On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.

Pueng, daughter of a military Colonel, has planned to spend her married life with Mann, a young Lieutenant with a promising future. On the day Martial Law was announced, she received a wedding invitation from a high school friend back in her hometown.

A documentary that explores the history & stories behind the art that helped create the world's most popular role playing game. The movie profiles artists - both past & present - & features former company insiders, game designers, authors, & fans.

Roy and Gabby return to Gabby's Texas ranch, after fighting with the Confederate military during the American Civil War, to find that a blustery Union Colonel whom they have previously hassled is now their district commander. Unbeknownst to the Colonel, however, is that the soldiers he believes have been sent to assist him are actually Union Army rejects who have come to loot the civilian populace under the guise of reinstituting normalcy to the former Confederate district.

Silence dominates the work, as does the screen rectangle, which cuts off the “image” from a life time-space continuum and imposes upon the image its particular character. Within it, there is a play between tonalities, textures, large and small shapes.

It's been two years since John Falk and Frank Wagner broke their cooperation and Frank started working undercover with the police. Frank's search for Kevin crosses Johan's investigation and opens up a new collaboration between them - with the big difference that this time it's personal for Frank.

Tom chases Jerry around a high-rise apartment, and then around the ledge surrounding the building. They torment each other with a compressed air horn. Jerry goes down a drainpipe and Tom follows, stretching himself the length of the pipe (and getting unstuck with help from the air horn).

During a piano lesson with Johnny, Miss Crawly becomes nostalgic about the dancing and romancing of her youth. Johnny convinces her that it's not too late to find someone and helps her setup a profile on a dating website.

An Old traditional Kuwaiti Family, facing and new wife comes to home from Egypt as home maid, this is when the jealousy start between the old wife and the new maid.

Based on the true story of Canadian doctor Norman Bethune, this film traces his life from his beginnings with his deeply religious family in Ontario, through his medical studies in school, where he developed his overwhelming compassion for those less fortunate, and his driving desire to see that they get the medical attention they need. Most of his life after college was spent either working in war zones around Europe or developing new treatment techniques in his home country.

It all began on a couch. He watched her undress and they made love for the first time.

Berlin in the 1960s. Olaf and Horst are two young metalworkers, who provoke their older colleagues with critiques of the antiquated equipment and lack of materials... not to mention their love of leather jackets and motorbikes. Olaf and Horst begin to be targeted in the house newsletter, and the generational conflict escalates.

Three aspiring music artistes endanger their lives after they get into the bad books of a gangster.

암흑가 보스 용은 은퇴를 결심하고 친아들 용이 대신 용감하고 의리를 지킬 줄 아는 용일을 후계자로 점찍는다. 이를 시기한 용이는 용일의 결혼식장을 피투성이로 만들어버리고, 용일은 얼굴에 화상을 입은 부인 아설과 대만을 떠난다. 홍콩으로 건너가 은둔생활을 하던 용일은 깡패두목인 아하와 그의 누나 아려를 알게된다.어느날 아화가 말썽을 일으키는데, 용일은 그 일에 휘말려 정체가 드러나고 만다. 한편, 용일이 홍콩에 나타났다는 소식을 들은 용이는 그를 없애기 위해 홍콩으로 건너와 한바탕 혈전을 벌인다. 그 와중에 아설이 희생되는데...

More than a decade after Avril Lavigne emerged from Napanee, Ontario, with dyed hair, tank tops, skinny ties and a big mouth, the matter of her inner punkishness is settled business. There is none. But Ms. Lavigne always gave great facade, and she still does.

Utopia, the new orchestra of conductor Teodor Currentzis, can be experienced for the first time in Vienna on its inaugural tour with the 1945 version of Igor Stravinsky’s ‘The Firebird’ and Maurice Ravel’s Suite No. 2 of ‘Daphnis et Chloé’, ‘La Valse’ and ‘Boléro’.