Imagine bad news. Really bad news. The kind of news that calls everything into question. That's what happened to Olivier Goy one morning in December 2020. He was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Charcot's disease. In one sentence, the simplified diagnosis fell: he probably had only three years to live and no treatment. But Olivier has decided to ignore this countdown. He intends to live life to the fullest, in spite of his handicap, and make the most of every second. We follow his new daily life, as a committed entrepreneur with a passion for technology, as a father concerned about preserving his cocoon, as a patient with an incurable disease.
罗伯图(石天 饰)和母亲生活在纽约的唐人街,年届三十的罗伯图风流成性毫无成家的打算,老母不能忍受他的浪荡下了逼他与中国姑娘结婚的最后通牒。罗伯图只得返回香港,投奔姑妈,与表弟张大个儿(曾志伟 饰)展开追女计划。大个儿痴迷女明星林小霞(张天爱 饰),存心在表弟面前炫耀的罗伯图展示国外追女先进经验,以保龄球对决赢得接近林小霞的资格,二人自此打得火热,大个儿中计反被晾在一边。餐厅服务生阿花(刘蓝溪 饰)对罗伯图一见钟情,后者也借机与阿花接触,岂料被林小霞看破,拂袖而去,罗伯图尽力挽回和女明星的关系,同时阿花也在父亲的教授下对罗伯图开展了一场倒追好戏。
An entire overview of the global and culture phenomenon franchise, The Hunger Games series.
A small dog makes every effort to bring a lonely man and a beautiful woman together.
Christian Slater is a stranger who comes to a small town. The local citizens think he's up to no good. After bothering him for a while, he blurts out in frustration, that he is there to kill himself.
老警官宝权将参与贩毒的妻子抓获归案,不 料妻子自杀。其女子弹因此对父亲怀恨在心,离家出走,并结识了一伙放浪子。 黑帮分子大丧一心想当黑帮老大,屡屡挑衅闹事。大丧之兄钱宝强奸了子弹的好友阿美,子弹、彩蝶为替阿美报仇,与大丧一伙展开了激烈搏杀。激战中,子弹不幸惨遭杀害,宝权为救女儿也倒在了血泊中。
A mad man, Spyros, wants to marry Marianna, his lively sister. He wants to give her a dowry apartment, but his money is not enough for that. So he has to ask for a loan from his boss. The boss refuses to serve him but as soon as he knows Marianna, he changes his mind. Spyros tries to think of Marianna, who is smirked for his boss's mistress, but he only manages to lose his job. He wants to marry her with the poor and honest electrician Manolis, who is in love with her.
The twinbrothers Sietse and Hielke Klinkhamer want to raise money for their ill friend, Marieke.
In this light-hearted experiment, Professor Moholy-Nagy demonstrates differences in sound produced by arbitrary manipulation of the soundtrack. The optical soundtrack has been re-photographed to appear on the screen as the corresponding sound is heard.
年轻的陈秋水(陈坤 饰)为少女王碧云(徐若瑄 饰)的弟弟雨萌当家庭教师,他清朗潇洒,有一套快乐的学习方法,两人一起唱歌学英文,简单快乐,很快就堕入爱河。然而陈秋水是左翼人士,为避难必须逃往大陆。虽然似乎是短暂的离别,但秋水离去前仍与王碧云私定终生,发誓矢志不渝。 但离别似乎很漫长 。秋水甚至与台湾失去了联络,但等待和思念仍埋在他的心中。部队护士王金娣(李冰冰 饰)对他坦言爱意,并展开追求。战争结束后,王金娣跟随秋水调至西藏,一路照顾无微不至。秋水亦多次寻碧云未果,决定把旧情藏于心底,不辜负决心随他的王金娣,二人成婚,但命运的嘲弄却在不远处。 秋水不知道,身在台湾的王碧云,终身未嫁,一生都在等待。
阿英(许冠英 饰)和肥波(古国华 饰)两人自小一起长大,情同手足;长大后,两人一起到了汽水厂里当了维修工。虽然收入卑微,家境贫寒,但是两人却也其乐融融。一日,两人合伙一起买六合彩,不料真的中了头奖,两个穷光蛋一夜间变成了百万富翁。 当红影星琪琪(陈琪琪 饰)一直是阿英的梦中情人,有钱后的阿英很快和她交上了朋友。岂料琪琪看中的只是阿英的钱,看出了端倪的肥波多次劝诫阿英,被迷得晕头转向的阿英没有听从肥波劝告,反而觉得肥波在嫉妒自己,两个好友由此交恶。琪琪骗得阿英所有财产后,忽然消失了,阿英刹那间又变回了穷光蛋……
The story of Monica Chowdry, a National Spelling Bee champ…from 15 years ago. Life hasn’t quite panned out as expected for Monica since her big win. When her estranged older brother returns home to help care for their sick mother, the siblings must find a way to reconcile.
Alex, a struggling painter, is going through a particularly bad patch. Dumped by his girlfriend and unable to get work, Alex finds his life taking a rare upswing when he moves into a new apartment and falls for his neighbor, Lori. But when things start to go wrong between Alex and Lori, their close proximity to each other proves to have an enormous downside, leading to further amusing antics.