck and bring back a dangerous cargo to their base on the ocean floor with horrifying results. The crew of the mining base must fight to survive against a genetic mutation that hunts them down one by one.

Three sisters enter the house of a senator with the intention of stealing money obtained from bribes, but once inside, they begin to hear strange cries coming from the basement.

Veterinár Herman Varnick nariadi svojim podriadeným, aby mu zohnali ďalších psov na jeho pokusy. Pri vykradnutí obchodu so zvieratami sa však šteniatku bernardína podarí utiecť a nepozorovane sa dostať do domu Newtonovcov. Je to celkom normálna, pokojná rodinka. Ale len do chvíle, kým ich život a bytové zariadenie kompletne nezmení práve bernardín Beethoven. Zapáči sa mu pekný dom so záhradou, ktorý je otvorený všetkým hosťom. Päťročná dcéra Emily a desaťročný Ted, trinásťročná Ryce i mama Alice sa domnievajú, že otec George konečne vyslyšal ich detské prianie a šteniatko im kúpil. Ten je ochotný nechať psa v dome len dovtedy, kým sa neprihlási jeho majiteľ. Bernardín však rastie ako z vody a keď sa nasťahuje do Georgeovej manželskej postele, zdá sa, že pohár trpezlivosti pretiekol...

A woman inherits a fortune, causing her husband and his lover to plot her demise by poisoning her. The only trouble is it only places her in a deep coma that resembles death. When an accident occurs in the embalmer's office he doesn't complete the embalming process, causing her to be buried alive. Awakening from the grave, she claws her way out and seeks revenge against the two who caused her supposed demise

Joey Buttafuoco's story, of how a sexy, possessive young girl destroyed his life by telling her friends the two are lovers, and then shooting his wife.

To climb the corporate ladder to success, a businessman agrees to coach his company's all-girl soccer team with the help of his secret weapon: his fiancee's son.

Satria's employees intend to rob his house when he is out of the country but their robbery turns into murder when they find Suzzanna in the house as they bury her body in the backyard.

When Maggie's sister Jenna saddles her with an autistic newborn named Cody she touches Maggie's heart and becomes the daughter she has always longed for. But six years later Jenna suddenly re-enters her life and, with her mysterious new husband, Eric Stark, abducts Cody. Despite the fact that Maggie has no legal rights to Cody, FBI agent John Travis takes up her cause when he realizes that Cody shares the same birth date as several other recently murdered children.

A beautiful young girl returns to her peaceful rural home town to find that the house she grew up in has been defaced, her parents are missing, and the whole town hates her father, a bank supervisor who foreclosed on many of the local farms. Only "Marvelous Mervo," who wanders around town dressed in a clown's suit with a permanent grin painted on his face, seems happy to see her. As Mervo's brother tries to rekindle his love affair with Jill, those closest to her are slaughtered like cattle, one by one.

Isabel is a dead vampire and witch whose body is hanging in a basement while the owner tries to kidnap virgins for a sacrifice that could mean Isabel’s resurrection. But doing this won’t be easy as the women aren’t gonna give in very easily.