Filmul este o adaptare a unui roman științifico-fantastic foarte popular în țările Europei de Est („Picnic la margine de drum” de Arkadi și Boris Strugatki) și folosește procedeele specifice genului - din nou un fenomen misterios, poate de origine extraterestră, care ar materializa dorințele cele mai intime ale exploratorilor săi păcătoși - pentru a pune întrebări fundamentale despre umanitate, memorie, dorință și disperare.
A lonely Parisian woman comes to terms with her isolation and anxieties during a long summer vacation.
Anglia în anii 1950: Omul de afaceri de succes Robin Cavendish și frumoasa și extraordinara Diane Blacker se îndrăgostesc și se căsătoresc. Când cei doi așteaptă copii, viața lor pare perfectă. Dar viețile lor sunt răsturnate când Robin, în vârstă de 28 de ani, devine paralizat de la gât în jos după ce a contractat o infecție. În ciuda tuturor, Diane este alături de soțul ei. Împreună se confruntă cu toate dificultățile posibile și astfel îi inspiră pe cei din jur.
The dialogue-less film follows the major life stages of a castaway on a deserted tropical island populated by turtles, crabs and birds.
A smart high school student falls in love with her English teacher after she receives one-on-one tutoring from him.
Un șarpe demonic se trezește la viață, iar maeștrii Yin-Yang trebuie să dezlege misterul unei crime și să lupte împotriva unei conspirații întunecate la curtea regală.
Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She invites her six friends, Prof, Melody, Mac, Fantasy, Kung Fu, and Sweet, to join her. The girls soon discover that there is more to the old house than meets the eye.
Două nave comerciale chinezești au fost atacate pe râul Mekong și 13 membri ai echipajelor au fost uciși. Polițiștii tailandezi au găsit 900.000 de pastile de amfetamine pe nave. Această nouă captură a șocat China. Gao Gang, liderul Corpului Narcotice în provincia Yun Nan a fost repartizat pentru a conduce o echipă specială pentru a investiga cazul. Colaborând cu un informator, Fanxin Wu, Gao a descoperit că cei 13 membri ai echipajelor au fost uciși cu brutalitate. Gao și Wu decid să lupte pentru dreptate, indiferent de consecințe…
A city boy visits a remote village to find out the reason behind his father's strange death. The locals are watching his every move and are eager to see him leave. As he starts to investigate, the village's sinister secrets begin to unravel.
Un romancier american începe o anchetă la Roma după ce orașul este cutremurat de o serie de crime oribile, similare cu cele din noua sa carte.
A couple decide to relocate from Tokyo to the northern island of Hokkaido where they settle and establish a bakery and café called Mani. One cooks. The other bakes. Everyone walks out happy.
Jake is a quiet, sensitive middle schooler with dreams of being an artist. He meets the affably brash Tony at his grandfather's funeral, and the unlikely pair soon hit it off. The budding friendship is put at risk, however, when a rent dispute between Jake's father, Brian, and Tony's mother, Leonor, threatens to become contentious.
Mizuki’s husband Yusuke went missing for 3 years. He suddenly comes back home one day and asks Mizuki to go on a trip with him. Their trip consists of visiting the people that helped Yusuke on his previous travel. While travelling together, Misuki sees, touches and feels what Yusuke did for those 3 years.
A detective investigates a series of murders. A possible serial killer might be on a rampage, since they all are in the same vicinity and by the same method, but as the evidence points toward the detective as the prime suspect, a ghost in red follows him, and he begins to question his identity. His realization of what seems to have really happened results in something much more sinister and larger in scope, and it leaves his psyche scarred.
Filmul îi urmărește pe membrii unei familii care își petrec vacanța într-o cabană retrasă. Când tatăl trebuie să se întoarcă neapărat la muncă, își lasă copiii, pe Aidan și Mia, în grija noii sale iubite, Grace. Izolați și singuri, un viscol îi obligă să stea în cabană pe măsură ce evenimente terifiante aduc la suprafață demoni din trecutul întunecat al lui Grace.
Haiti, 1962: A man is brought back from the dead only to be sent to the living hell of the sugarcane fields. In Paris, 55 years later, at the prestigious Légion d’honneur boarding school, a Haitian girl confesses an old family secret to a group of new friends - never imagining that this strange tale will convince a heartbroken classmate to do the unthinkable.
Lake is in a straight relationship with Desiree but finds himself becoming attracted to men at the pool. When he cannot control his desires any longer, he starts working at an adult home and begins a relationship with a much, much older man.
A recent college graduate decides to sell marijuana on the streets of Manhattan after losing his job at a consulting firm. He soon meets the girl of his dreams. With an unsupportive girlfriend, an increase of clienteles, and the growing threats of being caught or killed, he soon realizes he is in way over his head.
The story of Leon, an antiques collector who inherits a house from his estranged mother only to discover that she had been living in a shrine devoted to a mysterious cult. Soon, Leon comes to suspect that his mother's oppressive spirit still lingers within her home and is using items in the house to contact him with an urgent message.
Trained KGB assassin, Edward Genn (code name ICARUS), worked years ago as a sleeper agent in America. But when the Soviet Union collapsed, he quickly found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to escape his muddled existence, Edward tries to start over. He assumes a new identity, starts a family and tries to start his own legitimate business that could potentially pull him out of his world of being a hitman.