Adam Ondra has been considered the best climber in the history of climbing for several years now. Even though he is only 19. Despite the fact that he is studying at a demanding grammar school, he is maybe the most traveling and definitely the most watched climber of today. It is almost an impossible task to combine and manage top sporting performances on the rocks, a difficult studying and the never ending carousel of competitions, interviews, festivals and slide-shows. Adam is taking his A level exams in a few weeks. Even though he is a top student, he decides not to go to university. Instead, he and 3 of his friends are setting on a long journey to the unknown north of Europe. Remote areas of Norway and Sweden are hiding some undiscovered climbing and natural treasures. The first really FREE journey beyond the limits of human possibilities may begin...
The Hobbit Enigma examines one of the greatest controversies in science today: what did scientists find when they uncovered the tiny, human-like skeleton of a strange creature, known to many as the Hobbit, on the Indonesian island of Flores in 2003?
Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.
Shaggyho strýko synovcovi odkázal značné dedičstvo v ukrytých šperkoch. Scooby a Scrappy sa k nemu pridávajú, aby sa pustili do pátrania, ktoré ich vedie rôznymi padacími dverami a podzemnými tunelmi starého zakliateho zámku Beauregard! Hľadači pokladov sú vystrašení duchom Shaggyho strýka, a tak si na pomoc privolajú nadprirodzené stvorenia, bratov Boových.
John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.
In a village on the French-Belgian border, a smuggler named Sylvain falls in love with the pretty Pascaline, which infuriates Germaine, his mistress. The jealous woman reports Sylvain to the police. As a result, the young man gets hurt during a night chase. Fortunately Pascaline offers him hospitality and looks after him.
Sawako Kuronuma looks miserable on the outside, but is actually a positive-minded girl, who looks up to Shota Kazehaya, a sociable and friendly boy. Perceiving Sawako's good intentions, he secretly has feelings for her. Sawako meets Kazehaya and makes her first friends, Chizuru and Ayane but in comes Kurumi proclaiming her love for him... Will Sawako and Kazehaya ever find out about each other's feelings?
A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.
Kathiresan aka Kaththi, a criminal, escapes from the Kolkata prison and comes to Chennai, where he comes across his doppelganger Jeevanandham, fighting for his life after being shot at by unknown men. Kathir decides to pass off as Jeeva and make away with a lump sum amount but once he realizes who Jeeva really is, Kathir turns a crusader.
Všetci obyvatelia sa snažia urobiť dojem na, priznávame, nie práve tradičnú porotu v talentovej šou Superstar. Napokon, posúďte sami – tvoria ju Shrek, Fiona a... Sám veľký Simon Cowell! Ehm, teda, samozrejme... Jeho animovaná, no nemenej cynická verzia. Tak schválne, dokážete si za takýchto okolností tipnúť najhorúcejšieho kandidáta na víťaza? Konkurencia je naozaj silná – somárik, Kocúr v čižmách, Perníček, princ Krasoň...
The film is a sub-story to Kirikou and the Sorceress rather than a straight sequel. The movie is set while Kirikou is still a child and Karaba is still a sorceress. Like Princes et princesses and Les Contes de la nuit, it is an anthology film comprising several episodic stories, each of them describing Kirikou's interactions with a different animals. It is however unique among Michel Ocelot's films, not only in that it is co-directed by Bénédicte Galup (who has previously worked with him as an animator) but also for each of the stories being written by a different person (in all other cases, Ocelot has been the sole writer and director of his films).
Statočný Balto si vychutnáva rodinný život s milovanou Jeanny a ich krásnymi šteňatami, ktoré sú podarenými kópiami matky, okrem fenky Aleu, ktorá je kríženec huskyho a vlka. Jedného krásneho dňa si ľudia šteňatá rozoberú, o Aleu ale nemá nikto záujem. Tá čoskoro pochopí, že nie je ako ostatné súrodenci, všetci si totiž myslia, že je vlk. Rozhodne sa preto odísť z rodinného hniezda, aby našla vlastný zmysel života. Keď Balto zistí, že Aleu zmizla, rozhodne sa ju nájsť. Než sa opäť stretnú, zažijú veľa dobrodružstiev. Spoločne potom musia čeliť nebezpečenstvám, keď sú napadnutí vlkmi, ktorí ich nechcú nechať odísť a snažia sa ich zatlačiť do mora. Zdá sa, že súboj je neodvratný.
Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan return for their annual round of live Rose Parade coverage. Cord Hosenbeck and Tish Cattigan are no strangers to the iconic New Year’s tradition of the Rose Parade, having covered the event for the past twenty-six years. After a whirlwind year that included traveling abroad to cover the Royal Wedding, the duo are more excited than ever to return to Pasadena. The esteemed Tim Meadows will also return for the festivities.
“We never know how high we are till we are called to rise” could be the motto of this stunningly filmed, high impact and suspenseful motion picture that is based on a true story. Solomon Kalushi Mahlangu is a teenage hawker who is drawn into the liberation movement to fight against an oppressive apartheid South African government. When he and his comrades are accosted by police while on a mission he is charged with two counts of murder. He is in a fight for his life and must prove his innocence.
Garfieldov pán Jon chce požiadať svoju priateľku o ruku. Garfield z tej predstavy nie je ani trochu nadšený a najradšej by tomu zabránil. Keď chce Jon prekvapiť Liz tým, že za ňou príde do Londýna, Garfield spolu s Odiem ujde z útulku a ide do Londýna s ním. Tam potom ujde z hotelovej izby a potuluje sa po meste. Kocúr Princ medzitým po smrti svojej paničky, lady Eleonor, zdedil celé panstvo. Na to si však brúsi zuby lord Dargis, synovec zosnulej barónky, ktorý sa chce nepohodlného kocúra zbaviť. Zavrie ho preto do koša a pošle dolu riekou. Komorník sa ho vyberie hľadať a narazí na Garfielda. Pretože sú si kocúry na nerozoznanie podobní, myslí si, že našiel Princa, a odvezie ho na zámok. Na Princa, ktorý po rieke priplával až do Londýna, zase narazí Jon a považuje ho za Garfielda. Tak sa obaja rozmaznanci vymenia.
Malý bezstarostný rybí kluk se s rodiči přestěhuje na nový korálový útes. Jeho život se změní v okamžiku, kdy mu tátu a mámu chytí do rybářské sítě. Od této chvíle se o sebe musí postarat úplně sám. Naštěstí si na novém místě najde rychle spoustu kamarádů, se kterými vymýšlejí jednu lumpárnu za druhou. Jednoho dne ale spatří Cordelii – tu nejkrásnější rybí slečnu, jakou kdy potkal. Zamiluje se. Ale zdaleka není jediný, komu se Cordelie líbí. Útesu vládne nebezpečný žralok Troy se svou partou stejně zubatých kamarádů. Ten slíbil, že neublíží žádné rybce, když si ho Cordelie vezme. S tím se ale statečný hrdina nehodlá smířit a rozhodne se s Troyem bojovat. Dokáže tak malá rybka získat lásku své vyvolené a zároveň ji i útes ochránit před divokým žralokem?
When a mad scientist mixes the genes of a killer whale and a wolf, it creates the Whalewolf, and it's up to Sharktopus to stop it.
Cartoon Network holds an awards show awarding cartoon excellence.