E se mostrar soluções, contar uma história positiva, fosse a melhor forma de resolver as crises ecológicas, económicas e sociais que atravessam o nosso mundo? Após a publicação de um estudo que anuncia a possibilidade do desaparecimento da humanidade até 2100, Cyril Dion e Mélanie Laurent partiram com uma equipa de quatro pessoas, para investigar em dez países aquilo que poderá provocar esta catástrofe e, sobretudo, como evitá-la.

Na Holanda ocupada pelos nazistas, Otto Frank e sua família decidiram se esconder, devido às crescentes perseguições contra os judeus. O empresário Kraler e seu assistente Miep preparam um esconderijo nos quartos que ficam em cima de seu local de trabalho, e combinam com os Franks e outra família, os Van Daan, para ficar lá. Mais tarde, a eles se junta o dentista Dussel. Juntos, eles tentam evitar serem detectados, enquanto esperam a Holanda ser libertada pelos Aliados. Por isso satisfazer as necessidades básicas pode se tornar um desafio, e até mesmo pequenos incidentes poderia apresentar um sério risco de serem descobertos. Baseado no diário de Anne Frank, e na peça de teatro que foi adaptado a partir dele:

Josh é um menino de sete anos que, de modo inato, revela um extraordinário talento para jogar xadrez, aprendendo o jogo simplesmente ao ver outros jogarem. O seu pai, um jornalista desportivo, procura incentivá-lo a jogar e a desenvolver o seu talento, apercebendo-se de que tem em mãos um talento em bruto. Mas Josh continua a ser uma criança, sentindo-se inseguro quanto à hipótese de perder, às expectativas criadas em torno de si pelo seu entusiástico pai, e quanto à vida que quer para si.

After ten years of doing nothing, Orel and Gringe are in their mid 30s and they struggle to finish their first rap album. Their texts are mostly sex jokes and booze stories and reflect the everyday life they have in a small town from France. The problem is that they never really finished a song and when their producers want to meet, they have to face a new challenge : finish their first song in the next 24h. Their old issues, the fear of failure, their alcoholic friends and annoying girlfriends won't help them to do so, or will they ?

Maggie, uma mulher de meia-idade, tem de encontrar uma maneira de ter dinheiro suficiente para pagar os tratamentos médicos que irão salvar a vida do seu neto Olly. Quando vê o anúncio "anfitriã precisa-se", Maggie ingenuamente tropeça no clube de sexo da cidade. A descrição do trabalho é uma verdadeira surpresa para a respeitável viúva de meia-idade, mesmo não sendo ela uma puritana. Mas a inexperiente Maggie aceita isto como a maneira mais rápida para obter o dinheiro que tanto precisa. Maggie tem um começo difícil na "Sexy World", mas o dono, Miki, revela um carinho pela dócil Maggie, e transforma-a na muito pretendida e lucrativa Irina Palm.

Fifteen-year-old Suzanne seeks refuge from a disintegrating family in a series of impulsive, promiscuous affairs. Her fulsome sexuality further ratchets up the suppressed passions of her narcissistic brother, insecure mother and brooding, authoritarian father.

Vincent Machot knows his life by heart. He shares it between his hair dressing salon, his cousin, his cat, and his too-invasive mother. But life sometimes holds surprises, even for the most prudent of people... He crosses paths with Rosalie Blum by accident. She is a mysterious and solitary woman whom he is sure he has already met. But where? Intrigued, he decides to follow her everywhere, in the hope of knowing more about her.

In this WW2 epic comedy – in the vein of “La Grande Vadrouille” – our two heroes, Max and Léon, two lazy and partier pals, will try by all possible means to avoid going in the battle zone… This will lead the duo to demented and wild adventures.

The suicide of a prominent wine producer unleashes a series of mysterious murders.

Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.

Quando Natalie, uma estudante universitária, se encontra no meio de uma série de crimes sádicos, inspirados em mitos urbanos, resolve procurar a verdade mas rapidamente descobre que está na mira de um louco assassino.

Okay, Marie is a little tired of the insouciance of her husband Sam, framework sup unemployed for 2 years. Agree, it is very tempted to be seduced by this beautiful stranger who made him the Court. Okay, there is also the daughter piano competition... If this balance light and crazy about standing, an unexpected event throws the family on an even crazier way.

Um grupo de jovens ingleses vai até uma cabana isolada, para uma festa. Em vez da diversão que procuravam, encontram um psicopata que quer vingar-se da morte do irmão - um rapaz que cometeu suicídio após ser humilhado num jogo de «Verdade ou Consequência».

Isabelle, HR of a large cruise company, made the mistake of choosing her boss as a lover. Before embarking on the maiden voyage of the new flagship of the fleet, though, he decided to disembark from their relationship! Some women take their revenge by poison, firearm, or slander. Isabelle chooses Remy a flamboyant, unemployed ne'er-do-well who flunked out in life on land, but after all is said and done, might have better luck at sea... She recruits him as leader of her plot and on this Palace of the Seas, Remy will first prove to be the worst nightmare of the CEO and Richard, the Cruise Director...then, little by little, he will change his life and that of all those who cross his path...

Michel compra um álbum de jazz e decide passar uma tarde tranquila em sua casa, ouvindo música. Mas nada vai sair conforme planejado: sua mãe liga para ele sem parar, uma festa no prédio traz uma porção de inconvenientes, um vizinho vem avisar sobre um vazamento, o filho aparece sem ter avisado, e a esposa decide fazer uma revelação bombástica.

After a groundbreaking presidential election, Jeff Tuche becomes the new President of France and moves in the Elysee with his family to govern the country.

Faced with the insistence of his brother Joseph, whom he has not seen for 25 years, Paolo resolves to give up his calm and harmonious life in Canada, to return to Marseilles at the bedside of his rugged father. He left, therefore, with his son under his arm, determined not to linger in that city which he had fled years before, after a tragedy. He does not imagine that the affection of his newfound family, his love affair with a young woman and the joyful and simple solidarity of the Marseillais will reconcile him with this city he would never have wanted to leave...Marseillle.

Kye is a prisoner of war caught between two armies that he doesn't believe in. When offered an opportunity for freedom, Kye sets out on one last rescue mission only to become stranded when his ship crash lands. Kye soon realises that the deadliest creature on the desert moon is himself.

Stuck in the corridors of time, Godefroy de Montmirail and his faithful servant Jacquouille are projected to a time of profound political and social upheavals: the French Revolution... specifically, The Terror, time of great dangers, during which the descendants of Godefroy and Jacquouille had their castle and all their property confiscated by arrogant aristocrats, fleeing and lifes hanging by a thread.

Earthquakes cause a massive polar vortex that covers most of the planet, a family must make their way to a safe zone at the equator.