A bullied teenage girl forms an unlikely friendship with a mysterious young man who protects her from her assailants, while she copes with the pressures of her final examinations.

From the moment she glimpses her idol at the stage door, Eve Harrington is determined to take the reins of power away from the great actress Margo Channing. Eve maneuvers her way into Margo's Broadway role, becomes a sensation and even causes turmoil in the lives of Margo's director boyfriend, her playwright and his wife. Only the cynical drama critic sees through Eve, admiring her audacity and perfect pattern of deceit.

When a rich woman's ex-husband and a tabloid-type reporter turn up just before her planned remarriage, she begins to learn the truth about herself.

A couple falls in love and agrees to meet in six months at the Empire State Building - but will it happen?

A story centered around an Indian family who moves to France and opens a restaurant across the street from a Michelin-starred French restaurant.

After the end of WWII, a young Lithuanian woman and a young Italian man from Stromboli impulsively marry, but married life on the island is more demanding than she can accept.

Tsar Nicholas II, the inept last monarch of Russia, insensitive to the needs of his people, is overthrown and exiled to Siberia with his family.

„Šaltasis karas“. Maskvoje ir Londone kilo baisus sąmyšis. Paslaptingai dingo du modernūs britų ir rusų povandeniniai laivai su branduolinėmis raketomis. Tirti šį reikalą Londonas įpareigoja Džeimsą Bondą, o Maskva į pagalbą siunčia seksualią KGB majorę Anią Amasovą. Vienintelis pėdsakas veda pas žmones, kurie nori parduoti modernų povandeninių laivų ieškiklį. Beprotis Strombergas rengiasi sunaikinti pasaulį pasitelkdamas saulės energiją ir garsą.

An impoverished American sailor is fortunate enough to be passing the house of two rich gentlemen who have conceived the crazy idea of distributing a note worth one million pounds. The sailor finds that whenever he tries to use the note to buy something, people treat him like a king and let him have whatever he likes for free. Ultimately, the money proves to be more troublesome than it is worth when it almost costs him his dignity and the woman he loves.

Tris metus (1764 - 1767 m.) visą Prancūziją drebino mistinis monstras, nužudęs daugiau nei 100-ą žmonių (dauguma iš jų moterys ir vaikai). Karaliaus įsakymu buvo suburta kariuomenė, tačiau niekas nesugebėjo deramai pasipriešinti bjaurios išvaizdos žudikui. Gevaudano provincijos karalius du geriausius savo žmones - ševaljė de Fronsac'ą ir jo draugą Mani - siunčia ištirti paslaptingų žmogžudysčių ir išsiaiškinti, kas yra tas mistiškas žvėris - žudikas...

Rebecca's Uncle Harry leaves her with Aunt Miranda who forbids her to associate with show people. But neighbor Anthony Kent is a talent scout who secretly set it up for her to broadcast.

The Black Rebels Motorcycle Club ride into the small California town of Wrightsville, eager to raise hell. Brooding gang leader Johnny Strabler takes a liking to Kathie, the daughter of the local lawman, as another club rolls into town.

In 1818, high-spirited young Fanny Brawne finds herself increasingly intrigued by the handsome but aloof poet John Keats, who lives next door to her family friends the Dilkes. After reading a book of his poetry, she finds herself even more drawn to the taciturn Keats. Although he agrees to teach her about poetry, Keats cannot act on his reciprocated feelings for Fanny, since as a struggling poet he has no money to support a wife.

Kit Preston begins to unravel when she receives threatening telephone calls informing her she's soon to be murdered.

In the 15th Century, France is a defeated and ruined nation after the One Hundred Years War against England. The fourteen-year-old farm girl Joan of Arc claims to hear voices from Heaven asking her to lead God's Army against Orleans and crowning the weak Dauphin Charles VII as King of France. Joan gathers the people with her faith, forms an army, and conquers Orleans.

A group of unwitting sorority sisters accidentally awaken the serial-killing Leprechaun after they build a sorority house on his hunting grounds.

Anastasia Romanov escapes through a portal when her family is threatened by Vladimir Lenin, and she finds herself in the year 1988, befriended by a young American girl.

Sam Gifford remembers : In prewar years he was an arrogant southern cotton plantation owner, married to the daughter of a colonel. At the beginning of the war he was mobilized with his National Guard unit as a sergeant. Came the day when, revolted by the cowardice of his lieutenant, who had fired at his own men, he hit him. Downgraded, he was sent to a disciplinary battalion. Sam now discovers his new detachment, his new commanding officer, just another cowardly brute, Captain Waco Grimes. While in combat, Sam will gradually become closer to the privates, working-class people he used to despise. He will become another man, a better man.

At a picturesque lakeside estate, a love triangle unfolds between the legendary diva Irina, her lover Boris, and the ingénue Nina.

Baixo Astral, an evil spirit who lives in the sewers, and whose mission is to bring unhappiness to the world, sees Xuxa on TV asking children to fight for a better world. Threatened by those words, he declares war on her and devises a plan: helped by his allies Titica and Morcegão, he kidnaps Xuxo, her dog. Helped by Xixa (a gypsy caterpillar) and Rafa, a rebel teenager, Xuxa goes on a mission to get her dog back and save the world from Baixo Astral.