During an unfortunate series of events, a friend of Kung Fury is assassinated by the most dangerous kung fu master criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler, a.k.a Kung Führer. Kung Fury decides to travel back in time to Nazi Germany in order to kill Hitler and end the Nazi empire once and for all.
Maikls Stouns ir autors, kurš specializējas klientu apkalpošanā, bet nav spējīgs uz patiešām dziļām un patiesām attiecībām ar citiem cilvēkiem. Rezultējošā neieinteresētība un apātija noveda viņa dzīvi līdz paredzamam ciklam bez skaidrām nākotnes perspektīvām. Biznesa ceļojuma laikā viņš iepazīstas ar noslēpumainu svešinieci, kura reizi par visām reizēm mainīs gan viņa pasaules uzskatus, gan dzīves ritējumu.
Popular and dashing American singer Nick Rivers travels to East Germany to perform in a music festival. When he loses his heart to the gorgeous Hillary Flammond, he finds himself caught up in an underground resistance movement. Rivers joins forces with Agent Cedric and Flammond to attempt the rescue of her father, Dr. Paul, from the Germans, who have captured the scientist in hopes of coercing him into building a new naval mine.
After 6 years together, Mike's girlfriend leaves him, so he travels to LA to be a star. Six months on, he's still not doing very well— so a few of his friends try to reconnect him to the social scene and hopefully help him forget his failed relationship.
Both dumped by their girlfriends, two best friends seek refuge in the local mall. Eventually, they decide to try and win back their significant others and take care of their respective nemeses.
The adventures of two amiably aimless metal-head friends, Wayne and Garth. From Wayne's basement, the pair broadcast a talk-show called "Wayne's World" on local public access television. The show comes to the attention of a sleazy network executive who wants to produce a big-budget version of "Wayne's World"—and he also wants Wayne's girlfriend, a rock singer named Cassandra. Wayne and Garth have to battle the executive not only to save their show, but also Cassandra.
Three friends attempt to recapture their glory days by opening up a fraternity near their alma mater.
Muzikāli dokumentālās filmas stilā ieturētā komēdija par popzvaigznēm sniedz ieskatu aizkulisēs, kurās sevi pierādīt cenšās dziedātājs un reperis Conner4Real. Viņš piedzīvo krīzi - jaunais albums izgāžas, faniem, lišķiem un konkurentiem liekot pārdomāt, ko darīt situācijā, kad viņš vairs nav spicākā zvaigzne. Bijušais puišu grupas biedrs dara visu, kas ir viņa spēkos, lai saglabātu savu slavenības statusu.
Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, two rebellious teenagers from Southern California, become the frontwomen for The Runaways -- the now-legendary group that paved the way for future generations of female rockers. Under the Svengali-like influence of impresario Kim Fowley, the band becomes a huge success.
Fed up with all the attention going to Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck quits Hollywood, teams up with recently-fired stuntman Damien Drake Jr. and embarks on a round-the-world adventure, along with Bugs and The VP of Warner Bros. Their mission? Find Damien's father, and the missing blue diamond... and stay one step ahead of The Acme Corp., who wants the diamond for their own purposes.
Along with his new friends, a teenager who was arrested by the US Secret Service and banned from using a computer for writing a computer virus discovers a plot by a nefarious hacker, but they must use their computer skills to find the evidence while being pursued by the Secret Service and the evil computer genius behind the virus.
A corrupt CIA agent Sands hires hitman El Mariachi to assassinate a Mexican general hired by a drug kingpin attempting a coup d'état of the President of Mexico.
In 2002, cable news producer Kim Barker decides to shake up her routine by taking a daring new assignment in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dislodged from her comfortable American lifestyle, Barker finds herself in the middle of an out-of-control war zone. Luckily, she meets Tanya Vanderpoel, a fellow journalist who takes the shell-shocked reporter under her wing. Amid the militants, warlords and nighttime partying, Barker discovers the key to becoming a successful correspondent.
After he refuses to disavow his faith, a devout Christian student must prove the existence of God or else his college philosophy professor will fail him.
Āronam tiek uzticēts nogādāt britu rokzvaigzni Oldesu Snovu no Londonas uz Losandželosu, kur mūziķim paredzēts atgriešanās koncerts slavenajā Greek Theater. Odess ir mūzikas leģenda, taču pateicoties dažādām neveiksmēm izkritis no aprites. Kas viņam liks saņemties?
Apsēsts ar atriebību, bijušais ieslodzītais apsolas noskaidrot, kāpēc viņš tika nolaupīts un ieslēgts izolatorā uz 20 gadiem.
Filma stāsta par 28 gadus vecu puisi Ēriku Pakeru, finanšu brīnumbērnu, kurš iekļuvis Ņujorkas sastrēgumos. Kamēr Eriks cenšas izkļūt no sastrēguma, viņam nāksies izlemt pasaules finanšu likteņus, sadurties ar prezidenta kortežu, saskarties ar rokmūzikas elka bērēm un personīgo bankrotu.
Komēdija par koledžas studentu, kas piepelnās pieskatot bērnu kaimiņiem. Noa ir no koledžas atskaitīts students, kurš tagad dzīvo pie mammas. Pēc strīda ar māti puisi iekārdina ar aukles darbu, kura laikā jāpieskata nepaklausīgie kaimiņu bērni. Vakars kļūst nekontrolējams, kad Mets ved bērnus neaizmirstamā nakts ceļojumā pa Ņujorkas ielām, lai satiktos ar viņa draudzeni.
Idilliskā Kārteru ģimene nebūt nav pēdējie, kas uzduras kanibālu ciltij Ņūmeksikas tuksnesī. Filmas "Pakalniem ir acis" turpinājumā uz nomaļo nostūri, kur savulaik notikuši kodolizmēģinājumi, ir nosūtīta saujiņa ASV armijas kareivju. Atklājot ļaužu pamestu nometni, kurā būtu jābūt cilvēkiem, viņi sāk meklēt pazudušos kalnu masīvā. Pat nenojaušot, ka katru viņu soli no alām un klinšu aizām uzmana asinskāri izdzimteņi. Lai gan kareivji ir bruņoti līdz zobiem, pavisam drīz kļūst skaidrs, ka tā būs viņu pēdējā misija un paveicies ir tiem, kuri mirst pirmie.
A fantasy movie about an arrogant, lazy prince and his more heroic brother who must complete a quest in order to save their father's kingdom.