Director Agnès Varda and photographer/muralist JR journey through rural France and form an unlikely friendship.

Iki širdies gelmių sukrečiančioje dramoje pasakojama iš pažiūros paprasta istorija: tėvų kova dėl nepilnamečio sūnaus globos. Miriam yra pasiruošusi padaryti bet ką, kad nei jai, nei sūnui Žiuljenui nebereikėtų susidurti su vaiko tėvu Antuanu. Vyras teisme įrodo esąs rūpestingas, be pagrindo apšmeižtas smurtavimu, todėl teismo nuosprendžiu vaiko globa atitenka abiem tėvams. Draskomas augančio tėvų konflikto Žiuljenas rizikuos savo saugumu, kad apsaugotų tai, kas likę iš šeimos. Nepastebimos kasdienės detalės ilgainiui prabyla apie užgniaužtą baimę ir giliai tūnančią grėsmę. Venecijos kino festivalyje už geriausią režisūrą apdovanotas „Sūnaus globa“ yra „Oskarui“ nominuoto režisieriaus trumpametražio „Prieš viską prarandant“ tęsinys.

Two children, Ignacio and Enrique, know love, the movies and fear in a religious school at the beginning of the 1960s. Father Manolo, director of the school and its professor of literature, is witness to and part of these discoveries. The three are followed through the next few decades, their reunion marking life and death.

Signė ir Tomas yra nepagydomi narcizai. Jie negali pakęsti, kai vakarėlio svečių akys nėra nukreiptos į juos. Kad atsidurtų dėmesio centre, gali griebtis bet ko. Nesumokėti už maistą restorane? Lengvai. Pavogti kėdę iš parduotuvės? Jokių bėdų! Problemos prasideda, kai Tomas surengia kelias sėkmingas parodas ir sulaukia žiniasklaidos dėmesio. Jausdama, kad liko partnerio šešėlyje, Signė karštligiškai ieško išeities ir pradeda gerti baisų šalutinį poveikį turinčius vaistus. „Bloga nuo savęs“ yra baisiai šlykšti ir šlykščiai juokinga satyra apie žmones, kurių niekas nesugebėtų pamėgti. Bet reikia būti aklam, kad neatpažintum juose savęs.

Milo is aging, he is planning his daughter's 25th birthday, and his shipment of heroin turns out to be 10,000 pills of ecstasy. When Milo tries to sell the pills anyway, all Hell breaks loose and his only chance is to ask for help from his ex-henchman and old friend Radovan.

In a remote village in Karelia, Sergeant Vaskov commands an anti-aircraft unit that protects a rail depot. While his men are transferred to the front line, he is reprimanded for their unruly behavior. He retorts that he wants replacements that aren't drunks or womanizers. In response, he is assigned a unit made up entirely of young women, fresh from training.

Soccer is an alien world for Walter Vismara, an unfamiliar terrain he's always avoided. But when his job hangs in the balance, he's thrust into the role of goalkeeper by his soccer-obsessed boss. Forced into a relentless routine of practice sessions and taunts, Walter finds himself trapped in a nightmare. His troubles escalate when he discovers his beloved in the arms of his archenemy, adding a personal dimension to his challenges. Determined to prove his worth, Walter devises a plan: to play the fool outwardly while secretly honing his skills. As he navigates this comedic yet challenging journey on the soccer field, will Walter emerge victorious and finally earn the respect he deserves?

1901 m. Čilėje trys raiteliai gauna algą už didelės valdos apsaugą. Britų kareivio ir amerikiečio samdinio draugijoje dirbantis maišytos rasės snaiperis pradeda galvoti, kad tikroji jo misija – žudyti vietinių žmonių bendruomenę.

„Šviesos imperija“ – tai galinga ir jaudinanti „Oskarą“ pelniusio režisieriaus Samo Mendeso istorija apie žmonių ryšį ir kino magiją devintojo dešimtmečio pradžioje Anglijos pajūrio miestelyje.

During shopping for Christmas, Frank and Molly run into each other. This fleeting short moment will start to change their lives, when they recognize each other months later in the train home and have a good time together. Although both are married and Frank has two little kids, they meet more and more often, their friendship becoming the most precious thing in their lives.

On a rainy London night in 1946, novelist Maurice Bendrix has a chance meeting with Henry Miles, husband of his ex-mistress Sarah, who abruptly ended their affair two years before. Bendrix's obsession with Sarah is rekindled; he succumbs to his own jealousy and arranges to have her followed.

Po netikėtos nelaimės jauna mergina su dviem draugais atsiduria atviroje jūroje. Juos išgelbėja žvejybinio laivo kapitonas, tačiau jie dar nežino, kad tai ne pabaiga.

Le Ying has stayed at home for many years doing nothing. After graduating from college and working for a period of time, Le Ying chose to withdraw from society and not held contact with her social circle. This was the best way she believed to "reconcile" with herself. One day, due to several "tricks" of fate, she decided to change her life.She met boxing coach Hao Kun. Just when she thought her life was about to get on the right track, life tests her again.

A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.

Vincent was born near Paris, but has cut off every link with his roots. Maria, fifteen years younger, grew up in Ostia, but no longer sees her family. Together they form a couple that does not seem to need anyone. They lead a secluded life in contemporary Rome, indolent and distracted. Furthermore, Vincent and Maria are good at blending in with their environment. When they return home, they make love with the passion of young lovers in a suburban apartment that she has carefully furnished. Yet, on closer inspection, their everyday life betrays what lies behind their seemingly normal appearance: a project carried out by him with a clear determination and accepted by her only by virtue of unconditional love. A plan to help couples who cannot have children. Maria decides that it is time to create a real family. This choice has an inevitable consequence: the rebellion against Vincent, the man of her life.

The relationships of three men are examined through their use of technology.

Just as the disheveled and alcoholic filmmaker Ismaël embarks on a difficult new film project, his life is sent into a tailspin. His wife Carlotta, presumed dead for 20 years, come crashing back into his life creating chaos in his work and his current romantic relationship with the starry-eyed astronomer Sylvia.

One Monday morning Katya, Vika and Zhanna learn that there will be a school disco, their first disco, on the coming Saturday night. The girls feverishly start preparing for the event, which rapidly becomes the most important moment ever in their universe, and looks like the ideal way to escape their daily lives...

George is the scapegoat of his classmates. One day he cracks and shoots them. His best and only friend Blaise is accused in his place and sentenced to 7 years in a psychiatric hospital. At the day of his release, Blaise realizes he only has one family: his best friend George. But he does not want to hear about his childhood friend, as he tries to integrate with the “Chivers” a gang whose members wear red jackets and boots, drink milk, drive sport trucks and play an incomprehensible and violent game that mixes cricket and mental arithmetic.

Molly Hartley (Haley Bennett) jau suaugusi, tačiau joje vis dar gyvena siaubingas demonas. Praėjus šešeriems metams po mokyklos baigimo, Molly atskleidžia, kad jos siela velniui buvo atiduota pasirašius slaptą sutartį. Ji įtariama žmogžudyste ir yra laikoma psichiatrinėje ligoninėje, kur su antgamtiškomis jėgomis sukelia sumaištį tarp darbuotojų ir pacientų. Vienintelė Molly viltis yra dvasininko titulą praradęs kunigas (Devon Sawa), kuris turi išgelbėti Molly gyvybę, kol neįvyko siaubinga jos transformacija.