A years-in-the-making documentary on the legendary punk band the Ramones. Through a mixture of archival footage, archival and new interviews with all members of the band's various lineups, and new interviews with a number of their contemporaries, the film traces the peaks and valleys the band experienced over the course of its 20-plus year career before disbanding in 1995.

1949 m. Mažame Šiaurės Kalifornijos miestelyje gyvena labai nuoširdus vyras vardu Edas (akt. Billy Bob'as Thornton'as). Jis nemėgsta labai daug šnekėti, todėl beveik su niekuo nekalba. Jis mėgsta rūkyti, todėl beveik neišsiima iš burnos cigaretės. Jis dirba kirpykloje, kuri priklauso žmonos Doris broliui Frankui (akt. Michael'as Badalucco). Edas nėra patenkintas savo gyvenimu, bet, kita vertus, net neįsivaizduoja, ką galima pakeisti, kad viskas būtų gerai. Kirpti plaukus ir daryti kvailas šukuosenas iki gyvenimo pabaigos jis nenori tai jau tikrai. Edas labai sąžiningai myli savo žmoną Doris (akt. Frances McDormand), kuri yra visiškai jam abejinga arba tik profesionaliai apsimetinėja, kad myli. Šeimos problema yra labai paprasta - Doris nori susilaukti vaikų, bet Edas labiau domisi pianino skleidžiamais Bethoveno muzikos garsais, nei seksu lovoje. Vieną paprastą dieną Edas sulaukia stebuklo.

1941-ieji. Intelektualiomis pjesėmis išgarsėjusį Niujorko dramaturgą Bartoną Finką (akt. John Turturro) suvilioja kvietimas į Holivudą rašyti scenarijaus filmui. Apsistojusį kraupiame "Erlo" viešbutyje Bartoną netrukus ištinka rimta kūrybinė krizė. Jo kaimynas – linksmų plaučių draudimo agentas Čarlis Medousas (akt. John Goodman) – visaip bando padėti naujajam bičiuliui, tačiau Bartoną it prakeiksmas ir toliau persekioja keisčiausios nesėkmės...

An uncompromising look into urban life from the eyes of a voyeuristic photographer, a rebellious teenager, and a married couple teetering on the edge of adultery.

The owner of a seedy small-town Texas bar discovers that one of his employees is having an affair with his wife. A chaotic chain of misunderstandings, lies and mischief ensues after he devises a plot to have them murdered.

Tom's new book on "how to catch a mouse" doesn't prove too helpful against Jerry; actually, Jerry seems to make better use of it than Tom.

Nevykėlis, kurį vaidina aktorius Timas Robbinsas (kai kurie jį prisimins iš filmo „Pabėgimas iš Šoušenko“ (The Shawshank Redemption, 1994)), atvyksta į Niujorką ir įsidarbina žaislus gaminančioje įmonėje. Netikėtai būtent jis tampa įmonės vadovu.

When a childless couple--an ex-con and an ex-cop--decide to help themselves to one of another family's quintuplets, their lives become more complicated than they anticipated.

A touching story of a deaf girl who is sent to an oil rig to take care of a man who has been blinded in a terrible accident. The girl has a special ability to communicate with the men on board and especially with her patient as they share intimate moments together that will change their lives forever.

At a marine biology station, a clump of algae reveals polyps, stomachs with limbs, limbs with buds, buds with poison cells. This animal reproduces by buds, which we watch close up in time-lapse images. In another kind of jellyfish, the buds grow inside then live outside for a few days until being on their own. Another produces eggs, sometimes self-fertilized. Some single eggs become buds with colonies. Another clump gathered at low tide consists of filaments of a colony - plumes with poison ends. In images taking 72 hours, we see filaments grow and produce a feeding organ from which a plume emerges. New jellyfish emerge from buds twice a day at set times to form a new colonies.

Several lonely hearts in a semi-provincial suburb of a town in Denmark use a beginner's course in Italian as the platform to meet the romance of their lives. The film, which unspools the connections and family drama shared between the students, complies with several aesthetic principles of Dogme 95 movement.

In 1950s Los Angeles, a special crime squad of the LAPD investigates the murder of a young woman.

Mermaid sisters hunt down their father's human killer... and deal with their own personal relationships with the humans.

When the son of an American man and a Japanese women is killed, the man transforms into Tetsuo.

Arko, a film student, invites Subir Banerjee, who played the legendary role of Apu, to attend an award ceremony in Germany. But the old man hesitates to accept the invitation.

After accidentally committing a crime, a magician's assistant flees to Mexico in search of a Mayan shaman and the magical potion she is rumoured to possess. But upon arrival she is trailed by a handsome private eye.

A group of teenagers in San Francisco discover a nest of homicidal monsters living in a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, but when they try to tell authorities, no one believes them.

The film takes place in three bathrooms. Two of them are side-by-side and the third sees the two right across the street. In these 3 places, 3 different couples and a young voyeur boy (actually an art student who researches for a project) are described in stories. At the core of these stories there are determinations of the nature of men and women, marriage and betrayal.

A modern-day renaissance man, Schaub is a failed footballer, failed MMA fighter and currently a failing podcast host. Now, he adds another achievement to his resume. He takes to the stage to tell his tales in his first-ever stand-up comedy special.

A short animation about a man appreciating the view in a forest.