Kontroverzni vojnik i pustolov T. E. Lawrence gine u prometnoj nesreći, vozeći motocikl. Nakon komemoracije, među prisutnima se povede razgovor o pokojniku. Ključno razdoblje pokojnikova života bio je Prvi svjetski rat. U to doba Lawrence je bio poručnik britanske vojske u Kairu. Ljubitelj arapske kulture, Lawrence je bio na glasu kao svojeglav i neposlušan časnik. Ipak, zbog poznavanja arapske kulture, Lawrence je poslan u misiju kako bi istražio šanse arapskog princa Faisala u pobuni protiv Turaka. Izuzetno šarmantan i snalažljiv, Lawrence postaje važan čimbenik u događajima koji će promijeniti povijest…
Prilikom pljačke banke na što je prisiljen da bi prehranio svoju siromašnu obitelj, Ben Harper (P. Graves) uspije ukrasti 10.000 dolara, ali pri bijegu ustrijeli dvojicu ljudi. Prije no što će ubrzo biti uhićen, Ben sakrije novac te svojoj djeci, 9-godišnjem Johnu (B. Chapin) i četverogodišnjoj Pearl (S. J. Bruce) povjeri gdje ga je sakrio, ali i kaže da to ne odaju svojoj majci Willi (S. Winters). U zatvoru Ben dospije u ćeliju s psihički poremećenim propovjednikom Harryjem Powellom (R. Mitchum), kojem jedne noći u snu otkrije detalje o pljački. Nakon što Bena zbog dvostrukog ubojstva objese, Harry izađe iz zatvora te odluči posjetiti njegovu udovicu Willu, za koju vjeruje da zna gdje je novac skriven.
Priča o mladoj ženi koju je vratio u život briljantni i neortodoksni znanstvenik dr. Godwin Baxter. Pod Baxterovom zaštitom, Bella je željna učenja. Gladna svjetovnosti koja joj nedostaje, Bella odlučuje istražiti svijet i bježi s Duncanom Wedderburnom, uglađenim i razvratnim odvjetnikom, u vrtložnu avanturu po kontinentima. Slobodna od predrasuda svog vremena, Bella ostaje postojana u svojoj namjeri i zalaže se za jednakost i seksualno oslobođenje.
Bezvoljni Wade Wilson muči se u civilnom životu. Dani kada je bio moralno fleksibilan plaćenik, Deadpool, su iza njega. Kada se njegov svijet suoči s egzistencijalnom prijetnjom, Wade se mora nevoljko ponovno obući, uz još nevoljkijeg... nevoljnijeg? Najnevoljnijeg? Mora uvjeriti nevoljkog Wolverinea da... Kvragu. Sinopsisi su tako glupi.
Dok rade pod zemljom na popravljanju vodovoda, brooklynski vodoinstalateri i braća - Mario i Luigi transportuju se niz tajanstvenu cijev u čarobni novi svijet. No, kada se braća nađu razdvojena, Mario kreće u epsku potragu da pronađe Luigija.
Inspired by the 2005 riots in Paris; assigned to work alongside unethical police veterans Chris and Gwada in the' Anti-Crime Brigade, Brigadier Stéphane Ruiz – a recent transplant to the working-class suburb of Montfermeil, where Victor Hugo wrote his famous novel Les Misérables – struggles to establish a working relationship with influential community leaders while attempting to maintain some semblance of peace between his disreputable team and the citizens of the local housing projects. When what should be a simple arrest goes tragically awry, the three officers must individually reconcile with the aftermath of their actions while angling to keep the neighborhood from retaliating with mob violence.
Super špijun Lance Sterling (Will Smith) i znanstvenik Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) su potpune suprotnosti. Lance je uglađen i opušten. Walter...nije. No Walter to nadoknađuje svojom inteligencijom i inovacijama, stvarajući super uređaje koje Lance koristi na svojim legendarnim misijama. No kad dođe do neočekivanih događaja, Walter i Lance odjednom se moraju osloniti jedan na drugoga. A ako ovaj čudan dvojac ne nauči surađivati, cijeli svijet će biti u opasnosti.
Greg is coasting through senior year of high school as anonymously as possible, avoiding social interactions like the plague while secretly making spirited, bizarre films with Earl, his only friend. But both his anonymity and friendship threaten to unravel when his mother forces him to befriend a classmate with leukemia.
„Bilo jednom… u Hollywoodu“ priča je o glumcu i njegovom dvojniku koji kreću na put kako bi pronašli svoje mjesto pod suncem u filmskoj industriji daleke 1969. godine. Radnja filma se odvija u Los Angelesu 1969. na vrhuncu hippie Hollywooda. Glavni likovi u filmu Rick Dalton, bivša zvijezda jedne western TV serije i njegov dugogodišnji dvojnik Cliff Booth u vrijeme zadnjih trzaja zlatnog Hollywooda bore se za svoj uspjeh u svjetskoj prijestolnici filmske industrije koju više ne prepoznaju. Ali Rick ima poznatu susjedu - Sharon Tate…
A drama centered on a rebellious girl who is sent to a Southern beach town for the summer to stay with her father. Through their mutual love of music, the estranged duo learn to reconnect.
Wart is a young boy who aspires to be a knight's squire. On a hunting trip he falls in on Merlin, a powerful but amnesiac wizard who has plans for him beyond mere squiredom. He starts by trying to give him an education, believing that once one has an education, one can go anywhere. Needless to say, it doesn't quite work out that way.
Ubravši čarobni cvijet, obična djevojka Mary odjednom se nađe u čarobnoj školi. Međutim, jedna mala laž otkrije opasnu istinu.
Before the Seavers leave for a family vacation to San Francisco, they drop off their pets -- Chance, an adventurous American bulldog; Shadow, a wise golden retriever; and Sassy, a cautious cat -- at a friend's ranch. But when the animals start to worry that they've been left for good, the three embark together on a treacherous and thrilling journey to find their way back home through the California wilderness.
Thomasina is the pet cat of Mary McDhui, the daughter of Scottish veterinarian Andrew McDhui. When Thomasina falls ill, McDhui declares that the pet should be put down. But when Mary and her father try to bury the cat, Lori MacGregor (Susan Hampshire), who is said to be a witch, shows up and attempts to steal it.
The people of Hamelin, overrun with rats, offer a bag of gold to anyone who can get rid of the rats. A piper offers to do the job, and successfully lures the rats into a mirage of cheese, which disappears. The citizens, disappointed that all he did was play a tune, offer only pocket change. The piper, angered, plays a new tune that has all the children of the city follow him, even the new twins the stork is preparing to deliver.
In the summer of 1987, a college graduate takes a 'nowhere' job at his local amusement park, only to find it's the perfect course to get him prepared for the real world.
David Callaway tries to piece together his life in the wake of his wife's suicide and has been left to raise his nine-year-old daughter, Emily on his own. David is at first amused to discover that Emily has created an imaginary friend named 'Charlie', but it isn't long before 'Charlie' develops a sinister and violent side, and as David struggles with his daughter's growing emotional problems, he comes to the frightening realisation that 'Charlie' isn't just a figment of Emily's imagination.
Amid acrimonious divorce proceedings, Louise (Blythe Danner) unwittingly puts her life in danger when she contests the prenuptial agreement she signed before marrying attorney Arthur Jamison (Anthony Hopkins). He plans to kill her to resolve the situation. Armed with information on how her cheating husband conducts his business and personal affairs, she demands more money from him -- but will Arthur have the final word?
The John Wesley Powell expedition of 1869 explores the dangerous Colorado River, withstands internal dissension, and finally discovers the Grand Canyon.